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 No.506441[View All]

Aether wins his 50/50
Previous thread: >>491697
492 posts and 81 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The kubrik kino was completely OK. You're over thinking. They're not gonna call because that's what these people do. Nothing to do with you.

I think you're fine dude. Who cares if you nutted too fast. Then you eat her/him out. I've had great sex where I couldn't even get it up, as a top, lol. I still receive messages from one such guy. Other good sex just stays like a one time thing.

You seem cool enough, just not confident in yourself for no good reason, which is also OK, just pointing it out.
Both are made up, you fucking moron. Do you think God came down from the clouds and gave us knowledge about sex? Are you religious? Don't call anyone "anti-material". You have no idea what the words you wield mean. Ask questions instead.


>>525337 (me)
Kinda crazy how Marx is like "bruh, science doesn't just come as objects inherited from the universe, it's a fucking human process lmao, so obvious once you see it. Shout out to a real one, Feuerbach!"

Then marxoids come and are like
>bro, sex is material, gender isn't. Don't be anti-materialist.

How do people "read" Marx and go from liberals to enhanced liberals???


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>"""""bis""""" thinking they're not straggots because they like femboys

Lol, lmfao even


<masc4masc eternally seething


I dont think you quite understand what is depicted in that picture.


Bing Chilling


Sex isnt binary but gender is
You dont get to "choose" your gender, you are given your gender (thats why its "socially constructed, not "personally" constructed).
Isnt this judith butler's whole point? That difference must be given as a contradiction to cisheteronormativity, not as a beacon to its own queer order, but as contradiction in the gender binary itself (which conditions difference as such)? Thinking otherwise is just inverted essentialism.
Almost like "materialism" is dogmatic nonsense?


It's a flat chested woman trying to pass as a man at the beach. It was a Twitter trend some time ago to draw these.


>How do people "read" Marx
They don't. This thread has a notch on the others in that posters don't claim they do while they obviously don't. So let's not start.

Hmmm, interesting… I wonder if there are ways we can influence this genderforming process… hmm……….


Gender roles can change but gender is still the medium of this change, and yes, it is still tied to sex in abstraction
And the point about difference is that you cant have the "queer" as such without norms. There will always be the ingroup and outgroup.
Thats why i say the project of a "queernormativity" is facile. To be "normalised" is to become un-queered by definition.


>Isnt this judith butler's whole point?

You can't be serious lmfao


If you manage to connect the dots, you'll be ahead of most of the retards ITT.


>glownonymous and nazi anon have a circle jerk
this place is going to shit


lol youre dumb as a brick if thats your take

>everyone on tor is the same person

oh youre actually this dumb


just spent a good hour tenderly stretching an unnaturally smooth skinny twink and he even asked for my name by text afterward. i'm so cum drunk i feel stoned and now i remember i have an excuse to smoke bc it's 4/20
did not suck his cock but made him cum twice reaching around. it's cute when a guy has a short fat dick i've decided. idk if i became dramatically more gay recently or if i just haven't had a truly hot dude respond to me online in a while but god damn. dude was really good at kissing but also really passive, i think i just still suck at taking the lead on anything


not what i said


Sounds like a great time, happy for you anon


>How do people "read" Marx and go from liberals to enhanced liberals???
They think they already know everything and are just looking for big words and mine-able quotes to support their opinions they're attached to.


>Desperately want to suck cock and swallow cum
>Go to Grindr
>Dudes either don't respond, or live with family and have no place to meet

I'm starting to become an incel


why? when I had gay séxo recently it didn't involve grindr I just searched my rss feed that covers a bunch of stupid websites
dating apps suck, become the dataminer. found an unnaturally smooth twink dating a tall redheaded woman. if i set out to find that in my life i'd never find it. i could have found a guy to fuck in like 3 seconds though on regular social media like just look for people who are so horny they're gonna die


I don't use regular social media except for fbi.gov, I have no choice but dating apps




I meant d1scord


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had to look that up, and the updoot downdoot ratio speaks volums


yeah urban dictionary really says a lot about our society, so true


lmao Espen Olsen Sætervik very popular concept artist for games went on a tiffy about pronouns and got instantly nuked on twitter. cheers elon


Gonna make myself vulnerable for a moment and admit to something: this is the only thread I check with any regularity. The rest of the site can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.


Okay /lgbt/ I need some advice as a non-homo. So I'm a loner autist with zero friends. I started college and one of my classmates is trans. I'm not bothered by her and we have a good work relationship. Other classmates (her friends) have told me she has a crush on me. I've started noticing she acts different around me compared to others. I have shitty social skills and I've never been on a successful date but I'm also pretty conservative and religious in my personal morality (aside from being a leftist). What should I do? It would be nice to have a friend but I don't know how to go about this without upsetting her or offending her by accident. How do you even date a trans girl? I'm 100% clueless.


>I'm also pretty conservative and religious in my personal morality (aside from being a leftist)
ahahaha lib moment


Just treat her like a human being you're actually interested in and value, that's like 90% of having any kind of romantic relationships


I've been a hiki until now. I've never been in a relationship or gone on a date in my life. I don't know how to act around a trans girl. I'm worried things are already getting awkward and I'll offend her by accident. I'm worried I'll say something that'll upset her. I've never had anyone have a crush on me and I've never interacted with trans people before.


Most trans people are hard to upset. Just worship her and you'll be fine.


Just act like you would with any other girl you liked, it's not like there's a special formula. Trans girls are usually easier to get on with I find because they're more sympathetic to a male kind of thinking.


A few weeks ago, I saw a girl wearing a handkerchief hanging from the side of her trousers. Tall, big hair like the ones being fashionable in the 80s, maybe trans because she gave me a slightly masculine vibe even though she was really attractive and overall feminine. I recalled the handkerchief is some kind of code in gay circles for what kind of stuff someone is into and after some research I could just conclude she must have been passive - she wore it on the right side - but I couldn't determine exactly anything else. It was some shade of pink or pinkish red, but it seems like it could be "blood fetish" or "anything goes" or I don't know what.
Also, if someone shows this hanky panky code in public - it was on public transport - are they fine to be approached or not?


>i think i just still suck at taking the lead on anything
Same. I don't like to feel I pressured someone for sex. I'd rather have them be very explicit about it.
Grindr fucking sucks. I have no luck on that fucking app. I have some luck IRL.
There's weeks where I only check this thread. Hard to keep up recently though.


I'm too autistic to get laid out of apps

My first time irl was like yesterday i sucked an uber driver's cock, it started because I kept looking at his bulge, he realized and kept grabbinh his cock then grabbed my hand and put on his, I wish I swallowed his cum but he asked me to stop sucking because he didn't want to get sticky and dirty, I wish I made him cum and swallowed it but too risky. It was the hottest sex encounter I had since ages


Why should I have to waste time and money on strangers for sexual/romantic phenomena that may not end well?
Its better to invest in imagination.
The problem with most people is that they lack discipline to actively abide with imagination for their aphroditic drive.
They feel entitled to romance and sex by virtue of age rather than ability.


I mean do whatever you want man but you don't have to whine at everyone else for having different opinions and act like you're better than them


fair pont.
but i tire of postpubescent folks always bringing their sexual/romantic deprivation into daily discussion.

I get tired of hearing feminists and incels whining about how society is fucked just because they didnt get the golden boy/girl of their dreams.

I especially get tired of listening to late vicenarian/early tricenarian having some premature miflife crisis due to their prolonged virginity.


Yes well I'm sorry but sex/companionship is extremely important to most people, even if it's not to you.


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dont 4get to save and repost this statistic anytime someone accuses trans people of being self-mutilators with neovaginas


I got a gay piercing done on my ear today :3

Don't be afraid of offending her or bothering her. Just relax and if it happens, which it likely won't, just apologize earnestly and move on. Most trans people don't mind "being offended" as long as the person isn't an asshole and genuinely didn't want to offend the other person.

I have a trans friend and I always misgender her and say problematic shit. She calls me out on it, I acknowledge it, apologize earnestly but quickly and we move on. Not a huge deal.


Well, too many adults dont know how to handle it and the worst is if they have children as byproducts.

I think sex and romanxe are oversold as adulthood entitlements.


If youre talking in terms in terms of looks, it depends.


Do you have grindr? If yes or no, why?


Yes, I do and it says "I'll kill you" in my profile


> I even heard a story once from ireland of parents giving kids to priests as rewards for his place in the community. I'm not really bothered by it. Its just the way the world works

Yet peoppe get offended about kids having Internet access to jack off to hetero porn?


Yes, but solely for straight women to hook me up with randos.

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