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Is it real?


yes, a credible source known to myself that i cannot reveal said that he's a chaser and sucks off trans girls in st. petersburg every weekend


But that's Dasha


point being?


What even is the context? Why is this important, i see a image of putin with a smaller image of another person. This makes no sense to me


The other person is Dasha Nekrasova.


its one of the putin body doubles. he doesn't look the same.


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never knew who she was, but from searching i found she's the one who said i just want healthcare to an infowars reporter


From wikipedia, the best source website in the world:
"While promoting Wobble Palace at the 2018 South by Southwest Festival, her interview with right-wing media outlet InfoWars went viral.[5] She was nicknamed "Sailor Socialism" for expressing her support for Bernie Sanders while dressed in a Japanese schoolgirl outfit resembling Sailor Moon.[5][6] The clip was featured in a segment on Venezuela in an episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.[13]

On March 29, 2018, Nekrasova started the podcast Red Scare with co-host Anna Khachiyan. The show has been associated with the dirtbag left.[14][15][16] It was described in The Cut as "a critique of feminism, and capitalism, from deep inside the culture they’ve spawned."[16] Daily Dot said the show's "schtick" had been summed up by former congressional staffer Simone Norman, as "when hot mean girls become public leftists."[17]




Владимир Владимирович Путин


Ok boys and girls, let me tell you how "reality" works:
>Russian media will say it is fake
<western media will say it is real

Now pick your truth. Or as Dugin correctly said:


First Putin does an interview with Tucker Carlson, now with Dasha?!

Dasha-posters win yet again!


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Would you live in this timeline?


i think it would instantly propel me towards being a nazi hitlerite aimed at completely destroying communism


But what if she gave everyone healthcare like her InfoWars interview?


i'm not an amerifat so i already have healthcare


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Hmph, w-well s-so what - your leader wouldn't be the beautiful angel Dasha!


Just because you dislike the person? Fashion commie poseur.


The cult around this girl reminds me of highschool, how some basic female would be creepily fought over by all her guy friends


Yeah, she is BASIC:


yeah putin loves transwomen


Isnt she like a tradcath larper NRx girl now? Part of the moldbug mafia? She's got the bronze age mindset?


She's not tradcath. She's a Slovak Ruthenian Greek Orth in the Byzantine rites.

>Nekrasova rolled her eyes. “I am not a traditional Catholic,” she said. “I’m a Slovak Ruthenian Greek Orth in the Byzantine rites.”


As for the rest, that's just podcast stuff I think.


Wow she's very special, not like those other Christians.


Dayum, not even rosa Luxembourg? Margret snatcher? Queen Elizabeth Tudor?


Nah Ayn Rand was genuine because her family was rich in russia or something and then the bolsheviks redistributed her mansion or something so she started seething nonstop.



tradorth who cares


always knew he was daddy


holy fuck I can post images on tor now. thank you based people's champions


Do you think Dasha looks more like a cat or a dog?

I think she looks like my wife.



She's a goddess.


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I found partially-nude feet.
I agree. Yet Dasha threads often get derailed or met with negative reaction. This is probably because no matter what we write about Dasha's beauty, it will always be too little.. Her beauty is too intimidating for us, so we instinctively change the subject .. ;-))


I used to be a hater but now I see the beauty. how I was so blind. now I know the truth.


Mid tier becky


While I do congratulate you on realizing Dasha's beauty, I must also intervene:
<IMBORNONE: What do you think about masturbation?
>NEKRASOVA: I think it’s a sin. [Laughs]. It’s spiritually depleting.
Dasha would not approve of gooning. Study Dasha thought, follow her teachings and act according to her instructions.

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Luke 23:34 NIV


The most obviously contrived bullshit ever. I remember trying to give it a shot and they took FOREVER to get their thoughts across on a makeup kit that was obviously product placement. Shockingly their cutest trollina provocations don't stretch out well into podcast content.


This "girl" is never going to pass, keep your ewhores to yourself


You cannot convince me that someone isn't getting paid to promote her on here. It's too persistent, and acts too much like a salesman pushing a product.
Like how many times have you seen this exact thread with these exact talking points being saged by a lukewarm reception at best? Every x week for several years?


shes so pretty, are you stupid?


To be fair I think it could also just be genuine autism


she doesnt age lmao


/isg/ thread


does anybody have the video of her flashing her phone with her tiny boobs at like a rave or something? i saw it on r/cumtown a few years ago and have been trying to find it ever since


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sounded funny so I went to look
it is indeed funny


funniest bit


>because he's socialist
damb, i wonder if shes taken that back yet? also was she the first leftist to use "brain worms" as an insult? i don't think i ever heard that used in leftist circles before this clip blew up


bump incase anyone has it, i really want to see it again


>basic female would be creepily fought over by all her guy friends
Pick me girls have discovered politics…a catastrophe for the working class
>Masturbation is spiritually depleting.
<Trump thinks that exercising too much uses up the body’s ‘finite’ energy
Reactionaries are the only honest liberals, who all have 18th century pseudoscience beliefs about economics and politics.


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idk why people like this clip so much. both the infowars woman and dasha are insufferable and bad at making points


she looks like progressively more emaciated lol


It's the heroin


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the 2 paths you can go as a fetal alcohol syndrome sufferer


chapo check


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chapo check confirmed


the desperate trying to get some "gotcha" from the interviewer is pretty obvious and embarrassing, and on the contrary Id say dasha is doing pretty well
somehow im pretty sure you would have embarrassed socialists much more were you in her place. Responding to aggressive bad faith argumentation like this unprompted and in front of a camera isnt easy.


Historic Meeting Between Dasha Nekrasova and Kim Jong Un Marks New Era of Diplomacy

In a landmark event, Dasha Nekrasova, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), met with Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). This high-profile encounter signifies a significant step towards bolstering diplomatic relations between the two nations.

The meeting, held in Pyongyang, DPRK's capital, was characterized by an atmosphere of mutual respect and diplomatic camaraderie. Both leaders engaged in discussions aimed at enhancing bilateral cooperation and fostering greater understanding between their respective nations.

Nekrasova's visit to Pyongyang underscores the growing importance of diplomatic engagement in today's global landscape. As the head of one of the world's prominent communist parties, her presence symbolizes the commitment to dialogue and cooperation in pursuit of peace and stability.

This historic encounter holds the promise of ushering in a new era of collaboration between the CPSU and the WPK, laying the groundwork for future diplomatic endeavors aimed at advancing common interests and promoting regional stability.


I agree

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