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File: 1713076225882.jpg (9.87 KB, 226x223, images.jpg)


ITT: We pretend we're from 2012 reddit and that today is our first day on leftypol


Where the fuck is the upvote button??? Are we gonna have to doxx these chvds?


Bad in 2012 people still knew that dox is written with just a single x and chvd was not in use yet.


How do I make a new subreddit here?


Ohh no nooo narwhal bacon bros!!!! Why can't i find my hecking de leonist flair on this leftist site?!!


Don't look at this guys post history in r/jailbait. Just wow.


File: 1713083977349.png (25.33 KB, 968x120, reddit_moment.png)

not even his worst posts


hello girl, just wanted to let you know i came to your profile picture


Thanks for the heads up, /u/MoldyCumSockSandwich!


Why AREN'T you voting for Obama?! Don't you realise this is the most IMPORTANT election of our lives?!


Ron Paul 2012!


File: 1713086560868.jpg (107.84 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

If there's dialectics, what about monoloectics or trialectics?
Is more -lectic more gooder?






Wow, thank you! I wouldn't have figured out how to make my shitware ethercrap usb adapter stop crashing the local network otherwise.




File: 1713089115222.jpg (5.16 KB, 152x331, haz.jpg)

ELI5 who is this guy and why is he posted everywhere on this website? Is he some kind of geopolitical expert? Also why are there threads full of pictures of women being violent with most of the replies being 'gem' or 'meds'?


File: 1713089599746.png (1.36 MB, 1104x3045, phishing_for_shill_ips.png)

did we summon actual reddit bots?
DATAMINING LINK: DO NOT CLICK https://grabify.link/7SFXX5



File: 1713091329162.png (37.02 KB, 1218x182, ipgrab.png)

>>523121 is probably some kind of bot or tool-assisted glowie.
Not even a Brazilian Opera user who didn't lurk would be so dumb as to follow a fully disclosed datamining link. The first entry is a test from my ip.


> Brazilian Opera user
Welp that is me


google bookchin


File: 1713092720254.gif (1008.23 KB, 475x267, Russelbreakdown.gif)

KONY 2012


523121 is definitely acting like a bot. I'm not samefagging i promise.


File: 1713093280584.png (277.98 KB, 1389x915, ipgrab.png)

forgot pic


I bet there is something cool in the link and you are just tricking us so we don't get to see cool stuff.


It redirects to http://ai.


Is everyone here a former reddit user?


Why is Archive.org running Safari on Windows and Linux?




You can easily spoof the user agent. Some crawlers do this to avoid being identified as crawlers. The addresses are all reported to belong to subdomains of archive.org.


Have you guys heard the new speech by Christopher Hitchens? God he is so enlightened unlike my parents who make me go to church on sunday! Gosh I hope i'm not the only one!


File: 1713100219396.png (142.5 KB, 1383x668, ipgrab.png)

That's it. We have somewhat probable evidence leftypol is habitually monitored by some sort of bot or glowie. I'm removing the link now.


calling rightoids chvds started on r/chaptotraphouse circa 2017. 2012 reddit libs were mostly paleoconservative, libertarian, and neoliberal american dweebs.


I didnt lurk reddit before two years ago so my understanding is pretty recent. Even now it's only worldnews, collapse and 196 for the lulz


collapse can be a bit silly at times but the weekly observation threads are one of my favorite places on the whole site


It's bot that creates the site index for yandex search. As for the lack of google, bing and duckduckgo bots, i would assume they put leftypol on a list where it's polled less often or their crawlers work differently.


File: 1713119536623.png (9.44 KB, 842x88, ClipboardImage.png)

> Bot: spider
It's urlxray.com, a site I used to check where the link redirects without having to click it.



did nazi that coming

Unique IPs: 19

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