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 No.524100[Last 50 Posts]

For all your life issues.
Previous: >>510845


Lol the original image accurately portrays a BBC. One of your /pol/ incel buddies has edited this version of the image so that the dick is pale.


why do you retards torture yourselves with dumb infographics


Should have used Watamote opening as OP video instead, such a banger.


Its kind of funny how I am insecure about pretty much every facet of my life, except the one where insecurity among men is the most common.


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Tomoko thread: >>>/anime/731


watamote is fucking shit


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ive searched for this word all over the internet using multiple search engines including but not limited to google, bing, duckduckgo, and all returned 0 results, then i used a highly advance AI to search through the entire human bibliography with over 500 terabytes of data containing books, writings and scripts from the ancient world all the way to modern blog comments, this took of course a very heavy toll on my NASA supercomputer and it spent over 3 hours searching for the words "bwc" in this detailed database of the human experience and, once again, im afraid that no result came up. unsatisfied, still, i used my supercomputer to display a message across thousands of lightyears into space asking any potential alien species for the meaning of these words "bwc", this tireless search proved fruitful, however, the aliens replied to me in a most unusual way, simply asking me "did you mean bbc?"


autism be like


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>women realizing that llms make for better conversation partners than them
Once they figure out how to integrate it with a robot body it's over for femoids.



if you think chatgpt is a better conversation partner than a real human being i think that just means you have a low I.Q


i mean if an AI partner is enough to satisfy you then a) more power to you and b) good riddance, pick either or both, whatever suits you


She says that then she meets me after I pull up in my Toyota Camry irl and re-thinks the whole AI thing.


People who constantly whine about incels are more annoying than the incels themselves. Like I get hating blackpills but incels aren't the root of every problem.


That one is so fake, yes the vagina dialates a bit when the woman is aroused, but it doesn't shoot up pushing all the other guts out of the way.


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It's over for Christcels.


What a faggot lol


Hey guys it's Dengoid Illegalist again, I've been back to plowing my ex who called the cops on me like two years ago for not packing my stuff up fast enough when she told me to gtfo and now she's retroactively rescinding consent for all the times we've smashed recently because she was "under the influence of marijuana" and we didn't always do explicitly consent. So in hindsight she "feels uncomfortable with what we did". Also the fat boomer who owns the gas station near her house tried to attack me for leaving in the middle of a transaction he couldn't figure out even though he had no chance. I just walked away tho. I feel like people are pretty on edge recently, but I'm pretty chill because I watch Nasrallah videos and I know it's not the end of the world as we know it. Not the first time she's completely 180'd on me, I'm just gonna wait and not say anything. Should I send an apology? That seems like admitting I was trying to pressure her and that's just not true I like to sit around watching movies. Ah well


He's jealous if that's real. But it just reeks of a writer practicing on Reddit. It's one of the easier levels of building up your skills by hoaxing. It doesn't challenge you and it tempts you to write horrible, the way Reddit loves.


As a Christian myself, I think a lot of zoomers are making the classic mistake of viewing the world from the Bible and not the other way, which would actually make sense for them.
On the other hand, I also think women are developing demonic behavior.


Seems more disgusted than anything.


Oh yeah he's sooo disgusted thinking about his sister being a WHORE and looking around at women wondering how much SÉXO they have


Buddy I'm not as hung up on my sister as this guy is on his, and I literally fucked her


>Buddy I'm not as hung up on my sister as this guy is on his, and I literally fucked her
Don't you think that is why he's mad?


Thinking about how this Reddit lie directly compares the guy's sister to random women he ogles at and I'm more and more convinced someone wrote this to develop their characterization


probably. If he had a daughter he'd probably wear a shirt like this because he wants to fuck his daughter.


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Damn, the parasitic bougueois is eager to accomplish their ancient dream on reainstating slave harems.
One step at the time.


Account looks real. Lol and he is a germ.



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Lol I was trying to find this reddit post I saw the other day about a girlfriend asking her boyfriend to do rape roleplay with her and feeling bad afterwards and I narrowed my search to the last month and I'm finding all these results that aren't even the one I saw before lol.

Lol at this gem in the comments too:
>I asked him to do rape roleplay
>he did it too well…

Is it all a shit test for you to tell them how mortified that they would ask?


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Oops forgot the pic of the comment.


If a dick hit any of these areas, women would cry out in pain. This is basically a rape infographic.


More of a fan of powdered peanut butter personally, it's like 50% protein itself, better than most supermarket "protein" powders


What if I do hurt them!?
What if suddenly all the years of hurt and loneliness come out and I just fucking kill her out of spite!?

All I saw my parents do growing up is fight so it's hard for me to imagine I'm going to be any different. What if the first time we disagree I throw a chair at her, or climb up the side of her house!? What if I slap her when she says something smart and I've had a bad day!? What if I'm horny and she doesn't want any!?

These are all hypotheticals, because no woman would touch me with a fucking ten thousand foot pole anyways. Who would want some neurotic freak from a dysfunctional family with nothing to give but confusing and misery

god FUCKING damn I wanted to fuck the optimetrists secretary she was so cute oh my fucking god LETS FUCK I'LL FUCK ANYTHING THAT MOOOOVES HAHA


The incel's revenge.

>Michael B Jordan responds to interviewer who used to bully him in high school.


She's saying that she wants an AI boyfriend… Can nobody on this site read?


It says she wants real men to talk to real women. I think YOU can't read.


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Most of the thread is people posting outrage bait and replying to it instead of posters talking about their personal woes.


This thread has no more reason to be a live journal thread more than any other topic. This thread was created as a containment thread for all sex and relationship discussion


Containment threads never work as intended and only make the problem worse.


Well dems the rules. I don't make them.

We used to have a dating thread on hobby that was solely dedicated to dating advice.


It doesn't need to be contained anymore
More idiots have got their shit together now
When it started, it needed containing
Don't ask


Should incels end our lives?


Stop talking about that shit, it's contagious, and no.


Why not?


Because Jung says that suicidal ideation is actually a need to change. Putting it more theoretically it's a need to change the Ego "The I"

You idiots don't need to die you just need to fix whatever the fuck is wrong with you.

So what the fuck is wrong with you?


Im anxious all the time and lazy and panic at any problem solving scenario


Take some fucking meds.
Not my field, talk to your GP and maybe get a referral to a psychiatrist.


Wow that's real deep knowledge right there anon. You're telling me that suicidal people live unfulfilling lives? Unbelievable.

This is a different anon.


lol do a flip


So why is your life so unfulfilling?


>You idiots don't need to die you just need to fix whatever the fuck is wrong with you.
no fucking way!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nope I'm not letting this happen again.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Take a fucking dance class.


My guess would be that I don't do anything other than working and sleeping.


Why don't you have friends?


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You're not my friend?


You do have friends you call or video, yes?
Romantic relationships are like any other relationship, you cultivate them.


>You idiots don't need to die you just need to fix whatever the fuck is wrong with you.
Bro I wish I could but it's probably too late.
However, I simply consider myself a virgin, not an incel.


People don't enjoy spending time around me. I am not fun.

Different anon to who you were replying to.


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So you're saying we should take our friendship to the next level? I thought you'd never ask!


Consider dance classes.
Chew gum beforehand, remember to dispose of the gum responsibly out of sight of the class.


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The dance class meme only works if you're already good-looking and charismatic. Otherwise you just come off as creepy.


Well he did say to chew gum. Probably should've mentioned the shower part too.


>How it feels to chew 5 gum.


Is this shit even real? Am I having suicidal thoughts for nothing?

>and please remember to shower

is this really a thing among software engineers!?

I honestly really regret majoring in Computer Science because of how male dominated and right wing the field is and stuff like this always makes me worried I will never, ever meet someone because the only way I can really even interact with women is by being forced to work with them and overtime a lot of them seem to open up to me and vice versa otherwise I would never talk to women ever

why is life so fucking difficult what the fu kk


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It's usually white guys you hear saying "I hate women" too.


No, misogyny exists plenty in every race.


most non-white or non-western men don't "hate" women, they just subscribe to their culture's patriarchal ideology and think of them as "lesser, but having their place in society"

Western chinlets actually viscerally hate women in a pathological way.


Nah. White males are a much lower class of scum.

This too.


I was molested and abused by women in my childhood, do I get a pass to hate women?


They are pleasurable. The problem is when you hit the cervix.


>Western chinlets
So it‘s men in the West and not white men specifically.


Thanks for the I'll look into that powdered peanuts. But you literally fucked your sister?


>Whatever you do to her, I'll do to you
You'll suck me off too?


I've gotten a decent amount of likes on bumble recently for some reason but I have no desire to match with them. Deep down I know I'd like to date someone but for the past half a year I've had no desire to talk to anyone new. I'm just tired of it all.

My life is so pointless and boring. I have friends but I'm kind of bored because we always do the same shit, and I don't feel like I have anything to contribute. My family life is depressing. My hobbies are all solitary. My retail job is soul-crushing. I want to go back to school but just procrastinate because I have no plan for anything.

It's like I've reasoned myself into a corner where suicide is genuinely the only logical way out.


>only white people are misogynists
incredibly sheltered first-world suburbanite


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in before-after pics the after pic almost always has better lighting and the person is smiling lmao, fucking useless


Misogyny is pretty strong with the left when you look at gender ideology.


>gender ideology


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Outrage bait is indirect way of venting about ones insecurities though. Or at least I occassionally watch and post it as such.


I have a confession. Whenever I'm feeling depressed and sexually undesired I reinstall hellotalk and get hit on by ESLs. I'm sure some of them are scammers and so on, but enough are genuine real people

>I honestly really regret majoring in Computer Science because of how male dominated and right wing the field is
A job isn't how you meet women. SW Dev is great for work life balance, and there's a solid helping of lefties you just have to sort them out from the libs and techbro chinlets. If you're in a college town or big city it shouldn't be hard to get some photos, make a dating profile, and interact with women on simple coffee dates. You can do it.

Don't go to dance classes to meet women. It's obvious and they'll see it for the cringeworthy 2012 PUA tactic it is. Go if you want to dance, and you'll have fun. It's the same for any social activity, so pick whatever tickles your fancy and get out there. I went once to impress a chick I met on the bus and found out I liked tango more than I liked her. I'm not that active in it anymore, but I still have that as an option for a fun and cheap activity.


>Whenever I'm feeling depressed and sexually undesired I reinstall hellotalk and get hit on by ESLs
I was going to do this but it tried to make me set a pfp as my face so I uninstalled the app.


liberal surveillance state already has your mug from normie friends and family.
Give in.


>what are threat models


>Hello Talk
I've done this before for language exchange. There are a lot of weirdos/pervs on there and on Tandem. Had a couple serious partners before getting ghosted.


This kind of post makes me think the first world is on par with India regarding sexual assault.


I use it as intended as well. I don't flirt back, but I won't lie that it boosts my ego and I go on for that purpose sometimes. I wish I could find some guys who don't want to suck my dick though. When I'm seriously practicing language I'd prefer someone closer to my vocal range.

How was your experience with tandem? It was slower on my dying phone so I didn't touch it.


Similar experience to HelloTalk but Tandem was a bit negative for me.
>I wish I could find some guys who don't want to suck my dick though. When I'm seriously practicing language I'd prefer someone closer to my vocal range.
Yeah, I have had some men and women try to flirt me on both platforms. Never tried to find anything locally though, not sure where to look even.


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It's over


Sounds like a shit retail job either way. I would probably get the same score. Luckily for me I work in IT and everyone hates us anyway and there would be nobody to hire if we were rated on looks.


>manage to not bite nails for a couple weeks
>undo all that progress in 10 minutes
very cool


Did you try using that stuff that makes your nails taste like acetone?


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Alright I need some advice. I mentioned this a thread or two ago but there's been a development.

So a friend of a friend liked and complimented my Bumble profile over a month ago. She's cool, hot, and I kind of vibe with her. Problem is she's literally got an OnlyFans. I'm honestly not really comfortable with the OF thing because… I mean she makes porn. She spreads her pussy on camera for a living. I don't see any long-term potential there. Plus is she gonna try to have me make videos with her? I'd be fine maybe if we kept it super casual, but I'm also a virgin loser so I don't know if she'd be able to tolerate my lack of experience.

Anyway, I pretty much ignored the Bumble thing and moved on. But now tonight she liked me AGAIN, this time on Hinge. Should I just go for it and try for something casual? Is this wise to do with an OF thot?


I would go for it if I were you but I don't care about sex work. Why do you judge her so much for it? I would do the same thing if I was hot.


Do it you fucking pussy. Lose your virginity. If she ends up not fucking you what do you care. You pursue and she rejects, you don't fuck her. You don't pursue, you don't fuck her. Same difference, go for the choice that has a greater than zero percent chance of sex.

Yeah dude this is perfect for you unless you're trying to save yourself for marriage or something. You already know she isn't your forever woman or whatever so go in knowing there is an end date and don't get upset when it ends because you knew it wasn't a forever thing to begin with.


I don't know, I just feel kind of skeeved out by it. I don't know what's been in there lmao.

Yeah I guess this makes sense. Let's see what happens.

Hopefully Israel doesn't nuke the world before I get the chance though lmao


Also should I tell her I lack experience?


Probably other men's dicks have been in there, maybe some sex toys, is that really any different from any other woman though?


Nooooooo I wouldn't, women generally don't like that


Probably not until you two are in bed about to do the deed if then.


she's gonna know regardless….

Yeah I wasn't gonna like, lead with that or anything.


How is she gonna know? Just read about how to do good sex


I got invited to go to a club in a week but I don't know how to dance, I'm too self-conscious for that and I've literally never tried to in my entire life. I shouldn't bother, right?


>Having sex
Miss me with that reactionary shit


Every club I've been to there is like 1 or 2 guys who know how to dance and then they're practically putting on a show. Everyone else isn't doing anything special. Can you keep in time to a rhythm? Can you two step?(not texas kind, vidrel)


I'm a scared anxiety-ridden bitch lmao.

I had my first kiss last year out of nowhere though so maybe I'll surprise myself.


Best of luck.


Why can’t she just get an AI boifu?


How weird is it to be an adult virgin?
I've never had sex or a relationship and I probably never will.


I got a lower score than her.
Holy fuck it is so over.


why would you do that to yourself anon?


It's a bit weird but becoming increasingly common, not like you have to tell everyone anyways.


Nothing weird about it. It's only weird if you make your remorse about not having sex your whole ass personality. Just fuck a hooker and then you can say you aren't a virgin. If you don't want to do that then just be comfy dying a virgin. A lot of people died virgins, ain't no shame in it. How fucked would it be if it turns out having sex was god's one criteria for getting into heaven and all the virgins go to incel hell?

>Oh, If I should die tonight

>Oh baby, though it be far before my time
>I won't die blue, sugar, yeah
>'Cause I've known you ('cause I've known you)

>Ooh, oh, how many eyes

>Have seen their dream
>Oh, how many arms
>Have felt their dream
>How many hearts, baby
>Have felt their world stand still?


<Millions never, they never, never
<And millions never will, baby
<They never will


I had to know. I'm going to wear a mask in public all the time now. Ugly mfs should just kill themselves.


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Good guess
I'm sorry bro


Lying or I kms


I don't plan on really making it public but I think after a while people might notice I've never had a gf.
>It's only weird if you make your remorse about not having sex your whole ass personality.
Thank God I don't have a personality to begin with then.
Why do you want to kill yourself anon?


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>I got a lower score than her.
Maybe they aren't renormalizing for the simp factor.


The ruling class is trying to put an emphasis on sex. It’s all a psyop. You don’t need a gf, you don’t need to have sex. It’s just porky propaganda


Can’t they just sue for discrimination?


Certain jobs are able to discriminate based on physical appearance otherwise how do you think models, hooters, acting, etc. exist?


pretty sure lookism isn't a protected class


It should be. Fuck it


you're right, at least for retail


If they could prove it was based on religion, race, sexual identity, disability status, etc.


>>524900 me
Just thinking, I know this OkCupid data is brought up a lot but I really do think it's accurate. I think a lot may be the natural cultural and biological biases and the fact that women on average tend to put more time into "beauty" but, just thinking about how triggered some people get when you tell them you think some random celebrity is mid or ugly. They get hysterical.


So I can see a lot of reason why guys might be inclined to bias their ratings higher than women.


Well some jobs are still allowed to discriminate for race like acting obviously. They straight up put out casting calls:
I mean casting calls for major studio productions.


I mean the algorithm follows western beauty standards where the Anglo features are considered the most attractive. It is ethnic discrimination


It's not an algorithm if I'm understanding, it just shows your picture to a number of random people and asks them to rate.


The website says it's fully AI.


Pretty sure this is ragebait to generate traffic for that app. The shill account has no other posts.

>>524887 fell for it.


Well that's just dumb. Reminds me of something else I was gonna post about here before, this reddit sub I saw on the front page, some variant amIhotornot or whatever the most popular one was. It was claiming it was the objective version and they had this long ass guide breaking down how to objectively categorize the attractiveness of people in photographs lol. One of the rules of the subreddit was that if the rating you left in the comments deviated more than like 1 point of of 10 of the consensus you'd be banned or something.

I find it hilarious to think you could make objective standards of beauty but people try. I say beauty is the body in motion at the very least. Might as well worship a perfectly symmetrical 3D print.


it's ogre


everyone on those subs are fucking freaks. I saw one of those guides too.


IdPol liberalism


The western world is. France is probably worse than India


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Google knew what I was talking about. /r/truerateme

I feel sad thinking there are people actually putting their face out their soliciting 100s of these weirdos to comment on.


the worst part is i bet half of the posts are actually people putting other people's photos on there and getting them roasted and then sending it to them or something


I'm not proud of it, but it's relevant to the discussion in this case.


>I'm not proud of it, but it's relevant to the discussion in this case.
How was it?


I can't fucking cope anymore. I've had shitty sex before, but I will never have true intimacy with a woman that is genuinely attracted to me. Need to accept it and move on or just KMS.


how much autism was required for those graphics?


I find 4.0 and up attractive. I must be one ugly mfer to be an incel.


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>leave niche internet circles to hang out with people in real life
>feeling bored and unfulfilled constantly
>desperately come back to talk to the people you know online again
Am I doing something wrong? The small pool of possible acquaintances in flesh space simply can't compare to the internet where you can meet almost any kind of person.


Same. Especially when I have boring text conversations with my irl acquaintances or online dates.


>Am I doing something wrong?
I don't think so, the near limitless novelty of the internet makes regular socializing dull. Especially if you are non neurotypical.
I hate texting my irl friends too, but it's always nice to be around them.


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I will always be a staunch defender of online socialization. Geography is no longer a boundary to meeting people.


We will forsake our countries. We will leave our motherlands behind us and become one with this world wide web. We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We shitpost where we're needed, posting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves. We need no reason to shitpost. We post because we are needed. We will be the social connection for those with no other recourse. We are autists without borders, our memes defined by the era we live in. We will sometimes have to defend ourselves and our comrades. If the times demand it, we'll be called incels, bots, terrorists. And yes, we may all be headed straight to hell. But what better place for us than this…? It is our only home. Our heaven and our hell. This… is Outer Heaven.


Meet people you know online IRL. I've done this and it was a lot of fun.


I'm kind of the opposite, honestly. I usually have no interest in interacting with people online any more than replying to a post or having a regular conversation. I've always preferred the company of people I know IRL, and I think there's value in having friends that you know in-person.
I guess it's maybe not for everyone, but maybe it's really a matter of finding the right people to hang with. But even then, just anecdotally, I find that I'm an outlier in my friend group in regards to how little I value online friendships. Even after I moved away from my hometown and was incapable of making IRL friends, I would rather just sit alone in my room than try to make any online friends.


People who pretend online communications channels are "spaces" are mentally ill. You're doing alright. I recommend casual coed community sports.


I'm sure people find a way to send that to people anonymously. Reddit never runs out of nasty surprises


I'm translating this as "I'm autistic and I forced myself to fuck a normie stranger and I felt nothing as I mechanically got us off"
What happened fucker? Details. DESCRIBE IT 🤤


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which do you prefer more, Sex or relationship?


Does the relationship involve sex?


I've managed to make some friends through sports, that my uni offers, yeah. And I've met some friends on campus, too. Thankfully it's not too big of a deal that I don't have many friends where I live now since I can easily visit my hometown to see my old friends again. But yeah, there's something about actually being in the same physical space as another person that I enjoy more. Like… we can actually go and do shit.


depends on you partner


Let me give you an example if you were having a conversation in a park and 8 people came over from eavesdropping and started booing you, this would be very bizarre. But in online spaces this is considered you intruding on the space of others.


Yeah, I wish I could meet posters here IRL, but 90% of you seem to live in Burgerreich. Our of curiosity, are there any Central European region anons here?

Honestly, I yearn to be desired, so at least for time being, I would pick sex.


I am incestanon, my life has been completely devoid of intimacy that made sense. Relationships are just me being terrified of the unknown constantly and trying to please people so much they need me


There, there


I'm just explaining why I focus on laying 5 star pipe


I have posted before about personal woes before and I never got meaningful advice. It's good to vent, but I feel like no one here can truly help me about anything.
I currently have a problem on my mind related to sex and relationships happening abroad, but if I start posting about it, one anon will say I'm humblebragging, and that will be it.
I'm not even sad because of sex/relationship at this point, it's just a proxy that makes me realize how fucking boring my life is at home.


I think most people on the board are old enough to not send a bunch of incel posts at you if you vent about séxo.
What I've always found funny about incel social darwinist ideology, personally, is they ignore that we are competing not just with other potential partners, and even with sex toys, but with every other form of recreation, as soon as sex is reduced to pure recreation. (will add that as a result, people trying to get some form of emotional validation through casual stuff are setting themselves up for a long trip on a very rocky road, this isn't moralizing. It's just whenever someone "catches feelings" for me I just try to assist them as far as they can go and what usually sabotages it is their weird social darwinism and paranoia, combined with my tendency to go awol an use the internet for days (people think I am having sex because im cute, they don't know what a piece of shit i am, they don't know they compete with the internet for pleasure and i mostly enjoy making people nut until they look like they're gonna cry)


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>incel social darwinist ideology
Incels are just pointing out the inherent social darwinism in gender relations under liberalism. They're literally just stating what they see in front of them, albeit it in a very crude fashion.


I don't know how much I can really relate to this, I have no trouble socializing with anyone in real life, but never allow myself to develop any actual friendships or relationships beyond just being on "good terms" with others, so it just leaves me to the internet which gets my social itch, but "genuine" connections feel so fake on the internet, It's the only place where others are willing to actually call me their friend, but I hesitate on calling them my friends, it makes me feel like shit thinking about it.


>we are competing not just with other potential partners, and even with sex toys, but with every other form of recreation
You know what, this is interesting to me.

To relate it to my story, I met this girl while traveling, we had a crazy night together, then hanged out the next day, before I had to leave (sadly we slept in separate beds that last night because i'm autismo).
Now she didn't even look at my messages since I went back home and I think about all the awkward stuff I did and missed opportunities (things as simple as holding her hand) due to being kinda shy.
I can't really blame her because I don't think there is any way this relationship could have gone elsewhere, beyond the moment we already shared, but I can't help but think about it. I look at pictures of her, see her smile, and I imagine she liked me more than just a one night stand, even if it probably wasn't the case.

But now that you mention this — and I also think about someone who casually referred to women from this country as "ice queens" — it makes a lot of sense.
She has a nice exciting life at home, I was just a little icing on the cake. What's the point of feeling nostalgic about a boy you will never see again, when you can enjoy life with your close friends, sexo or not?
This is what I should do too, but I'm so bummed out about going back to my wageslave routine, I have a hard time finding enjoyment in what I used to find enjoyable.
I know this is a signal to change my life, taking the necessary steps to become a more fulfilled person, but I just want to feel the blues right now.

>people think I am having sex because im cute, they don't know what a piece of shit i am, they don't know they compete with the internet for pleasure

I'm also a piece of shit addicted to the internet hiding behind a nice social facade, but the internet is getting kinda boring honestly, it's all the same opinions over and over again and bad news.
>and i mostly enjoy making people nut until they look like they're gonna cry


Lol this is just going to enforce people lying about their heights. I don't understand why people use these things.
Very funny screenshot ty
Anyways using an example from a dating app reinforces my point, they brand themselves as "creating so many high quality matches that low quality matches are left to the wayside" this was even mentioned on the Foreign Policy economics podcast with a very befuddled and highly-married Adam Tooze for Valentine's Day. Check that out if you want more séxo funny things. It's just branding, though, advertising is about how other people will perceive you for using a product even if they consider themselves smarter than the ad.
Dating apps aren't connecting most people with better jobs any more than LinkedIn is. Maybe if you want to meet insanely stuck up sorority girls. I will take a girl who smells like shampoo and doesn't shave but fucks like an animal, thanks. Keep your soy dating app women away from me


I appreciate your reflections on that, I'm not sure my thoughts on this subject are completely formed, as I try to evade these topics with people due to how ad nauseam-inducing it can be to hear people talk about sex the way they do here.
>internet is dying
I mean, enshittification is real and despite my shitposting about online spaces being fake, it makes me sad to see people suffer the consequences of discovering it. You've got to cast a wider net, though.
I literally started today by reading SomaliSpot just to melt my brain.


>A job isn't how you meet women. SW Dev is great for work life balance, and there's a solid helping of lefties you just have to sort them out from the libs and techbro chinlets. If you're in a college town or big city it shouldn't be hard to get some photos, make a dating profile, and interact with women on simple coffee dates. You can do it.

I'm fucked then lol. There is just no way I could ever meet anyone off apps. It's so fucking depressing. As porn brained as I am, I want a real connection, and that seems like it's a lot more tenuous when it doesn't come about "organically". I really envy older people who didn't have to deal with such a messed up social landscape.


Get drunk, but not too drunk.


>the whiteness check ai is real
Alright you've got some pretty good rage screenshots anon. Too many…


Reiterating if you're cute enough to make dating apps work, you're almost certainly cute enough to not need them unless you want to minmax your presentation. I've never met anyone consistently on a dating app who wasn't molested, but maybe they're just detecting my incest aura, or I'm just so personally boring I become safe for PTSDcels, yeah something about me being a piece of shit!!! hahahaha anyways like I was saying HelloTalk is moving in the right direction. Active coed community sports is cool but that basically requires living near colleges and being active consistently (you make lotsa friends though).
You know what, fine it was great.
But in principle I'm ashamed I did that. It's like biting your toenails. Nasty.


>I want a real connection
There's nothing any less real about the connection you build with someone based on where you met them. It's not just people looking for hookups. That's a piece of reactionary propaganda you've internalized similar to calling yourself "porn brained". I think dating apps are good for socially awkward people because there's far less ambiguity about intentions on them. You certainly can try to meet women IRL too. Go to events you would already enjoy and make an effort to introduce yourself. Most importantly, stop being so negative about yourself. It's only going to hold you back.


Yeah I think replacing negative self talk with more constructive & forward thinking framing unironically works. (Sorry if anyone actually goes to therapy and I'm just describing something obvious in a dumb way.)


Changing the words I say to myself doesn't change how attractive I am. I know I am not ass ugly, I probably rate 5 according to this: >>524936. However I don't have the money A-Rod or Anthony Mackie have so women aren't going to find me attractive regardless.


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What is the best country to unalive in?


Bad premise here is that if by some scale you rate below 5 by some arbitrary standard you need to suffer over it constantly. You still need to be able to talk about yourself to other people. It makes me really uncomfortable when ppl do this. It takes over a lot of conversations and it tends to come up when they're around women which is always crazy to see. And then you have chicks who are obsessed with an impossible beauty standard and think people are only saying they're cute to fuck them. Weird catch 22. Besides that's an app to do legal racial discrimination.


my therapist recommend joining a dating app for autistics


>I'm average according to this blackpill infographic
>it's so over
Realize this shit is made to make you insecure. You're refusing to take any action because you've let the internet convince you of its futility. That should be self-evidently absurd. Treat nothing you read online as true, except for ML Theory of course.


Yep thanks that is important to point out too, yes, dating apps are curating entire third party social media communities that center around advertising and using them - they know "blackpill memes" exist and how to use them assuredy like Mountain Dew making a Cardi B commercial.


as an autist meeting people who are even more autistic than me is hell


>mentally ill
you sound deeply neurotic


That sounds like shit but I kind of want to try that just to see if talking to people who identify as being super detailed and verbose and explaining stuff as we go helps me rather than the stupid slow catty pretend not to see the texts game.


I'm currently on the rebound anyways it looks like unless my ex gf decides I'm not a rapist (because I didn't specifically ask formally every time for the past few months and I kind of went too far and fucked her on the bathroom floor in her parents' basement 🙃) you know what maybe I should autismmaxx. This is going to be fake though, like, nobody will be on a dating app for autists that's stupid.
That's the spirit! Do you not understand what I mean, though? Go look at Remilia NFT cultists and TPOT people and tell me you wouldn't have to be touched in the head to think Twitter is some kind of space.


i dont particularly care that you anecdotally had a bad time with some idiots


I'm also on the rebound until my ex gf decides seeing other people during dating is not cheating


Do you think the only reason why I find online self harm and finance cults offputting is because they personally insulted me? I tracked these people down to understand why they all use these shitty little animesque dolls as profile pictures. The only people who try to turn online channels into "spaces" are those who want to live through online, which is self-destructive and just behavioral addiction like gambling and self harm. That's why I used the cult as an example.


Have you considered leaning into it and fucking everything that moves? I've already sucked dick and clit this week. I feel a lot better. I should get tested for hpv now though. Yeah actually maybe be healthy idk


I tried but I don't think I'm emotionally fit yet I suppose


Is there any reason not to get a vasectomy? Having kids is for suckers anyways.


Using condoms is unironically hot. But then again they're probably covered with PFAS chemicals. I just like em


I mean you can still wear condoms with a vasectomy for the STD prevention reasons.


yeah 🤤 and they let you clean up a huge load in three seconds and keep fucking and fucking and


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What's the point in life if it's just a lot of pain and suffering with very little else? I'm sick of hoping that things will get better when they never do.


Well if you want to get technical, after we die all that really matters is the consciousness in the rest of the universe. So might as well skip to caring about the rest of it now. Make arrangements so your enemies cannot shrink your head and devour your flesh. Leave your loved ones secure. Hunt the evil in this world where you know it hides. Ontologically correct behavior, if you truly can't be happy for yourself, like if you had crippling tinnitus but fought it off to work minor miracles.


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I bet the sex was legendary.


>Is there any reason not to get an invasive procedure that is also difficult to revert in case you regret it?


well it was legendary

hormonal contraceptive devices for men are a couple of years away i've heard


obnoxious idealism.

But this is why innocence begets regression.
Also, Christianity is a midlife crisis sanctuary for white suburban boomers and their families


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The answer may surprise you.


I decided I will therapy-speak my exgf like I'm a fat jewish comedian and if that blows over, I will fuck everything that moves.


therapy-speak worked wow, is the internet wrong about relationships? is talking seriously the only thing you need to fix relationships


Alright so there's been a development. She updated her profile today to say how she hates dating because everyone just wants to fuck her and nothing more. Also mentioned that she gets attached easily.

So this plus the OF stuff still feels like a bunch of red flags to me. I don't want an OF girlfriend, I'd prefer something more casual. I'm afraid I'm going to just lead her on.


Also please understand my apprehension comes from more than my being a pussy, I've been in awkward situations like this before and it ends badly.


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True I know what you mean. Yeah good on you for not leading her on and good on you for not being her plan B in life.


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>Green texts on iPhones, they’re ruining relationships. That’s right, non-iPhone users everywhere are being excluded from group texts, from sports teams chats to birthday chats to vacation plan chats. They’re getting cut out. Missing out on plans and conversations. And who’s to blame here? Apple.

Ok Warren is kinda based for fighting for androidcels.


>Americans using default messaging apps in 2024

Why are Americans such boomers?



Why don't communist orgs start offering SЁX for membership?
I bet it would swell the ranks immediately.

I mean, it worked for Family International and other cults.
You might scoff ad adopting cultish tactics, but name me communist org that exists in the imperial core that's as successful as a mid size cult.


Nonsense, most people get tired of sex quickly, as I've been unfortunate to discover. People get off on talking about sex indefinitely. Fucking for real risks knocking the wind out of that.


Ok, lure them in with promises of sex, and have a lot of sex talk interspersed with theory during the meetings, but never actually get to the sex, banking on them becoming communists and stopping caring about sex by that point.
How about that?


Leftist women generally only have sex with right-wing guys. It would be too much of a contradiction.


>as I've been unfortunate to discover
What happened?


>meet up with weeb girl
>personality wise she's the closest thing a weeb can get to a waifu gf
>she's really nice and thoughtful
>I relate to her
>but her face is objectively ugly
>the kind of ugly that plastic surgery would make unrecognizable
>ugly enough that my social anxiety flared up while hanging out with her because I thought people would stare or comment
>still want to try being friends with her
>then I remember how judgmental my family is
>if they ever saw her they would berate me about "dating" an ugly woman
man fuck this gay earth I just wanna hug a nice weeb girl I relate to, ugliness be damned
anyone know this feel?


Just explain to everyone who gives you shit that the pussy game is unreal and she calls you onii chan


also your family can suck it, go fuck the ugly autistic weeb girl anon


i unironically kinda like girls like this, especially when they still make an effort to look after themselves

they're usually real as fuck, and I would feel bad too because people are shallow

I'm Mexibro and routinely fantasize about dating some Abby Winters tier wyte gurl


How ugly? Like deformed?


she's actually a cosplayer, which is wild to me because I'm pretty sure she must be aware she's ugly.
>Abby Winters
nah bruh these girls look average or even cute to me, when I say ugly I mean ugly. eyes tilted down ("negative canthal tilt" as incels call it), prominently misaligned teeth, bad jawline, etc. and this is just the stuff I can verbalize, her face has a weird vibe.
not deformed. I've definitely seen uglier girls irl. but like I said, ugly enough that just some plastic surgery would turn her into a completely different person. she's not fat or extremely skinny, her only problem is her face. I guess her voice isn't that pleasant to my ears either but that's something I could overlook easily and it's nowhere as bad as her face, just kind of eh, kind of raspy but also muted, like a less exaggerated version of a stereotypical NNNERRRD voice.


cosplay in the good ol days used to be about passion for both the crafts and whatever character you were cosplaying as, not about having the most expensive cosplay and being the prettiest curviest girl around


>prominently misaligned teeth, bad jawline
also both of these things get fixed with braces


>>the kind of ugly that plastic surgery would make unrecognizable
so start saving


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I hate sex. I hate feeling sexual desire. I sometimes wonder if I hate women too. I saw the woman doctor for my ear because I was late to my appointment for the male doctor…I can tell I scowled at her when she walked into the room. She was young and attractive. Maybe it's just beautiful women. I was rolling up to my usual practice spot to try to grind my gay ass instrument for an hour or two, chick is there sitting in the dark, I turn the lights on for the pergola type thing, she looks at my like I'm going to rape her. Granted it's 9PM and it was pitch black under the pergola and I only saw her because of the little light there is on campus under the sodium lamps illuminating the outline of her hair, but I'm quite literally just getting setup and minding my own business, she looks in my direction again and runs away. Yes, I am going to violate you with my drumsticks. Am I that creepy looking?

Statistically men in dark environments late at night probably would do harm to college aged women, but not me. I just wanted to play my dumb instrument and she was on the phone so I was just sitting there waiting.

I'm not even sure I want sex anymore, or to lose my virginity. Getting old sucks. Being in your very late 20's makes you realize that there's no turning back anymore. I'm getting old. I will die. There's something about never having had any form of intimacy. I never had friends growing up, didn't have any a teenager and have none as an adult. It's an alien world. When I was in kindergarten I used to just run around in circles by myself while everyone else way playing together at the playground. Too shy, I guess. I don't remember a single face at the those afterschool day care sessions. Was it really just me?

I'm in highschool, my "friends" are talking about World Of Warcraft which I could not have cared less about. Again, the invisible wall prevails. Shut out entirely, not even sure I'm entirely mad about it.

At this point, I know life is going to be solitary. I will run around in circles all day until I die. I just wish I could stop being horny. I'm pretty sure people notice me checking out women's asses at my shitty retail job. I am a pig man, I cannot help it. 10000000 gigabytes of porn has infested my brain. Terminal porn brain I call it, the fantastical unreality of glitzed skin and rivers of orgasmic fluids streaming all over the memories of dysfunction and the ugliness of the real world, as impersonal as the burgers I used to fold up on the assembly line at my first job. Hootin' monkeys, lips that grip, why, why are we alive?


God bless you anon, I got about four sentences into that. Whatever you're feeling, it will pass in a couple of years.


come out from TOR so I can backtrace you, fggt

if you have any unfinished altercations, I will be more than happy to release my address


have you considered improving your personality?


My home IP address is, pathetic pig.


love the pic


I aint in an cos scene but I've seen pictures where someone just buys (buys) an outfit, puts it on and calls it cosplay. Absolutely sad. On the other hand, I'm sure there are people who are properly passionate and able to embody a character, you know, the 'play' part.


That picture is the hottest thing I've read in a while.


It wasn't hot when I received it it was traumatic

oink oink

how do I do that


>too paranoid of big tech bullshit to go on dating apps


im too paranoid of datamining to get a tiktok, insta, twitter, pisscord, etc and frankly its made my life very BORING. its been years too, maybe i should just accept theres no online socialization in 2024 without giving in to the botnet


I aint even need online socialization, its just that 99+% of meetup events require you to check in at the door with an app, or they're not for straight apart from swingers and kink.
inb4 prostitute - that's rapist!


i thought i didnt but its been 5 years already on a dry spell and i still havent met people irl i can talk to about the things i used to talk about with fellow weirdos on the internet


>don't know if i want (let alone could handle) a relationship
>would feel shit wasting someone's time and then deciding I never wanted a kid
>also would feel shit if I wanted a kid and it was too late
fug :DDDDD


Nobody wants a kid these days.


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who here have a vegana? is this how women work?




Expand brain


It's basically cope or succumb as our world gets more scarily online. Dickord is borderline spyware, but its fine otherwise and probably the most suitable for you, just be careful, don't appear suspicious to them and have proper opsec. Dickord server mods also have extreme powertrips, but once you find your niche group of people you like hanging out with its pretty fun. You can also try some traditional forums, some really niche and old ones have even kept their IRC up, obviously proper opsec, separating identities atleast a little and keeping a low profile is essential. Don't even try with the likes of twitter, instagram, tiktok, reddit and even the fediverse, everyone on those has been brainrotted by their addiction to all of these platforms, there isn't a single sane person on them.


Don't knock it, I met an ethereal anime baddie off fbi.gov who moved here from Eritrea and has become so soyified she blew clouds of hash oil in my face. Meeting up irl she just constantly talked about how guys were always trying to fuck her pretty boring. I tried to engage her autistically and that kinda worked.
My point is you can meet people irl off fbi.gov
Still, community sports is the best. Pls listen to me there. Make yourself do it if you have the opportunity


Can incels lactate?


instagram and tiktok are actually extremely easy places to make normie friends if you can post something normal for once lol, just try
reddit is good for fucking people who are cheating or dating very dorky women


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Gays are truly blessed.


This guy definitely makes black-pill/lookism edits.


He is an attractive gay man, these are not issues he would spare a single thought in his life.


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I guess my joke didn't land.


That's literally how I feel


you need new pastimes


wish i could just meet someone and click with them and fall in love lmao


Same, everyone I met is so goddamn boring.


Try online dating then. You can easily filter out the people who don't interest you.


>scrolling through thousands of thousands who take the exact same ass mirror pics, have the same generic quotes, same generic pictures of themselves at parties with their ho friends, etc.

I know people do it somehow but I'm so, so over it all. Go out with one of them, you've gone out with all of them.


thats a very optimistic view of dating apps


Lol yeah. Applies if you're a woman maybe. I think I get more matches than average(well than the average dude who swipes right on practically everything) but I'll be lucky if I get 2-3 that actually interest me at all.


And of course the women who interest me are the ones who probably have 50 other matches in their inbox at the same time. C'est la vie.

As a man it's mostly worth it for the pick-me-up of getting matches. Trying to wrangle any desirable woman off of them is a losing battle.


its not only about the odds of success but that a very specific group of people still bother with dating apps nowadays. the other guy makes it think like youll meet any type of person if you curate enough


I don't know I meet different types. You might find any kind of woman but that's luck of the draw. Obviously a person who's looking for a serious match is going to stay on the app for a shorter time than a person who is mostly window shopping. But no curating doesn't work for guys I agree. Lol. Beggars can't be choosers.


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>Beggars can't be choosers.

Then you consider what of the 24% are just phishing scam accounts…


I'm an "oldfag" from before 2010 (don't judge) and most imageboard dwellers I met via IRC back then are now on Dicksword, Twitter and/or Instagram and many of them stopped bothering to separate their online and real lives long ago, or at least on a neurotical level. WT Snacks is still doing live music sets and even mrvacbob, who is still programming for 4chan I think, has his public life on Twitter too. Idk.


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How do I become attracted to women again? I get the idea of dating is a numbers game, you have to date a bunch until it clicks but like… I don't find anyone attractive enough to even bother. I've only ever had mediocre to horrible experiences with women, so any positives of having a gf are vastly outweighed by the potential negatives. I don't even know what the positives are beyond sex.


Overcoming women is where it's at anon. I feel so stupid the amount of mental power, labour, good listener behavior, I've wasted on women and they've never done shit for me. Really in any rational state of mind I'd be done with them years ago.

Not being attracted to women is rationality because there is no other reason to be attracted to them other than the XX and the different genitalia and you can quite affordably pay for that, much less than you'd end up paying in total otherwise.


>not having to bother with relationship stuff ever again
What's the problem exactly?


I don't believe that you should force yourself. If you find a person compatible with you great, but if not that's fine too. Dumb normie advice, but just live your life. We shouldn't be overthinking these things.


>I feel so stupid the amount of mental power, labour, good listener behavior, I've wasted on women and they've never done shit for me
Grass is always greener. My gf does a lot for me, but I've been feeling unsatisfied recently and wish I could just date around. I tried to break up with her, but she begged me to come back and I did. I'll let you in on the secret that's probably driving your behavior and hers. People with low self esteem will do anything to feel liked.
>different genitalia and you can quite affordably pay for that
A prostitute you can cheaply rawdog isn't one you should.

I think your post hit on something that I've felt. You wouldn't really give a shit your dating an uggo, but it's the perceived loss of status that's bothering you. Also this: >>525986. I think it's common knowledge. There's even a saying in Chinese:
>An ugly wife in the home is like a treasure

>these days
Ask your parents. No guys wanted kids back in the day either.


This post here is my unhinged venting of frustrations

and uyghas always be like: "improve your personality!"

but no one ever wants to tell me how. I don't it's really hard having been isolated so long. I barely feel anything anymore and am not sure I even know how to have fun anymore. I can joke around with coworkers and stuff but everything feels so impersonal and even at 28 I can feel my libido screaming at me so it just makes the isolation feel worse because I have sexual frustration stacked on top of it and it poisons everything…

I don't want to be this way! You fucking know!


I feel you anon, and I get that you're venting and probably just a shy person IRL. That is what you have to address. Nothing is going to change unless you do something different. Have you tried in no particular order:
>dating apps
>speed dating
>striking up conversation (on the bus, at music shows, whatever)
>reaching out to old coworkers and acquaintances
>antisocial media of choice personals section (reddit, fbi.gov)
While anons will tell you to touch grass and make friends, and that would be good for your mental health. You don't actually need to do that to get laid. I lost my virginity living in my mothers basement more or less friendless in my mid 20s. Dating apps worked for me because I didn't have to leave my room to set up a date.


>I lost my virginity living in my mothers basement more or less friendless in my mid 20s.
was the sex good?


>and uyghas always be like: "improve your personality!"
Whoever told you this gave you bad advice.
I've already posted the road to exit this pathetic state of affairs. Truth is, for reasons that might not be in people's control, they don't want to change. It's like telling obese people how to lose weight. It doesn't work. They have to really want to lose weight and be willing to make long term commitments to achieve goals. Also many times it's not a personal failing, they're unable to do anything to improve themselves for other reasons besides morality or discipline or whatever.


First night was mindblowing because I hadn't jerked off for like 3 months beforehand and it's nice to have another person's presence. After the novelty wore off it was worse than masturbating because I wore a rubber.


did you even like that person


My partner developed multiple disorders due to their childhood trauma, which resurfaced recently when they stopped going to therapy. They overeat or starve themselves, they overuse alcohol and pot, sometimes work as much as 20 hours a day (sic). I've talked to them yesterday about going back to therapy and they're willing to do it 'if that's what I want ', which obviously will not work if that's the only reason. I don't think there's much more I can do apart from waiting for us to continue to drift apart until we're not together anymore


>They overeat or starve themselves, they overuse alcohol and pot, sometimes work as much as 20 hours a day
Sounds exactly like my ADHD buddy.


I did. We were together for over a year, but I was stumbling through my lack of experience and it ended badly. Wish she could have been more than "practice gf", or less idk.


The whole vaginas becoming loose thing is a total myth that ignores really basic biology. The people who push it funny enough always use some inanimate object to represent vaginas, which I think speaks to how they see women.

But since the vagina is a tube of muscle, you can strengthen it and stretch it like other muscles, so what actually happens is kind of the opposite.


Wait, that's not normal?


tight puss……….


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>I've already posted the road to exit this pathetic state of affairs.


>Also many times it's not a personal failing, they're unable to do anything to improve themselves for other reasons besides morality or discipline or whatever.



I've never tried any of those. I've thought about using some reddit personals on a throwaway account but all of those places seem like they're basically gay hook up spaces more than anything else, and I'm Not A Gay.

I've thought about using dating apps but I'm ugly (and more importantly, brown) and don't have any pictures or anything. I'm not fat and workout a lot but my face is fucked

>ou don't actually need to do that to get laid. I lost my virginity living in my mothers basement more or less friendless in my mid 20s.

What kind of girl did you even find that was open to this!?

On some level I just feel bad for constantly being horny. Like I desire non sexual companionship on some level but I also just unironically feel a burning, AGONIZING desire for sexo. I feel like there would probably be women out there who feel the same way but it generally seems to me that most women don't experience desire the same way men do.


On previous threads of this god forsaken thread and a myriad of other threads. I'm telling you though, unless you really want to change and are able to put the effort into it, then it's moot.


In the depths of my depression, there were days where my back pain was the primary motivator of getting out of bed. It was like gravity was permanently turned up. It would be foolish to recommend me to simply go to the gym 5 days a week, eat on a calorie deficit, go make friends, etc. How is someone like that going to get out of the hole.

Similar with overweight and particularly obese people. You can't just tell them what they need to do. Sometimes not even the easiest of habit change recommendations will work. Sometimes not even weightloss pills. Because often times being overweight comes with a ton of psychological issues that are significant blockers into actually doing anything for oneself.


Sometimes I wish I had an abusive girlfriend. Preferably a thin bookish white girl with a PhD who would routinely call me dumb and hit me every now and then, with big old smelly feet.

Part of it is growing up in a family where yelling is the norm. They say that traumatized, broken individuals are drawn to other broken individuals. If your Southern Baptist parents pulled you by the hair to the living room to give you what's what for listening to Slayer, I'm your man. Poring over tomes and tomes of literature searching for escape in between the words and finding only increasing loneliness, you can now find that in someone else.

You mouth back to me and I'll give you stars like Ted and Plath. This is what love is for some people. That's okay. We can destroy each other, perhaps the most loving thing two broken people can do for each, to whittle each other down into nothingness until all that remains is the tenuous peace of bitter oldness.


Not having sexual desire is actually a symptom of poor health, physically or psychologically. I don't understand the framing of recreation and sexuality as addictions I see on this board.


>I don't understand the framing of recreation and sexuality as addictions I see on this board.
where? all i said is not feeling compelled to bother with relationships is a blessing in disguise


As lomg as you dont procreate you should be fine.

Tbh though I dont think youre gonna even like being in a toxic relationship for long.
I think youre just too desperate.


These same women will whine about disgusting penis-havers coming up into vagina havers' personal space to acquire about some sex.


Porn addict told on themselves


Is there a community obsedian note thing where we can write up all the takes/facts/whatever, and link it together for one knowledge thing?
(Points not only linked in support but also contradiction, and degree of trust, like don't trust one off posts of people who clearly are sexist since no goth gf or whatever).

Or alternatively one person who goes into these threads to gather them up?

I'm getting more into obsedian, and I'm curious if there's a group project approach on it, and how it would go down.
I'd do it, but I don't go into these threads when I'm off my meds (emotions go from feeling nothing to euphroic) – plus I don't go on this site much since things take up so much time.


Threadly reminder that people should be following half your age + 7 until both parties reach the age of 30. If a 30 year old dates an 18 year old it's pedophilia.


>stop dating adults
No, I don't think I will.


Raping a baby/elementary kid
dating an adult that doesn't have the experience of going to college of whatever,

This is like calling
chattel slavery
getting someone to paint a fence for you and giving them less money than what you're paid for.

What you're saying is an attack on all victims of pedophilia.
Stick to the Chris Hansen slop, or child porn – your pick.


No. I don't think I will.


It's weird but it's not pedophilia. Do massive age gap relationships even work?


KDE Ghostwriter has html export, that's what I use, and it works pretty well for that.


Don't think so, people usually want drastically different lifestyles between 18 and 30. I don't think it's weird per se, but I do suspect that either or both are in the relationship to get something out of the other.

I think people can go too far with overthinking whose a pedo, I've seen people claim that anyone who finds Jenna Ortega attractive must be a pedo which has gotta be kinda offensive for her because they're basically claiming the only relationship she could ever have is with pedophiles, like is she gonna have to stay single otherwise Twitter will get involved?


I mean its weird in a sense it doesnt happen often, but its hardly inconceivable for 18 year old to find a 30 year old attractive and vice versa.

>but I do suspect that either or both are in the relationship to get something out of the other
As opposed to what, being in a relationship you get nothing out of?

Like no offense, but why as we even having this conversation, lets be real, none of us here are chad enough to be banging college girls at 30.


>I do suspect that either or both are in the relationship to get something out of the other
As opposed to what, being in a relationship you get nothing out of?
I was about to post this exact comment. I think it has more to do with the material conditions both are in. I've dated college girls after graduating and it's annoying as fuck, they have so much free time yet don't recognize that. I'd probably have more in common schedule wise with someone who started working straight out of high school.


Well I dunno about you guys, but I rather liked going through the trials and tribulations of my teens and my 20s with someone who was also experiencing the same thing. If I was 18 and I was dating a 30 year old cougar who was forever reminding me that my present problems turned out to be no big deal for them in hindsight now they're past it, I'd probably feel a little less connected to them.


I dated a 19 year old when I was 30. Dating young women is nice.

>A they are hotter

>B it feels more natural when they defer all desision making to you and act childish in general.
I've even tried dating women older than me and they're not much less childish anyways. Still expect me to always take charge.

Having shit in common is such a meme IMO. I don't have common interests with most women and even if I found one, it doesn't mean it will be a good relationship.


Feels like A is because of B for you, if so then yikes.


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I want a musical girlfriend. Probably a singer most of all but any instrument would be good. Preferrably in a genre I like.


Have sex.




18 and 30 is quite strange but if the 18 year old has been out of HS i dont really think it matters that much, still weird tho but i wouldnt want someone in prison for it


>muh trials and tribulations
You don't have to relate to the issue to be supportive for someone. Ever had a friend going through something you thought was the dumbest shit? Anecdotally, my experience dating an older woman was more like that of >>526790 than what you imagined.


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Some people are wiser, more knowledable, more mature, than other people will ever be. Also some young women want to settle down, some women never want to. Life stages is bullshit assuming everyone is living the same cookie cutter life.


People just need to mind their own business anyways


>Ever had a friend going through something you thought was the dumbest shit?


> but its hardly inconceivable for 18 year old to find a 30 year old attractive and vice versa.
it's going to be way more common because millenials have aged more gracefully than previous generations due to advances in cosmetics and just being generally more skin-care aware and shit, and also because they actually dress and talk like zoomers (becuase western culture has grown static and stale), so the generational gap isn't that insurmountable anymore.


Yeah definitely. The internet really turbo charged the gossips. I always compared imageboards to bathroom scrawls and I am reminded of during covid using one of those public porta potties they setup in a small town and the whole thing was covered in women calling each other whores. It was pretty hilarious, wish I took a photo.

Tired of hearing cinder stories
Tales of woe with happy endings
Tell me no more
Tired of hearing people's problems
Tired of hearing how they argue
Tell me no more
How they live doesn't affect me
Can't control no one but me
So if you can let them work it out
So if you can let them work it out
Friends like you come by the dozen
Spreading tales for some excitement
Tell me no more
I'm aware that they have problems
Talk won't ease the situation
Tell me no more
Realize that you're creating
Vicious lies whenever you speak
So if you can let them work it out
So if you can let them work it out
Realize that you're creating
Vicious lies whenever you speak
So if you can let them work it out
So if you can let them work it out
So if you can let them work it out
So if you can let them work it out
So if you can let them work it out


People are just lonely and miserable and know the world is shit so they lash out and stupid shit like ages gaps instead of killing oligarchs


Have I touched a nerve here in suggesting a benefit of dating someone your own age is that you're broadly going through the same experiences and that can be comforting and supportive? Because I'm feeling a lot of hostility in terms of like
>Mind your own business
>Older women can be childish too
>You're just lonely and miserable if you care about age
>I can be any age and be understanding towards younger partners
>Some people's problems can just be the dumbest shit and I therefore don't need to be understanding
I only made a comment about my own personal experience, I already said I didn't think it was weird for an 18yo and 30yo to be in a relationship


Millennials are extremeley age sensitive and exagerate slght differences based on age numbers.

Also theres no "dressing like zoomers."
Zoomer fashion is just millennial fashion.


People treat age numbers like horoscopy because race and gender and natiobality are no longer suitable discriminators.
Also because people have been infantilised by suburban culture


Age gap discourse is just reverse ageism.

people always complain about culture beung youth oriented yet young people face the most contempt and restriction.

Notice how people always say "kids these days" but never "adults these days"?


Not everything is about you. I think everyone is discussing the topic at large not your unoriginal statements specifically.


Okay but you still sound pretty irked


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Actually I think you are the one who is upset seeing as you made a whole post for meta commentary.


Okay dude.


I didn't even read your original post


Ah okay so the post wasn't addressed to you lol

But fair enough, boomers have been pondering this idea longer than I have.


>Not having sexual desire is actually a symptom of poor health, physically or psychologically. I don't understand the framing of recreation and sexuality as addictions I see on this board

Sex is bad, you get it!?

It's bad when your a horny, ugly bastard with no personality. It's torture to feel desire and have no outlet! I'm saying it! I feel bad for checking out the women! I hate when they catch me looking at them!!!!

I seriously wish I could get chemically castrated. Morning wood woke my ass up again! Dreaming of breeding a shortstack Asian woman, dreaming of this and that, dreaming of love knowing I look like dog vomit and have nothing to offer to 99% of the human race!

If this is good health I want poor health!!!!!


being horny feels much better when you're not a piece of shit mentally and physically


I workout constantly and still hate it

IDK what I would have to do mentally to fix this but being a shy autist doesn't feel like a thing that can be fixed


Met up with the girl who texted me back 3 years after leaving me on read after a one night stand who clarified it had "better be worth the drive" and I have confirmed it was in fact worth the drive. I've decided not to talk to my ex who called the cops on me again because I can't get arrested again. Was fun but since I've been more into being relaxed lately I just don't how I can justify feeling constant anxiety just to try to be there for her as a person who is "safe" so she doesn't have to locate one again.


Okay yeah fair I used to dissociate whenever I have sex I also just workout and have autism, same. You literally need to either tough it out until you trick them into dating you or just find something real (I find A more fun because it appeals to gambling addiction and competitive spirit rather)


When my sex drive is at its highest my mood is overrall better, but of course looking like an amorphous blob of brown flesh doesn't allow for any outlets other than getting high and wanking.


Fastest way to lose weight is in fact the thermogenic diet autism I posted earlier in the thread. The real way to cut calories without feeling like shit is replacing them with proteins and complex carbs


I'm actually not fat (no six pack so I could use to lose some pounds), but just ugly and of course non-white. I did the keto diet a few years ago, I hate watching what I eat. I think I'm going to do intermittent fasting to lose some weight, I'd rather not eat at all and be mindful of not making up for it when I do eat. I love the burst of energy you get after fasting for 24 hours.


Keto is retarded in some variants but a lot of people turn it into something which almost makes sense.
The amount of sugar most people consume is so fucked up and they don't have a metabolism at all. Literally shitting brix (get it haha)
You probably look fine then lol I just don't understand body dysmorphia ig. The thermogenic shit is based off how digestion actually works rather than weird memes like "no carbs" or eating huge amts of butter. Just involves taking note of how many calories are lost on digestion (hi for protein, complex carbs, fiber). Really works for getting insanely low bodyfat and vascular I just am too lazy to cook every meal which is what makes the whole thing tick so I also look like a "big hairy mass of white flesh". This is the shit that has gained me muscle mass while slimming down. I don't want to look vascular I want a protective layer of fat that can withstand BLOWS. It comes in handy. Don't really have an interest in steroids I just want balanced stats all around


Also don't obsess over weird body image standards (ugly, not white) it's not a moral thing, they're literally delusions and also hurt your social skills. It's like the number one thing I know of that keeps hot autists down. They just like start talking to people who want to just wolf down their cock with incel language please never do that people are also more online than they admit. They read online fluently but don't speak it.


I kind of never want to have sex now. It's cringe. I will never give myself to anyone. I'll be a permavirgin, who fucking cares. I fucking hate people. It's not that I don't deserve them, they don't deserve ME.


Bad vibes, rethink this.


Tired of being burned.


The otakus and weeaboos we laugh at for being into 2d hotties had the right idea all alomg.

Bishonen and vixens all the way.



What are your thoughts on incels dying?


altogether uninteresting


Do you not think that it's a good thing?


It doesn't register


Why are they dying? Is there incel covid?



Suicide and shot by police.


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Real shit?


>>525848 (me)
It appears she is trans. Never considered it until I saw her phone wallpaper… trans flag. Now I feel dumb for not "clocking" her (is that the term?). But yeah, she also appears to be asexual and nonbinary. This experience is going to make me think every woman with a notably ugly face is trans lol well congrats to her for making me think she's just an ugly cis

Back to square one in search of gf. Hanging out with her made me realize I am highly likely off-putting to people, considering how similar she is to me undiagnosed tism wise. It's kinda depressing


Did you end up hugging her tho?


Yes. But only because she hugs people when greeting and saying goodbye





Holy autistic face blindness, Batman!


I'm going to be honest. My first suspicion only came when I heard her yelp after bumping into something. The yelp sounded strikingly similar to the way ladyboys in ladyboy porn moan (I know because for a brief period I was into that porn category). But I still couldn't connect the dots until it was spelled out for me. Maybe I just overestimate how naturally ugly cis women can be, and that threw me off. I mean, you could say cis grandmas are ugly in the sense of not being sexually attractive, but they're not ugly in the sense of people staring and commenting. We need another word for the second kind of ugly.


>Hanging out with her made me realize I am highly likely off-putting to people, considering how similar she is to me undiagnosed tism wise. It's kinda depressing

What do you mean by this? What did she do?


Oversharing, rambling, slow to understand the most basic "prompts" in a convo (for example you point out something in front of you, the other party doesn't know what you're talking about until it is awkwardly repeated), repetitive movements, getting distracted… the list goes on. In my case but not her's, being randomly quiet (when I lose interest in the conversation) and shuffling around impatiently.


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>It appears she is trans.
>think every woman with a notably ugly face is trans


Not implying trans people are ugly by default (I mentioned being into ladyboy porn so I am definitely capable of finding trans women attractive), but rather that cis women are when I think about it rarely naturally ugly. Out of the three girls off the top of my head I knew in my life before that I would call ugly, one had a disorder of some kind that affected her appearance (think like Down's Syndrome), one had an extreme facial deformity, and one had a mustache.
Ugly cis guys on the other hand, I practically see one every week or two. There's definitely an imbalance of ugliness among the sexes, now that I think about it.


I think its more subjective than objective.

Women are always seen as beautiful because of having a vagina.


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True, but in these posts I've been talking about faces. Cis women tend towards softer facial composition overall. I think it might be the reason we code ugly monsters like ogres and trolls as "male" by default. When you look at Shrek, Fiona in her ogre form while "uglier" than her human form, has a more pleasant face than Shrek himself.


You also have men with a softer composition but its pathologised.
Also you have to remmeber we often use Northwestern European people as the standard of beauty. We forgo every other ethnic facial structure


>they still don't know partners in their late-20s/early-30s are the best


In another reply on my past post, an anon mentioned Abby Winters. I looked it up and there were black girls among the white girls. None of the girls, including the black ones, were anything close to what I would call ugly, and I grew up in a relatively homogeneous (Eastern?) European country. But that's just me I guess, sample size of one.


imo, 25 - 50 is overrated for romantic relationships.

Over fifty or under twenty five better


I lost my mojo and it's never coming back.


Breaking Bad


Thinking about this now, I used to find a lot of below/average women pretty and felt attraction, but now it's the complete opposite.


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Isnt that just due to aging and hanging out with older women? A sub-average 20 year old looks better than average 30 year old.


wtf theres not that much of a difference between 20 and 30


There's a decade of differences.


How do I crush the hope that still lingers within me that I will ever have a date with someone? I need to accept the fact that I have missed all my chances at any sort of romantic relationship.


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I hate that I'm average. I wish I was attractive enough to have people talking about me and women approaching me. I'm invisible unless I make a herculean effort to get noticed through my demeanor, and even that has a failure rate higher than 50%.


You aren't ugly, you are just poor.



>Women told me they’d deleted their apps after they got sick of being treated poorly. Many men strung them along by talking endlessly on these apps but never seemed to want to meet up in person or, if they did meet up in person, often didn’t seem to have any interest in pursuing a relationship

>Can't even have a normal conversation with a guy without it almost immediately turning sexual. Every time I decide I'm willing to try an app, I delete it within a day or two because I get so disgusted by the things men say.

You don't talk too much on apps about unsexy stuff or start talking about sex stuff too fast do you anon?


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I don't think so, still in my 20s and a lot women my age or younger look a little rough to me. Maybe I'm defective.


They are all responding to the same small pool of guys who have tons of options. So while Chad might bang a "6" she has to make it real easy for him. The girl thinks shs scored a hot guy but really he was hoping for a easy hookup. I've been "scammed" and now I'm obsessed with girls like the one who almost scammed me.


I though so as well, but now as I approach 30 I came to realize media warped my expectation of womens attractiveness.


Some people (mayoskins) just age worse. Combine with media showing you all the hollywood lizards who are more silicone and botox than flesh and blood and you get totally unrealistic standards.

>Fuckboys on dating apps are looking for hookups
>More news at 11
Just act normal and ask to meet for coffee after a little bit of bantering. If a girl wants to meet and isn't just looking for an ego boost it will happen. If she won't irl, move on she's a time waster.

You sound autistic. Women don't really approach because it's socially frowned on. I've been approached by a woman once in my whole life, but I still manage to be happy with my dating pool.


Being a male sub really should be a honorary LGBT position, for all the shit and stigma you have to deal with.


>mayoskins) just age worse
because they never fucking use sunscreen like they should


anything that isnt femdom seems to be frowned upon these days


>Women don't really approach
A friend (woman) of mine always makes out with some cute boy out of her own initiative everytime we hangout.


>I happen to have X friend who always does [contradicting you] so [observed macro-trend or social norm] isn't true. I am intelligent.


>Women don't really approach because it's socially frowned on
The things "socially frowned on" upon women today are next to zero, taking initiative definitely ain't one of them.
Besides, it's objectively more comfortable to just sit and wait for someone to take the burden of the first approach , less energy and time spent as nature dictates.


yes, foids hate consequences


No, telegony is pseudoscience, and it's funny


>hoes can get away with anything
Miss me with that broscience. Maybe pathetic incels will put up with anything, but women absolutely do have social pressure to act a certain way. They always have catty bitches among their peers who put them down based on behavior, especially being forward with men.


This is why sluts have a high degree of mental


I feel like there's some truth to it


I think high count males are also mental


people obsessed with sex are childish not "mental"


Does this work?


theyre sociopaths tbh
theyre also sociopaths


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My 27yo legitimate sperg coworker who watches Blue's Clues and Toy Story is probably going to lose his v-card soon, it's so joever for me it's not even funny.


What's wrong with Toy Story? I for one watched Toy Story 4 last year and I teared up.

Maybe some people just get lucky. It's like what a Broadway actress/foot fetish model said when asked if she would go out with a guy with a foot fetish:
"Of course! There are plenty of women who would, and my advice to those guys is that they just have to keep searching, darling. That's my advice. Just keep on searching, just keep on keeping on."


Nothing wrong with toy story, it's just it's all he watches. Kid movies and shows. Yet he can find someone on Facebook and click, meanwhile I see an attractive woman on Bumble and all I can think about is how she's probably a bitch and become suicidal.


>Not having sexual desire is actually a symptom of poor health
he doesn't know asexual people exist


yeah maybe don't think that


I don't know what else to think. I'm sick of everyone and hate myself for feeling that way because otherwise there's no reason to live. I'm so sick of playing the normie game. I know I'll get called an incel and the whole concept of "normie" is a false dichotomy but I'm just so, so fucking sick of this society I live in. I want sex, I want a companion, I want somebody who just fucking GETS me, but it's always the same story. I'm tired of going out, I'm tired of the same banal conversations, I'm tired of pretending to enjoy drinking, I'm tired of making plans and paying for everything, I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm TIRED.


Usually I don't get depressed until I remember that the attractive woman I see has probably sucked some guy's gross nasty dick and performed who knows what other sex acts. Then I remember she's probably had sex quite a few times while I'm a 32-year-old virgin who's never been on a date.
That's probably all terrible things to say but I can't help it.




>her only problem is her face.
So your family members are measuring skulls like a bunch of Nazis? Brilliant


>They always have catty bitches among their peers who put them down based on behavior, especially being forward with men
Meanwhile, social pressure for men is to be assertive, provider and canon fodder, this thread exists because many are failing to reach this goal.


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>Meanwhile, social pressure for men is to be assertive, provider and canon fodder, this thread exists because many are failing to reach this goal.
Certainly exists, but is fairly diminished in the west. If your so called friends are holding you up to standards you don't like, then meet some new people. It's not a goal upon achieving you'll be given pussy. An unspooked model of sexo is a fun social activity. Women are horny too desu.

>Why won't they fuck me???
It is a mystery why going into a social interaction with a negative assessment of the other person doesn't yield results you want, and that's giving the benefit of the doubt that you even tried. Try reading less blackpill ragebait and touching grass.


>Women are horny too desu.
Obviously, the question though is for whom.


This woman I'm talking to keeps sending my pictures of herself in tight Hello Kitty t-shirts. She's so busty, I feel like I'm being taunted. Hate being a sperg


>It is a mystery why going into a social interaction with a negative assessment of the other person doesn't yield results you want, and that's giving the benefit of the doubt that you even tried.

yeah bro I fucking LOVE feeling this way.

Why does everyone online talk like this, with this tryhard tough love shit?
>"I have a mental illness"
>"have you considered you're a FAGGOT? Perhaps a PUSSY or a RETARD?"

Yes, i have tried. I had my first kiss last year. I just get sick of women. I don't like intimacy. I've been led on (yes, ACTUALLY led on, not because I "misread" things. This was recognized by her and my friends). I don't FIT IN anywhere. It's frustrating when all my friends and coworkers just have good luck constantly and I'm always the odd man out.


What are straight*ids doing on Grindr? Stop infesting our spaces


Buying drugs.


What part of that post implied straightness?


The girl part but I think it's just two trans-women.


both people are referred to as female or she/her



If you read that is straight, you are definitely queer. It's like a Rorschach test.


>Why does everyone online talk like this, with this tryhard tough love shit?
You're venting your misogny and expecting asspats from a leftist image board. Then you fall back to "muh mentals" when called on your BS like this is some lib hugbox. Yeah being disabled sucks, but autism isn't a get out of jail free card for being a reactionary. Maybe if you explained the material conditions of your situation you could get some good advice on how to meet and talk to women, but we can't fix your brain for you. Maybe more exposure, more dates will do that maybe not. The best advice I have for when things aren't working is try something new.


>Why does everyone online talk like this, with this tryhard tough love shit?
People like lying about themselves, better to fantasize about having the hard end of existence than to rationalize the fact you're an abject failure.


That anon is being obtuse, your feelings towards women is just a reflection of how they treat you. Being non-neurotypical sucks and I believe it's off putting to most women even if you meet the "looks threshold". I believe intimacy is nice to have but if women aren't making it easy for you then what's the point? What's the point of trying hard for a woman that's not really worth it.


Well I think my original statements sounded more judgmental of women than I intended, for that I apologize, but honestly I'm not looking to fuck anyone. My virginity doesn't bother me in and of itself, it's more the fact that it seems to alienate me from the rest of society, a society which seems way more sexual than I am. I mean do you really think that being a 32-year-old virgin who's never been on a date is common today, if it was ever common at all? I'm just trying to face the facts here. I'm not trying to insult or demean anyone here, except maybe myself quite frankly. There is still something inside of me that longs for romance and companionship even though I know they will never come. I just want to know how I can get over that.


>a society which seems way more sexual than I am
I haven't even felt like this and I'm your age. Maybe it's because I hang out with fellow nerds and nerdettes too.


Society has a special contempt for nale virginity.

and the irony is, men whom got laid and are in relationships have to deal with STDs, pregnancy scares, bastard children, violated boundaries, etc.

Yet society outs them on a pedestal.


I've hung around all kinds of people and they all talk about their significant others, their spouses, and their kids. To be honest though, if I had had a girlfriend in my teens or twenties, I probably wouldn't be a virgin still at this age, so I guess I'm just upset I lost out and missed the boat.
Society hates anyone who doesn't live up to the masculine ideal.


>they all talk about their significant others, their spouses, and their kids
That's "revolving around sex" to you? Lol.


I don't mean to imply that it is, only that my virginity is a bizarre aberration, that's all.


>Society hates anyone who doesn't live up to become a troglodyte


fucked the hottest fat chick in the world three times, i have disappointed zyzz
my cardiovascular system is still weaker than when i was younger i could nut like six times i would outlast people lmao
either clit piercings are insanely popular or my ELO has landed me matchmaking with turboskanks (all power to them)


Summer is approaching, how are my fellow incels dealing with horny season?


I'm just looking forward to seeing all those armpits on the bus.


>fucked the hottest fat chick in the world three times


Can incels eat food?


No, there's nobody to cook for them :(


Based armpit patrician. /LeftArmpit/ when?


My first was 29 and I was 20, there were no problems. Pedophilia is a problem that deserves little leeway, but this is just burger moralfaggotry.


Shouldn’t swipe right on the Jawline Kulaks


This thread doesn't even look like Leftypol. This shit is straight out of /adv/


going to fuck a trap tomorrow

hoping the depression and anxiety (worse because I don't want my parents or anyone to know I'm fucking a trans girl) doesn't fuck things up.

it gets worse, I feel like a failure because I didn't get a girl and can only score trans girls on tinder.

also I don't know if she wants a no strings attached thing

fucking hell


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Don't overthink it, just go with the flow, have fun, but make no promises. Also don't Ghost, that's shitty. Post a story after if you want.


have fun, traps and trans aren't the same tho


Tfw fine with being alone but the FOMO effect makes you doubt yourself.


trans girls are girls you STUPID incel



Hola bebe
Do you wanna post nudes / body shots?


If I'm able (nta) to get sex from them then they aren't in my eyes, at best they are a third gender to me. They're just as horny as any other guy.


no offense but maybe this is not a good mindset to go into a hookup with you can always make up an excuse that's life related instead of potentially making her feel like shit


What's your favorite anime? Perhaps if you have unfinished series, then we can watch it together on fbi.gov or something if you want lol.


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Ignore that post, they're just an annoying transphobic douchebag. Random but do you have Skype or fbi.gov?


Update: It went okay I guess, performed alright, but nothing changed, still depressed, didnt even feel that good, kinda fucked up a little by not sleeping well and being tired. At least she liked It, she was hard the entire time and said to call her If I wanted to do It again.

I wanted more of a connection. We Just went straight to kissing the sex. I also think she's a little autistic.


Also her mouth stank of cigarretes and her blowjob was kinda bad which surprised me


I mean it was a cheap fast hookup I don't know what you expected. Take Vitamin D and B and drink a lot of water, it'll boost your energy levels, clean your body out a bit and help with the depression somewhat.
As for a connection you need to build it up; meet with her some more, grab some drinks before you go fuck, talk about stuff after sex (don't unload your depression though, that's a surefire way to get people to run the hell away) talk about safe topics and ask for them to tell you more about themselves, listening to someone else is a great way to get them to open up to you.


I have dealt with shit every time I have done butt stuff with someone. Needless to say I haven't done that in years. Last hookup was with a trans that once she took off her stockings from her waist down smelled like pure stank ass FOOT. No tough actin' Tinactin could fix that. I went soft immediately.



Killed my interest


Yeah, a mod needs to go through and purge, and (respectfully) have no interest in doing that.
And also it's hard to put standards when it's hard to categorize posts, (could just go on a timeout spree…)


>This thread doesn't even look like Leftypol
Correct, it's /siberia/'s relationship thread.


I hate my deep trust issues and being cripplingly paranoid. I'm too old to still be dealing with this stupid trauma…


It happens


It is depressing to say this as a straight man but all evidence points to straight women fundamentally not being attracted on a physical level to the vast majority of men. And not in a "I want to fuck him NOW" metric, but literally ANY brain activity at all. Men throughout history up until the present day basically got laid through a combination of circumstances, social influence, status and "jestermaxxing". The women basically settled for these men, in spite of fundamentally being indifferent to their physical appearance. If they loved them at all, it was a love based on volatile feelings, a love based on how the woman feels around the man. Powerful? Secure? Talk of the town?

It should really be no surprise that men are culturally coded as tools of action, while women are culturally coded as objects of desire, because this is how it ends up playing out for the vast majority of couplings.

On that note, the incel fantasy of everyone ending up with their"looksmatch" is fundamentally pure idealism that ignores these dynamics between the sexes. There is no timeline where women are as enthusiastic about men on a physical level, as men are about women.

Similarly, the typical fantasy of a straight man, having a woman truly lust after him, is basically unattainable for the vast majority of men. That's why it's depressing. You've been raised in a "world" (your perception of it) of sexual hedonism, which the capitalists sold to you. But it's not real. Porn isn't real because the women are attractive, rather it's not real because no woman acts like the women in porn (except towards the truly physically appealing men, the "chads", which by my own estimate are even rarer than the incels think, a 1 in a million kind of deal.)

There is more I could write about the flaws of the incel PSL scale, but you can extrapolate that on your own.


>Porn isn't real because the women are attractive
*not because


theres plenty of attractive men but theyre usually pathologised.

Masculinity is oversold as body hair, flab and excessive muscles.

Men are not allowed to be viewed as anything else outside of being war machines or comical relief.

"defeatism" is not acceptable
(Youre right though and people who disagree are kinda delusional)


i think you're overlooking the hedonic treadmill. nobody has a truly hard-coded idea of what an attractive person looks like - you're always taking in reference points from your environment. the problems come in when you introduce television and, especially, the internet. now you're surrounded by unrealistic images and real life can't match up.
if you think of all the bell-curve images so popular with incels: imagine that you used to be on a bell-curve of all men in your town, now you're on a bell curve of all men.
but of course on the flip side: almost everyone's idea of romance is also now an unrealistic image. if once you thought of your parents and grandparents as the reference for how couples work, now you look to total nonsense media.

(also, more bleakly, there's a simple economic calculation to it: having a family is less economically necessary for both men and women in an age of pensions, individualism, and high career focus, so both are less inclined to do it. it's a lot of effort for what we see through revealed preference to not be that much reward.)


This is a more better reply than mine.

Also I think TV snd Internet only exaggerate pre existing steteotypes not create new ones.

Also people have lost touch with their utilitarian evoluntionary roots.
People think romantic attraction is transcendant of biology and economy.


>imagine that you used to be on a bell-curve of all men in your town, now you're on a bell curve of all men
Unless you live in a small rural town, it wouldnt make much of a difference though, local bell curve would be representative of national one.


>It is depressing to say this as a straight man but all evidence points to straight women fundamentally not being attracted on a physical level to the vast majority of men
What evidence? Blackpill infographics based on decade old dating app data? Never had a hook up? For all the incel retardation, I think their forums did a good job trying to materially analyze what women actually like instead of thoughtlessly going along with male gaze bodybuilder aesthetics. It's like the Marxism of sexual dynamics. I cut to low bodyfat instead of bulking and took care of my skin off solid PSL advice, but all that's left on those forums are the crabs in the bucket.


Of course it is one of our few pleasures. I should go buy a giant steak after work.


>but all that's left on those forums are the crabs in the bucket
That's probably because the PSL are Trotskyist, Trotskyist orgs are known to split and splinter off


>but all that's left on those forums are the crabs in the bucket
That's probably because the PSL are Trotskyist, Trotskyist orgs are known to split and splinter off


All right, I am giving myself an ultimatum to make a dating app profile this weekend, please give me some advice on photos. I have none, need to take them, dont know what kind, where, how. Someone here who has experience with apps, please tell me. I heard that mans photos should fall in to one of two categories: looking cool and doing something cool, but as a friendless loser occupying low income bracket, I have no idea what to do.


Show off your Pokemon progress on your Nintendo DS or Switch


PSL in this context is PUA Hate, Slut Hate and Lookism old incel adjacent forums. I believe they are defunct because of Elliot Rogers


>omg tv and internet are le bad because of unrealism
reactionary tbh


Throwing shit at the wall for you. No bathroom selfies, use the best camera you have access to. Take them outside during "golden hour". Get someone else to take them if possible. Strangers, your mom, whatever. It's good to have a group photo, feel free to reuse one from work. First photo in the reel should be smiling and approachable. If you have a dog or a prop that shows some talent you have (guitar etc.) show it off.
Based random ideology generator.


Forgot. If you can't get someone else to take photos prop your phone up and take them on a timer.


How does that invalidate their post?


braindead post.


>There is no timeline where women are as enthusiastic about men on a physical level, as men are about women.
Bingo and I could also add, with exceptions ofc, women are not interested in the person of men but in the opportunities men can grant her.


Just don't get scammed, they are much more dedicated to their craft than I realized.


>What evidence?
Scientific research of women's sexuality (physical arousal and brain activity) that is further corroborated by women's statements on Reddit. Random facts like women married to men initiate two thirds of divorces. Thinking about the cultural coding I mentioned, what would lead to that, and ultimately the origin of the "bluepill" as "common sense".
Incels are, to use an analogy, utopian socialists. "Bluepillers" are liberal capitalists. What I espouse is the dialectic of socialism-capitalism, with the utopianism and liberalism filed off.
>Never had a hook up?
The woman you are hooking up with doesn't care about the hook up as much as you do. THAT'S THE POINT.
>the rest
Sorry, no, PSL garbage won't make you a "chad". Likely not even plastic surgery will do it. Some research I remember reading indicates that women as a group don't even have consistent taste in men physically other than "a little bit of muscle". We simply do not know what makes a man attractive enough to get a woman aroused upon seeing him without any context (and speaking of context, when it comes to say celebrities, it's difficult to tell whether women are truly lusting after them physically or if they just like the imagined feeling of being with someone famous.) Also incels baselessly focus on the face, ignoring literally every other physical aspect.


I think this struggle session proved that we should all be gay.


Also, do incels really expect me to believe that the gender that spends most effort on BEAUTY, the gender LITERALLY TARGETED BY THE ALMOST 400 BILLION DOLLAR COSMETICS INDUSTRY, is unable to verbalize their aesthetic preferences. Just think about this glaring omission in the PSL worldview.


Ehhhh that is often true sure but overly simplistic, not all women are just social climbers


The anon who had the anecdote about going to hook up with a trans woman and them peeling off their tights then unleashing a veritable cloud of stank is haunting me. Not even fast actin' tinactin could get the burning nature of this thought.

I'm a virgin at 28 but if I ever do lose it, I get the feeling my first time will be all kinds of awkward and humiliating, like seeing a trans woman peeling their tights off revealing their tight little ass and girlcock but also gassing me out of the room. Or I just (most likely scenario) wind up awkwardly thrusting into a heavier set woman who is about as ugly as I am (As a skinny in shape dude I really like the idea of dating a kinda chubby girl who is into strength sports. hnngngg). Not that I would complain in either scenario, sex seems like a lot of fun even if it's bad.


Yeah it is fun. Having sex with someone who's 'ugly' isn't that bad as long as there's something attractive about them to you, it can be their personality or the way they dress/subculture shit, whatever. Oh yeah and drugs/alcohol help a lot to have a good time.

I can't promise your partner won't be stinky but hopefully that won't happen. Or you like it at least.


File: 1714614267626.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1428, ClipboardImage.png)

>I remember reading indicates that women as a group don't even have consistent taste in men physically other than "a little bit of muscle"
It's possible that types exist, but it's probably just conventionally attractive men in different flavors.
>Also incels baselessly focus on the face, ignoring literally every other physical aspect.
This is false, a lot incels mention the importance height and body proportions(writs,clavicles,etc.). Which come down to bone structure. Face is important to women.
Some women are honest, some women lie by saying characteristics that don't matter, matter. Better to observe actions.


Sorry I shared that story. She was otherwise cute, maybe we could have showered together first. It was just an unlucky night for me.


Left has way better facial aesthetics. Right is a dedicated gymcel. He'd do okay IRL if he isn't short.


idk what the fuck this image is implying, the guy in the right is objectively better
no it doesn't both of their faces look fine




She created a whole narrative to get me to send money after messaging me for a week. I even had a video call with her. But because I am a loser I ignored a lot of red flags, such as never messaging me after 6pm on the dot, taking the conversation to whatsapp after only a few messages in the dating app. I almost gave her the money, but my brain was able to overwhelm my dick with facts and logic eventually. Once it was clear I wasn't going to send hundreds of dollars to a girl I never met I got ghosted.

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