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Real talk: how do we fix Detroit?
297 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Bike lanes, gluten free donuts, and neurodivergent sensory spaces, yes.


Yeah. In the hood a Slurpee from 7-Eleven is considered a treat. You’d be shocked at how many uyghas are living off of gas station food.




Export their BBCs worldwide in that same way the Philippines exports labor.



Not even safe from arsonists.


Almost missed the Darwin Awards.



I mean, that's pretty symptomatic of the hood not having actual nightclubs where people can go and socialize. Also, American techno started in Detroit IIRC.

This story is actually sad.



Yeah the child survived. If it had been a car the child would have died instantly.


Martial law
Import businesses
Make people work
Rebuild neighbourhoods

A lot of shitty neighbourhoods are just the outcome of forced lumpenisation that destroys any long-term consciousness people have, so its about proletarianising the lumpen.


>Martial law


To establish a monopoly on violence


Take out the trash like Mugabe did.


Forget Detroit. Let's fix East St. Louis first.


lol its the billy woods picture


Criminal how such beautiful buildings can be left to rot.



Detroit needs a Mugabe.


That building is beautiful because of the rot, not despite it.


This is true.


Squat it


That mansion and the best they can do is a dirt road outside lol


More like, the original driveway was ripped apart for some reason or another.




Again perfect reason to ban cars.


Based, Detroit being the "motor city" made it cursed.


File: 1715636443016.jpg (110.54 KB, 800x930, j9an4nyl7rrb1.jpg)

Can't have shit in Detroit



Top ten photos of Michigan that will make you say "that's not Michigan, that's La Spezia'


>first scene is a car on fire at a gas station


The only thing you could do is treat it like entering a literal warzone. If you build a settlement, you have to treat it like a forward operating base; walls, barbed wire, guards and gates.

Unironically, Israeli settlements in the West Bank would probably be a good model for how to do it. Reclaim territory bit by bit, link up with other settlements and maintain a unified front against the locals.

>"b-b-but cost!!"

If you're re-settling Detroit it cannot be with the city's help. If you rely on the existing political infrastructure for even one thing you'll be destroyed. Again, it would have to be like an invasion, with the idea that you are surrounded by an enemy you must defend against, subjugate and destroy; including whatever corrupt, embattled police force remains. That means bringing your own money, supplying your own needs and definitely providing your own security. It doesn't have to be good for Detroit. Detroit is not invited to the planning meetings for what happens to Detroit.

So the primary issue is getting money to do it with, yes.

>"b-b-but Israeli settlers are all armed and most of them are ex-military!!"

I would plan on every fighting-age man being part of a militia in those environments. Even the women would have to walk around strapped.(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)




It's a chokepoint. Have a car? You'll need to stop at one. People who show up at gas stations have things to steal. The car itself, money, phones, clothing, accessories, tools. For the subhuman drains on society it's like a buffet where the food comes to you.


Least bootlicker DPRK supporter


Waste of a good number


>The only thing you could do is treat it like entering a literal warzone. If you build a settlement, you have to treat it like a forward operating base; walls, barbed wire, guards and gates.

>Unironically, Israeli settlements in the West Bank would probably be a good model for how to do it. Reclaim territory bit by bit, link up with other settlements and maintain a unified front against the locals.

>For the subhuman drains on society it's like a buffet where the food comes to you.

FFS the racism in these posts is off the charts.


this entire thread is chvd bait


Mention Detroit (or any impoverished American city) and white supremacists will always come out.


If you knew anything about Israeli settlers you'd know they're highly ideolocally-motivated.

No one has any ideological reason to build whites-only settlements in the slums of Detroit.


This plan is so diabolically evil it might just work.


File: 1715797869892.jpg (43.89 KB, 686x582, 0outof10.jpg)

This. Can't believe the mods are allowing a blatant /pol/ colony to operate for this long.
Hope the Detroit locals do an October 7th on your gentrification settlements.


Mandatory work, 100% housing in commie blocs, re-education for libertarians.


Not whites-only obviously, but I could see Eminem fans and Dillaheads settling the D.


Yeah obnoxious wigger kids and hypebeasts are the last thing Detroit needs.


This isn't accurate. About 80% of the settlers in the West Bank are poor immigrants from Russia, Ukraine, and Ethiopia who move to the settlements because they're cheaper and also more secure (no Israeli leader will risk their legitimacy by evacuating the settlements at this point). The idea most Israeli settlers are religious fanatics isn't true at all. And ironically, the original Israeli settler movement was leftist and peace-oriented in nature; they moved to the West Bank to act as human shields with the hopes of offsetting future wars between Israel and Jordan.

Detroit is already full of wiggers, disphit.


You're never going to get a ban on cars, this is America

Even an America with a workers' govt is gonna have people driving cars. Obviously we should massively expand public transit and make it free, connect all major cities with HST and stuff, but if you live in the hinterland you're gonna need cars. Detroit might not but Tiddlywink Nebraska does

nah dawg it was capitalism that cursed Detroit

damn they got the Ethiopians going to the settlements now too? Is there a book you could recommend or somethin on this, genuinely curious about internal divisions in the Zionist state


Welp comrades, looks like we aren’t needed after all.


Nature is healing!

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