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 No.524561[Last 50 Posts]

I want accountability. I'm fat, impatient, lazy, and undisciplined. In this thread, I'll catalogue my process from weak useless parasite, to strong paragon of the proletariat.

I'll post here everyday with updates.

My goals are to reach and maintain my weight, exercise regularly, and make a certain amount of money every day.

I'll add more detail later on. Feedback is welcome all along the way.




Good luck, OP


I'm going to go to the market right now to get affordable, healthy foods (instead of spending big bucks on goyslop from the supermarket or going out to eat). I'm going to take my toddler with me since he loves going. I'll take a pic of my haul! Hopefully tonight I'll be able to put up more concrete goals for y'all's feedback


>get affordable, healthy foods
good one
slop is cheaper unless you literally have a food garden


w anon
looking forward to this haul


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>someone with a kid says "goyslop"



>my toddler

Anyway, if you want to save money I recommend order long-lasting food in bulk from the internet. I currently store 10kg of soy meat in my room that costed me 1/3 of price of the cheapest one I could find in Tesco.


Another humblebrag thread. And I almost felt bad for OP.


Why not actual meat?


a.) morally superior
b.) cheaper
c.) healthier


Picrel: 40 dollars of food. That includes:

* 3 lbs of tomato
* 2 lbs of potato
* 1 lb of steak
* 2lbs ground beef
* 10 lbs of rice
* 2 lbs of seedless grapes
* 2 lbs of strawberries
* 2 ridiculously large carrots
* 2 small broccoli heads
* 2 mangoes
* 2 cucumbers
* 2 limes that a lady at the market gave me for free (le solidaire)

I promised that I'll set some more defined goals, and I will. Budgeting, weight loss, etc. I'll also post pics of myself to show how far I've got to go.

But for now, I want to get a quick contract done to get some income and make up for this expense.

I know I'm gonna fuck up along the way, comrades. Such is life. But wish me luck. I'm sick of being a fuckup.


Appreciate everyone who's posting here, even just to bitch or hate. Feels good to say this shit and connect to other people even in this way.

I'll check back in when my contract is done! Time to snag some crumbs from the master's table!


>quick contract
What is your job? Some kind of app slave?


>a.) morally superior
>b.) cheaper
Most likely
>c.) healthier



My specialty is cybersecurity, but I haven't been able to find a master to take me on as a wage slave, so I'm freelancing on Upwork. Mostly doing technical writing (cybersec articles and technical evaluations)

Btw, I'm back early because instead of working, I got distracted and played a game of Chess.

Alright, enough fun. See you all soon



btw picrel is my chess.com username if anyone from here wants to play with me


Go watch this guy's vids every other day as you need reminders to keep on the straight and narrow

Helped me anyway


Empty carbs


You are empty carbs and sugar too
Shut up.

All of them are necessary and better than eating processed junk


No, anon is muscle fiber and animal fat. The things we actually need to eat.


I have done this kind of thing before OP where i expect to come back every day and do updates. I hope this provides you the impetus you need. Eventually i stopped cos i felt like no one gave a shit (they didn't) whether i posted and they were all anonymous names so there wasn't accountability.

I give a shit tho OP. I'm gonna do this with you.

My Goals are to do a presentation on a political party i want to begin forming with my already radicalized friends by the end of next week.

To work out five days a week according to my work out plan

To do 15 minutes of studying Chinese every day.

I already do each of these infrequently. I want to do them consistently.




Phew, work done! Quiet house. Submitting to client for 100 heckin crisp dollarinos. Then, time to study. Picrel - preparing my desk for study vibez.

The strawberries from the market taste so sweet.

With work done, I have a second to breathe. I'll use this free time to set my first goal: no eating out this weekend. Ideally, I'd like to stop eating out completely. But baby steps, I want to get a taste of victory by doing good this weekend, and then extending it to the whole week!




Anon isn't wrong, our bodies convert them into sugar.




Can be fixed.
Who isn't.
Who isn't.
Discipline isn't a character trait. It's more of a skill. Fixable.

>To work out five days a week according to my work out plan
Similar. I boulder 2 times a week on average and go to the gym 1 time a week. I want to work out at least 4 times a week and boulder 2 times.
Not eating out is great for the wallet and diet. I've been giving this advice constantly because it's such a game changer. Take whey protein and fiber supplements plus plenty of water. They suppress your hunger significantly and prevent muscle loss to a degree. Eating less takes some time to get used to it. Craving food 24/7 of the day is normal the first week or two. Just keep going. Also failing is normal. Your goal is to fail less and less. Expect failure but strive for failing 0 times.


Pictured: anon enjoying his based alpha diet


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>Cooked in vegetable/seed oil




Americans are so annoying: once they discover eating Oreos and Big Macs are bad for your health, they start thinking all carbs are bad, so they start these meme diets like keto and eating raw meat, and end up dying of a heart attack at 50 anyway lol. Same with geopolitics. Can't you have a normal diet like everybody else ffs?


Sick, read this book I will attach. If you can ignore the self-help pablum and realize the recipes were concocted by a Scandinavian, it's going to make you ripped alone faster than most trainers. Also, you don't need to make your goal being ripped, understanding thermogenic energy loss should be the cornerstone of our nutrition. Also, don't shy away from caffeine unless you have anxiety. It really improves the metabolism significantly.
This guy seems immune to Bodybuilding.com knuckleheads from arguing with them. I stalked his socials to see if he's a rightoid and when one of his friends made him read Peterson's 12 Rules for Life he basically said "ehhhh sure it has some truths to tell at the beginning buuut yeah it sucks" and he clearly didn't finish it


This book I linked is not a fad diet. You can just adjust the macronutrient calculations to whatever foods you want to eat. It was really easy to set up the plans with legumes and veggie protein powder and powdered peanut butter (all fat is removed, it's half protein)
>just like geopolitics
You remind me of the teacher in the Fairly OddParents who keeps screaming about fairies, but with Dengists. Anyways, the macronutrient balance is one of the most important things about eating. It's the total balance of carbs + fats versus proteins, for starters. Completely changes your mood and eliminates risk of diabetes.


>>525185 (also the one above should have a Me) (me)
I'm really REALLY bowlderizing it btw pls read the book he has some formulas to use for adjusting macros for training days.
Try to get lots of fiber, creatine, omega 3s, and potassium. Really underlooked and can be challenging to find cheaply. I just use powders for 2 and 3


Carbs are unnecessary for humans. There is no conclusive evidence that meat causes heart disease. Vegetables are full of anti-nutrients. Species appropriate diet is not a meme diet.


Get on 10-20 mg of ritalin per dose (3-4 hour duration) bro

>my toddler
aint doing so bad eh?


no joke this is how amerilards fail to stay fit and how the diet industry is so financially successful despite americans being so fucking fat. it's because when they decide to lose weight, they think they should go on these insane 0 carb diets only to miserably fail like 3 weeks in.


Never seen a vegan community discuss how they can no longer control their stool, and occasionally find blood in in, like keto ones do. Just saying.


why would you post this after I lit incense in the thread to banish fake evolutionary biology paleo weirdness


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Tbqh we're probably replying to bait, he literally said "humans don't need fiber because we used to hunt" what did we do other than hunt moron??? if you want to appeal to indigenous diets that's where we got corn beans and squash


You're retarded and so are vegans. It's not a problem suitable for your retarded essentialism used to navigate social situations. This is about chemistry, there is less than a 4% difference between vegetable and animal protein powders in absorption


>vegetarians have no principles
Shocking development.


Indigenous people mostly ate meat. Settlers ruined their diets.
Don't forget Dr.Kellogg and the 7th Evangelist church that promoted plant based non-sense as well.


Bullshit. And you said indigenous humans didn't have carbs in their diet.


I said nothing about indigenous people. I said species appropriate diet.


The animal agriculture industry is a holocaust every year


according to cherokee religion, diseases are borne from mistreatment and cruelty toward animals and improper slaughter techniques cause various animal species which we have one-sided relationships with to curse our species with disease. that's the closest thing to the truth we've got considering how chronic wasting disease came about from forcing deer to cannibalize their own species in a farm in colorado.


Sup, leftypol. Huge thanks for all the info and tips, I'm looking into everything!

I was tempted to eat out today. Resisted. Ate steak with rice and veggies. Still kinda craving going out, but I won't. Plus I have plenty of fruit here to snack on.

Anyway, that's not so bad. Just finished more contracts. It feels good to watch money on Upwork go from the "Work in progress" tab, to "In review", to "Pending", and finally to "Available".

Ideally, I should apply to additional contracts. I need more baskets (clients) among which to distribute my eggs (labor time) to mitigate the risk of losing a client.

I'm gonna play a quick game of Chess, then get to work creating some programming challenges for a client.

Overall it's been really helpful knowing that if I fuck up, I'll have to post here. So far my only goal is to not eat out. But with time I'll post my current weight and stats, pics, weight loss goals, money goals, and much more.

I'm so fucking ready to get my life in order. Things can't go on like this. The revolution needs powerful workers with strong, beautiful bodies and curious, penetrating minds.

Btw if anyone has a good book recommendation I'm all ears. Preferably fiction. Want to load something on my Kindle for when I poop lol



pretty based, ngl anon. Once you remove sugar from your routine the cravings will disappear and you can experiment with sightly reducing carbs each meal while slightly increasing healthy fats, maybe olive oil. If you want to control bodyfat snack on greens instead of fruit.
>find a way to walk outside fast for 30mins daily. Too many benefits in every aspect to list.
>learn some bodyweight exercises to do anywhere to improve posture
>good book recommendation
everyone is reading blindsight rn


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>Posting on here while you have a child


What's the issue?


Whats the problem?


So this is the kind of contend people with cholesterol-clogged brain watch.


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One contract down (just a small one for 50 bucks). One more to go - luckily it's one that I can mostly do via GPT 4 so it shouldn't take too long. I've been having great productivity. Maybe because of this thread - but also I've stopped listening to music while I work. Maybe music was more distracting than I thought.


Hmm, I'll look into it, thanks! My sister beat you to the book recommendation - I'll first be picrel by Galeano. I'm aware Venas Abiertas is way more popular but I like that this one seems more personal and less propaganda ish


Reminder that food cravings take weeks to subside but they DO subside. Falling to cravings is a normal part of waning off something. Thinking otherwise is what leads alcoholics/drug addicts into relapsing, obviously drugs are way harder to quit, just as an example. The point is to widen the gaps between failures until they're far apart.

Small differences over a large period of time ADD UP. Big differences are sometimes harder to maintain over long term than small ones.

Have a good day.
>op es hispanohablante
Basado. Ten un excelente día y síguele echando ganas bb.


breeders should be banned




What are carnists of rigle?


It's ragile, Sir


Yea, Galeano is a huge pimp, read Open Veins then read Marini's Dialectics of Dependency. Your sister is a real one


You don't need to suffer this masochistic bullshit if you replace other macronutrients with protein and fiber and eat an orange when you want to skip meals.
Seriously read the personal trainer's book I posted and skip to the chapters on routines and the thermogenic diet. His recipes and sel-help are crap


Tonight, I have a hard choice.

1) Complete a contract
2) Make a game in React
3) Do both, tonight.

The contract is just about building a homelab for cybersecurity. Not super hard. The game is also simple - it's just an easter egg in my personal site where you play a little pokemon game. When the "game" is done I'll link it here and include a leftypol reference!

Anyway, I'm going to do which of those three options you fine zirs tell me to do. Whoever replies first telling me which number to do, that's who I'll listen to.

Also picrel looks like whoever had this dedicated IP before me was also a leftypol poster lol



Since no one offered a suggestion, I decided to start with the React game and then if it gets tedious I'll work on the contract.

Wish me luck!


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Progress update re: >>525917

It turns out, controlling a sprite via the keyboard is really easy in React. Pic is me doing exactly that.

My next task: make a Pokemon "follow" the main character, like in Pokemon Yellow.


* Create a simple background / map
* Add interactive content (a pokemon you can battle with, a leftypol easter egg, etc)

Wish me luck!


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Alright, I've successfully made it so Mimikyu follows you around! See attached gif.

The next step is to add some objects to the room. Then I'll add collision with these objects, and interaction.

I'm thinking of adding a little computer you can interact with, and if you do, you can go to this thread.


Thats really cool, but why would you not at least put on a t-shirt before posting a picture of yourself.



This is a great question. I actually had a shirt on, and took it *off* to conceal my face with an adhoc ninja mask.


It's pretty clear what OP is doing, just sage and hide the thread.



I'm OP and I'm so intensely curious what this means. Do you think I'm trying to show people myself topless? Or promote my personal website? I wish it were as clear to me as it is to you.

And here I thought I just didn't want to be fat and poor anymore.


Phew. I've been working on this minigame for like 6 hours straight so I'm gonna take a break.

Time to smash my contract and make one hunnit dollahs


Downloaded, thanks comrade!


Vivo en el país de la eterna primavera, Guatemala! Y vos sos mexicano me imagino?


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GUESS WHAT NIBBLERS! The weekend is over, and I didn't eat out. I met my goal. For once, I actually have money *left over*.

I've taken my first small step away from the kulak food goblins who's cockroach soup my body has been made out of for my entire life.

I'm done being this weak useless piece of shit. We communists are made of a special mould. There is nothing higher than the honour of belonging to this army.


Will update with new goals later tonight.


I love nibbler


have worked out once since friday. i suppose i still have time today so i'll do it now.
Studied chinese on friday and sunday.

I'm really having trouble kicking screen addiction, alcohol and generalized anxiety


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boy do i wonder if OP's gonna do this one



Heckin YEP fellow improover!




Hey! Glad to see you came back. I was also stuck on beer for a little while. My best friend & neighbor is German, so it's a big part of how we socialize.

How did your workout go?


Second level. I'm no stranger to change but I'm not risking getting into a scuffle with the last person I got annoyed by.


Gee… no smokes, alcohol, playboy centrefolds, television, indulgent donuts or bangin' my head against a wall? Wish me luck fellas, I'll need it.


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>Detective dysphoria
Now that's a name I haven't read in months, it felt over a year, we thought you were dead, fallen into the unknown.


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Level 3 for top G, lets go.


why did you pick such a depressing OP pic?


glad he's back desu

nice roll


>we thought you were dead, fallen into the unknown
I nearly did, y'know?
I'll tell ya what happened, but only once. It sounds trite but… it was a girl. I got involved where I shouldnt've, got attached when I shoulda known better. I feel like a damn fool and so I'm back here in the old haunts.

She had BDP, ASD, DID, the works. I tried to take it slow but you know what that sniffly Slovenian said, love is traumatic and you can't help but trip and tumble when you fall in love. Felt like one night I refused to let her kiss me, skin to skin sleeping the next. I didn't know how to handle it, I stopped it for a while. Truth be told, I wanted an open relationship and she didn't. We both knew that but we kept on going way beyond where it should have ended. We both hurt but we ended up the same way again. On and off. Finally she made the call herself to quit things. I guess her saying, "no more," was what I needed to quit.

I blame myself for it all. It exposed my weaknesses, ones I didn't realize. She's gone now, stepped back from all the things we did together. I wanna do the same, fall into nothing like ash off a cigarette but I know that'll only hurt me further. I just wish I never did anything, never even got the chance to hurt her… I just hope she deals with it better than she has historically and I can deal with my own sense of shame.

Only way I'm going to be able to do that is by not making the same mistakes. All I can do is be a better man, right?


Damn dude
>I just wish I never did anything, never even got the chance to hurt her…
It feels like you have good intentions so don't beat yourself up.
>Truth be told, I wanted an open relationship and she didn't.
This is one of those fashions I don't get. I don't want or need more than one sex partner. I'm really not attached to monogamy. I don't think a man can handle more than one femme fatale, detective.


>This is one of those fashions I don't get. I don't want or need more than one sex partner. I'm really not attached to monogamy. I don't think a man can handle more than one femme fatale, detective.
Y'know, it gets me all questioning myself whenever I consider the question of monogamy.
On one hand, not having to worry about the social expectation of sexual exclusivity when you want to fool around is good and all but…
On the other, you're right. Although, it wasn't like I was going out of my way to be sleeping around.

I'll explain my reasoning like this: We're young, decently attractive and openly attracted to other people. On top of that, romantic attachement and sexual desire are two seperate things in my brain. The way I saw it, it'd be better to come to an understanding regarding sexual non-exclusivity to allow us some breathing room to live a little. Maybe we slip up while intoxicated, maybe we find someone we click with one night. Maybe we just want to experience something new the other can't or won't provide. No sense in depriving ourselves of having a little fun every now and again, right? If she wanted to sleep around a bit, no skin off my back. Sure, I'd have felt a tinge of jealousy but really, that's just human nature. That's how I figured it but she didn't see it that way.

In some twisted way, I suppose I wanted it because I loved her, so she could have the option of other people open, you know? So she wouldn't be expected to just stick to me, to feel trapped by me or otherwise… regretful one day that she chose me?

I think, at the end of the day, it's like I'm just conflicted when it comes to what it is I really want. Who it is I really want, even. Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole relationship business, maybe I'm afraid of commitment? You use the term "sex partner" specifically but she wasn't just a sex partner to me. I felt different with her, an attraction that was stronger and far more intense, that went beyond her body. It was like I found pieces of my own soul in her, as if reflected in shattered glass. I've slept with others but in none of them did I feel the same deep sense of longing. In none of them did I feel the same desire to be with them.

But, what's done is done. I survived without her and I'll survive without her. I just wish she ends up with a better man than I and that I can figure my shit out before I end up hurting someone else. The problem is that when I feel so emotionally incapable or socially inept, I tend to isolate myself which is the exact opposite of what I need to be better. OP says that they're sick of making the same mistakes and dang it, so am I!

Having said that, put a strike against my name for the bad habits. Ended up masutrbating for a quick dopamine release. Guess I've gotta re-roll.

Delaer, hit me with a level two again! >>526251


A namefella who forgot their name? Just a testament to how tired I must be. Gotta get proper sleep to raise a healthy vegetable, right? Nighty night, anons.


>In some twisted way, I suppose I wanted it because I loved her, so she could have the option of other people open, you know? So she wouldn't be expected to just stick to me, to feel trapped by me or otherwise… regretful one day that she chose me?

Mmm, for me, you sound like such an airhead, anon!

Having someone as a sole necessity in your spirit ( as the salt is to the plant ), with furher desires emerging in you to harmonize with the subject of her, unable to have dinstinctions… ( not being 'able' to choosing other people )

Yet, at the same time, going against her will to be fully together with you… like, she told you that her wish is to be only with you, right? ( or maybe I got it wrong )

Perhaps, she was 'scared' of losing you. Of losing the mysterious quality that you felt and made her feel, how could she respond if you told her that sex is just a bland ritual that you can do it with everyone- but, what if she wanted to 'share' all her had with you, apart from whatever quality of the action has… you said you long for her presence, yet, you wanted her to share it with others. Perhaps for her, even thinking anyone other than you was a grand tragedy, the thought itself would appear a bitter ache in her chest- what if she already have chosen you?

But yeah, i don't know and can't know what really happened in your experienced union, I just presupposed things about you and continued my questions on that basis. Sorry if I tried to pass the line…


Yeah what they said >>526541
To me
>It was like I found pieces of my own soul in her, as if reflected in shattered glass
this happens constantly. Sex is somewhat unimportant. Seems overrated.


>seems overrated
Setting this aside, the main issue is lack of cardiovascular fitness, lack of communication, weird standards people uphold to their own detriment, weak pelvic floor muscles, inflammation in the genitals and prostate etc, it's like a full exam of your physical and mental and social fitness as well as your ability to truly empathize with someone in the end and give a shit if they cum. Also focusing too much on scoring bodies and scoring nuts instead of actually enjoying what's happening.
What I mean is that until I got my shit together I was dissociating whenever I had sex and I would have agreed with you. It's not a priority, it's a stretch goal. Speaking of stretch goals I've decided to anally fuck a man this weekend. Anal is definitely overrated last time I did it my partner basically decided we need to take a break. Would I be slutting myself out to random suspiciously-hot couples if it were overrated?
Fat health class teacher take.
Don't listen to those blogs by mentally insane fat people who talk about you need to accept being overworked and unhealthy and this is just what sex is now. (Maybe you're half asexual! Just make shit up! Never try!)


Alot of sex-negativity is usually stumted/scarred older adults projecting onto young people


That was my impression, because way they describe PIV intercourse is reminiscent of how Norm Macdonald depicted gay anal rape at the end of his whole,,,, what was that musical act, you know the one.


I'm swamped with contracts! I'll need to avoid the urge to procrastinate, and just dive right in. There's a lot of money on the line. Once the money comes in, I'll have to be disciplined about putting it towards things that matter and will improve my longterm situation.

This week, my goal is to not use my computer after 9 PM. Which will be particularly challenging this week, as I have a ton of work, and night is my most productive time. So I must submit totally to the discipline of getting my work *done* during the day. Not fucking off like an idiot.

Thanks to all the solidarity, comrades. Inch by dreadful, tedious fucking inch I'm going to drag myself to freedom.


Going cold turkey on something that has huge utility like your devices could be unsustainable but going to bed earlier is huge.
I recommend the "one attention sheet" where you write down every single one of your responsibilities on a checklist. Things which are not true responsibilities like "spare thoughts" or reminders, cool names you invented for things, entertainment you wish to check up on, that all goes in a separate list. For the main one talking about your priorities like phone calls, appointments, personal healthcare things you forget, stuff you have to do, not just hope to remember. This helps eliminate the anxiety of whether you're doing what you ought to be doing.
Also if you have shit teeth try using Super Floss and then using an iodized salt rinse. I did that once years ago when I didn't take care of myself on a camping trip and I hear a lot of improoovers mention as a sidenote they have shit teeth. It ruins your energy level and gives you heart disease.


>>526614 (me)
Stage 2 of this process is estimating how much time you need to complete a priority and then scheduling so you have a big block of time for lengthy responsibilities and the smaller ones don't end up pushing it out of a scheduling block into the next day (or week, or on rescheduling as available, or into NEVER GETTING DONE 😱)


I can't say I'm not an airhead. You fellas may be onto something. Regardless, we can't be turning this into the sex and relationship general so we'll just put a stop to discussing her, okay?

Here's a better topic: how's OP doing? They haven't checked in for a couple of days.



I just checked in here: >>526612

Things are going swell, just busy :) I won't stop checking in, though. I'm really done fucking up. If I misstep along the way (as I surely shall) you will hear about it. But I won't stop posting my progress.

Worst case scenario I get banned here and post elsewhere.

I also made a ton of progress on my personal site since I last updated y'all about that, including an adorable reference to leftypol. I'd post now but I need to get back to work!


Well, my apologies, OP, I didn't realize it was you. Had my mind clouded by other things, you know how it goes. I'm glad things are going well. Hope your shift doesn't make you feel flattened by the end of day, god knows mine will.



Thanks for the well-wishes!


Didn't use computer at night, ended up falling asleep at a good time. The "down side" being that I didn't spend hours up all night being super productive. No worries, now it's early in the morning and I can get a ton of work done!


Today's goal is just my week-wide goal: no computer after 9.

Fuck failure. Not an option. Absolute proletarian fucking iron.


>Absolute proletarian fucking iron.
That's the spirit, OP! Keep fighting the good fight!
In other news, I've decided to change up my task from growing a vegetable to taking care of the garden in general. There's this big damn hole in the back that's been frustrating me for a while so I might start by sourcing enough dirt to fill it in for good.
Additionally, I've considered trying to upload "Skater Maid: Private Eye" to Archive of Our Own once I go over what I've written so far to format it all for a place where the ol' "meme arrows" don't have the same cultural relevance. Re-reading it all will be good to get the creative juices flowing again. It's a damn shame my original thread wasn't archived but… whatta you do?


That's the spirit, glad to hear you've committed to this effectively. Shitposting in the morning before people wake up is crackalackin >:)


make art


Fucked up today. Me and wife were at ultrasound and I got us both Taco Bell. My penance? I'm gonna go 100x harder on my contracts today.


I'm done fucking around, leftypol. Time for labor.



Btw still working on my personal site. Feel free to visit: darigo.su

If you click on the little pokeball in the right, you enter a pokemon version of my real room. Then if you go up to the computer, and open netscape, I made a working mini imageboard in homage to leftypol.

Today I have a call with my sister so probably won't get much more work done. So much to do. But my goal this week is about going to sleep on time, not anything else, so I'll focus on that.


Wrong approach, comrade. Don't punish yourself by doing more. If anything, if anything punish yourself with diligence and discipline, just do what you're supposed to do. You're expected to fail building habits. It is very wrong to respond to failure by anything other than sticking to your habits, which does not mean doing _more_. Only what your habits are supposed to be. They have to be sustainable too.

Once you have habits down, you can then increase them. Like going once a week to the gym, then once you have that, then twice etc.


Website looks great man, keep up the hard work


nice work


Thanks for the kind words, comrades!

Someone asked if I'll be implementing a .onion soon - yes I will. First, I'm going to setup a blog. Then, I'll make an epic blogpost about securing the site (adding HTTPS, .onion, and tons of other security features, just as a learning experience)


G'day y'all. Here's what I'm doing today: MONEY.

I'm creating coding challenges for a client on Upwork.

My family needs me, so I can't fuck around.


Hello fellow proletarians.

Today I literally just need to do one thing: WORK.


1. Finish the review
2. Create the challenge
3. Finish the other review

And nothing else matters.

I'll be updating in this thread with my progress all night. I'll be posting with SAGE so I don't spam. Who else is here to accomplish some muthaphlukkin goals tonight??


Aight, one contract done. On to the second.

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