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hold the fuck up
she's still alive?

genuinely thought she died after the picture was taken, now I feel like those gen alpha kids who were taught about 9/11 for the first time in school and cried because they thought it was an internet meme


i didn't know either, that's good to know.


i heard she's a rightoid ironically


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proof or it never real


I don't know about rightoid specifically but she was a defector and now she's a Christcuck and married to a Canuck.


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i can't, i won't understand the idea behind taking in the religion of a nation, of the aviator that burned your skin off, what could she see in the bible that i couldn't.

and if you think about it, canada sold materials used to make napalm and the agent to america during vietnam, so there's a very slight chance the napalm that hit her came from canada, i just can't


What's to not understand? She has a comfy life in the US, richer and easier than if she was still in Vietnam. People's beliefs tend to move towards justifying their current life circumstances.


>She has a comfy life in the US
canada actually, which is less ironic than if she settled in amerikkka


Meh, Canada is basically just a US territory, but fair enough.


Canadians are always on a high horse distancing themselves from Americans when they're just a mildly less bad version of them.


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>greasy food
>shit housing market
>liberul (nuke iran) vs concervatard (nuke iran) ahh government
>police officers kindly helping the native americans (starlight tours)
>muh russian/cecepe spies depending on who's speaking
>you MUST tip
>heaps of wild land that isn't habited yet

yeah, it's americans in denial but missing the gun cultura and the gas prices

do you think leafs refer to their black people as african-americans or african-canadians?


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I wonder about this tbh. Like most Black people in Canada would probably be recent emigres from African countries, so calling them African Canadians is probably accurate


Every time rightoids whine about DEI and wokeness, it's worth remembering this episode of history and the lengths that had to be gone to for schools to be integrated, and how much pushback there was. The Rockwell painting and typical photographs don't quite capture it.


Not to derail here, but why are Vietnamese such cucks to the US anyway? Their country seems to have positive relations to the US despite what the US did to them.


damn she got way lighter skinned in old age


america is a continent


Two continents


I‘m glad you countered his pedantry with more pedantry. Fucking cunt. We all know what we mean by America.


You forgot Central America.


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remember her? the girl from that anti-vietnam war protest in kent?

she's a psychiatrist now, not sure if rightoid, but she worked at one of the establishments owned by Glormph

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