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You should starve yourself to get skinny and cute!
You can lose 2-3lbs a week safely without muscle wastage if you eat less than 1000cal a day.
Work out your cardio core and do lots of squats
Rub your nipples every time you fap for 2 weeks until they get sensitive like a grills
Learn to apply makeup and order cute clothes and cosplay wigs
Get cute communist bf who will punish you for bourgeois fun and send you for forced GULag labor (s*x).


if you smoke weed for a while you'll lose the ability to have an appetite while sober so you can lose weight pretty easily just by tricking your brain into not being hungry often


Femcoded thread



just grab some adderall


>ez path to weightloss
capoeira, if ur able to execute capoeira moves then you're more fit than 99% of people. it is also the most complex martial art in the world


how would that help in losing weight?


Unironically go carnivore if you can.



do you even know what adderall is?


Stimulants make you not have appetite.


nope never used it, but I've heard that when you stop taking adderall your weight goes back to when you didn't take the drug, so someone would have to use adderall for the rest of their lives to maintain such weightloss


>when you stop taking adderall your weight goes back to when you didn't take the drug


only as long as the user uses it, it isn't permanent


you get ur appetite back, therefore u eat more


If you were eating like a pig before then yeah. If you were only maintaining your weight then no.


actually makes sense, but I still wouldn't use it lol, I prefer the hardcore capoeira solution


Losing weight depends on CICO. If you exercise a lot but still end up with a caloric surplus then you aren't going to lose weight either.


I know I know, I got it figured out


I starve myself to feel miserable, not to lose weight.


>You should starve yourself to get skinny and cute!
you'll just get ugly actually, don't do that
don't do that… pls


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i unironically did that now i look like this


If you wanna be a skinny femboy unironically just feed off of semen for a few weeks. Also beer. You do you though.


Can be boring if you don't have someone to compete with, find a fellow femboy to do it with.


I mean this in the least sexual or disrespectful way I could possibly ever hope to say something like this, can I have sex with you right this fucking instant? Thanks.
Whey protein + fiber are the absolute minimum necessary for an effortless diet. Also remember it takes a week or two to get used to being hungry. Afterwards it's relatively easy. Also plenty of water.

I'm cutting around half a kilo a week. Maybe a bit less. Patience is another key.

1k calories a day is too little IMO.
Squats are good for legs, including ass. Not sure why OP recommends them though.


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Please don't click this cursed image, milk involved in it, very cringe, found on leftybooru:


I don't know if drinking semen really helps that much for becoming feminine but I'm willing to help any of you cuties try it!


ez path to weightgain

You should overeat to get fat and sexy!
you can gain 1kg of weight with an extra 7000 calories per week.
Order food to your house and do not exercise to avoid wasting calories
Slap your ass every time you fap for 2 weeks until it gets jiggly like PAWG
Learn to apply makeup and order cute clothes and cosplay wigs
Get muscle beast communist bf who will reward you for proletarian praxis with consensual community fun (g*ng b*ng)


She's cute.


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>I mean this in the least sexual or disrespectful way I could possibly ever hope to say something like this, can I have sex with you right this fucking instant? Thanks.
really now? :3c


Ah I remember this, fun times.

>Not sure why OP recommends them though.
To get a more toned, bigger ass (which isn't quite how that works for males muscular development)


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nah, i'm good


Literally just eat protein, I posted a good book in the other thread Slothanon made about working out with an anime girl pic


This is exactly what the book I posted in OP's other thread about "motivation" talks about. People who do masochistic pointless cardio without worrying about strength or form at stupid capitalism McGyms and Crossfit put people off the concept of fitness entirely when it's possible to do a full body workout in a little over a half an hour



why workout if i can lose calories by jacking off furiously


Link and/or screencap pls


To be blessed like this. With your consent, I wish to tie you up to fill you up first, then drain you.


Oh hey, what's going on in this thread


It's too complicated anon, I'd have to show you :3 [picks you up, moves you to flat ground, manhandles you into correct squat form]
Tbqh okay you definitely can't do it that fast at first but I mean to clarify strength routines actually result in more convenience for time, better mobility and health, are less likely to cause repetitive strain injuries although they carry their own risks and required skill levels.
Also I would never completely eliminate cardio especially not hiking on uneven terrain to exercise the feet etc as well as the eyes.
No reason not to do that during your recovery period if that's what you like. Gaming is also a good activity to do only when your body hurts, it restricts the habit and keeps you away from games that encourage chronic addictions.
Sure also I'll post my non-scandinavian recipes (he eats wayy too much dairy and stuff, i use powdered peanut butter and whey and soy isolate and pea protein when i want a green flavor, usually mixed with coconut water and yogurt to get most of my protein, but powders get protein into your body too quickly compared to like, milk caseins, so you shouldn't do one big shake, and meat is pretty crucial. still, the complete lack of legumes is psychotic. leave the self help pablum and the recipes, take the years of experience as a personal trainer and bodybuilding.com reply guy) and maybe even my physique when I look a bit less like bigfoot and my ass gets less huge bc i need that narcissistic supply


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>I'd have to show you :3
Oi, I'm not that inexperienced I am OP of >>>/hobby/39663 after all. But seriously if you can explain it in detail here or in the /fit/ thread I'd appreciate it. Squats is one of those things that I've gotten so much conflicting advice about that I end up doing anything but them most of the time.
>never completely eliminate cardio
I think my martial arts routine is pretty good for that, motion for an hour is pretty hard on the lungs when you give every movement 100% effort non-stop. I do need to get back into swimming though.
>I'll post my non-scandinavian recipes
Sounds good.


this is not true. I smoked weed every day for 12 years and I was still hungry when I finally quit.
literally just eat way more fiber/vegetables/fruit. Eat shit that is low calorie and fiber dense like celery, carrots, broccoli, etc.

Also you can eat more calories on a plant based diet than you can on a meat/dairy heavy diet because your body metabolizes the food more slowly and you put less of it on as weight. I keep a daily calorie spreadsheet for years now and when I started eating more vegetables my average daily calories went from 2000 to about 2500 but I lost weight because I was eating less meat/cheese/processed foods. and more vegetables/fruits/whole foods. You don't need to starve yourself to lose weight. you just need to exercise and eat healthier foods. You can also eat less food without going full anorexia. Like just try to eat 200 less calories per day. Don't go apeshit.


>but powders get protein into your body too quickly compared to like, milk caseins, so you shouldn't do one big shake
I've heard this isn't true.

My best advice for a starter is in fact to take a big shake and fiber powder plus lots of water. Don't overcomplicate it at first. There's literally no point.


In practice I don't really worry about which proteins are digested faster haha, I figure the bits of eggs and yogurt take care of that if the soy isolate is really being absorbed faster than I want. Not like am seriously gonna figure out how to keep my blood amino acids at a certain level, I think my body can do that itself lel.
Yeah dextrin powder is very cheap!! Should have mentioned that thanks.
Soy/whey, coconut water, and dextrin is very yummy and gives you BRUTE STRENGTH ahahahaha


What dextrose comrade? I meant fiber. I fear those dextrose cubes. Is it just raw sugar? I just have fruit before workout or honey if I need the extra kick.


Lel sorry, read dextrin as dextrose. Seems I can't read either :P


Haha I know a guy who swears by eating gummy bears for some stupid weightlifting reason and also for falling asleep by tapering blood sugar???? (wild admission dude must have the worst breath) Like ok bro enjoy weird mood swings and subtly bad shits for your treaty treats


Protein powder is filled with lead, lol.


All protein powder, everywhere, is filled with lead because you saw a recall for it somewhere?


this article goes over the basics of protein and fat and carbs and other stuff in a SCIENTIFIC MATERIALIST way



Read the label next time lol, they even tell you it comes with a percentage of lead.


If only keto wasn't prohibitively expensive, I was losing a lot on that until my budget for food gave out.


I'm glad I'm not American and constantly surrounded by poisons, so I don't have to get into some fad diet and follow food """science""" cranks.


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