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>nearly infinite porn on the internet
>more porn than any individual is capable of looking at in 1 lifetime
>some people still feel the need to do stuff like this


Porn exacerbates this type of behavior.





Kink shaming thread


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>>the guy who tells you to go to church



Why does porn cause perversion but video games don't cause violance?:


your question is the answer


This is never just about sex and it certainly isn't "porn addiction" (A bourgeois pseudo-science that exists to excuse and justify conservative policy), it is about power over others. He did it because he could get away with it and has the system backing him and this will continue until the conservative ideology that empowers people like him is thrown into the dust-bin of history.
I wouldn't be surprised to see this make a comeback soon, considering how many people on the Western "Left" are so fucking culture-war brained.


kill all gamers


wtf chinletjak


Idiot. Religious people always end up being the most sexually fun scum there is


Calling something bourgeois pseudo-science doesn't make it any less real. "Porn-addiciton" or whatever you want to call it is just a symptom of a patriarchal capitalist society that regards women as property.
Religious men consume a lot porn, his point stands.


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maybe in some cases, with some genres of porn. I'm inclined to think that the type of guy who jacks off to voyeur cam vids/pics (a crime with a victim) is not the same type of guy who jacks off to patreon hentai (a non-crime with no victims)


from what i've read the enjoyment doesn't just come from the pictures but from the act itself, and the extreme risks and ensuing highs make it like an addiction


>Religious men consume a lot porn, his point stands.
So do I and no it doesnt. I have my kinks but Im not gay or a diddler


>gay or a diddler
why did you lump these two things together chinlet


>Gulag for christcucks and queers
wow centrism brain


So…you've never heard a priest joke or something I take it


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>schrodinger's joke
>say something stealthily reactionary and then pretend it was just a joke when disagreed with


God your stupid. I wasnt saying it was a joke. I was implying you're unaware of priest raping young boys. A lot of priest are gay fun pedos. Boo fucking ho if you think thats reactionary


I guess its the thrill of doing something naughty in public like people who fuck in public.


>he has a gf


pedophile priests rape prepubescent children for the power trip not because they're homosexual, you imbecile. If you think a prepubescent child is alluring to a pedophile because of its genitals then you haven't studied this issue at all. It's about power, not penis.


a lot of child rapists arent even attracted to children too, like you said its all about the coercion and power trip


the inevitability of society to create creepshots


I refuse to Notice




>A lot of priest are gay fun pedos.
When some drunk retard sexually assaulted a 10 year old girl he's just a pedo, nobody would bother calling him a "straight pedo". An adult woman molesting a younger girl similarly would never be called a dyke pedo, but when gays rape boys he always have to be called a "gay pedo". Curious and curiouser. And this despite the fact Heterosexual pedophilia is the more common form of pedophilia


>Heterosexual pedophilia is the more common form of pedophilia
To be fair heteros are like 60-70% of the population in "developed" countries


Religions have moral codes about sexuality and repressed sexuality leads to shit like this. Its ironic that muslims turn into faggots or catholics end up as pedos because of this.


you can be gay in Iran tho, they just force you to transition


You mean Christianity?



Neither. Abrahamism causes perversion and violence, furry porn and videogames are the cure.



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