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So the current thread will hit the limit soon and I can't decide on the theme for the next one. In the spirit of this election year, I'm making a poll that runs from today to the 30th. Here are the options:
COVID nostalgia
Trump-JFK Jr. 2024
Vote here:


Where is jellyfish option OP? Are you scared of the menace of the Sea? This pool is inconstitucionalizedsic


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This is such a difficult choice
On the one hand COVID was kino.
On the other hand, VBNMW gave us stuff like this.


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buy one get one free self immolation


Trump is a massive zionist


Biden is supporting

Trump would actively take part in it

And on domestic affairs republicans are 1000X worse




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American cuisine


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prison president
prison president


Hoping that Trump loses again and his followers try jan 6 2.0 except this time they all get gunned down and the camera footage is released to the public


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guy comes in and eats your girlfriend's McChicken
what do you do?


pants full of shit


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is there a high likelyhood that he's gonna get a criminal conviction before the election?


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who cares


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It matters. I'm not going to elaborate so as to not turn this thread into a massive discussion about electoralism.




The precedent of some oligarch asshole getting a slap on the wrist for crimes which he did in fact commit?


shipping these must be a logistic nightmare


It's 100% irrelevant


Anything for a visit from Davis


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>Covid nostalgia
No clue what that means
>trump rfk 2024
Also lame.

Just do something visually striking with the burger flag in it.


vbnmw == vote blue no matter who


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How about this if you want an election theme.


yes the 2024 election where the main issue is which candidate dies of heart attack first.


Its painful to watch these retards shout about police when they are next to this guy. At least they could try to extinguish him.


wtf is VBNMW?


vote blue no matter who


Very based non male women



I think it was sam Harris the redditman who said even if Biden was caught with the White House full of CP he would still vote fir him


Inb4 some guy from a shithole state thinks this is unironically good




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least deranged US governor


She has my voooooote.


Aaron Good was right with his concept of 'higher immorality'.


>2 minutes into the video
>guy is clearly burnt to the crisp and is now a corpse
>police showed up 1 minute too late
>he is still burning
>some trump lady yells "don't let that person burn!!!!"


He's clearly still alive and moving around. He died in the burn unit like 8 hours later. Even if they did think he was dead why would you let the body continue to burn? It's gross


You suffer definitely-lethal burn injuries long before the burn outright kills you. Still, you obviously shouldn't just let him burn.


die bitch


I agree. They should have put a mercy bullet in his head so he wouldn't be in a burn unit for 8 hours. Kinda funny how the one situation where it would make sense for a cop to execute an unarmed man, it doesn't happen.


in a real guerrilla war these guys would be so easy to escape. They can't even run fast and they overencumber their inventory with heavy armor


in any shit gets real situation, meal team six mfers become walking loot drops


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I saw Civil War and it sucked ass. What a disappointment.



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Just as a reminder if you haven't voted in the poll: today is election day!


shit his pants

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