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God is great



Bishmallah https://youtu.be/47efSjw1hAM?si=JSwOuvUClEYiimLF
Is there any non-english christian socialist music? Just curious.


would you consider the Ba'ath to be socialist?
if so, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCRa8vkIXO0


The only "religious" non-english "socialist" music i could think of is this one it is not inherently socialist, but it gained popularity in 1970 Russia, but i am sure that there is more of then out there:


serious question for christians: if god is everywhere, does this mean that he's inside ur mom?


Yes, he's inside ur mom


no she isn't


>>526413 what about my dad? is god inside my dad? what about my dog?


maybe. you should look inside them to check

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