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>inb4 Twitter

I want to discuss how Xtwitter post-Elon has become nothing but regurgitated, stolen content from the same large meme accounts, India/Vietnam/Africa based bot accounts that spam every tweet with unrelated content, porn bots that post unsolicited content, Nazis that can openly praise Hitler, Zionists and Hindutvas who flood any post they can find to disparage Palestinians, Muslims and anyone else they hate. Twitter might be at the bottom of the totem pole for social media content, but it’s convenient and has a massive base of anti-imperialist MLs who now have to deal with seeing the sheer insanity that place has become.

I fear that this will be true of all nuinternet going forward. Forums and IBs have been obsolete for years now and everywhere else is going to be the same toxicity psyop unleashed by dead internet theory. The future feels bleak.


any ML who used twitter after finding out it was made up entirely by bots 4 years ago during the blm protests, en bolivia no hay golpe and #SOSCuba deserves to suffer as their precious little brainlet site withers away into nothing


But you have to understand that forums and IBs are largely obsolete. Look at the state of this place and how inactive it is. Twitter is a mess but for a long time was a useful platform for us. Now we have nothing


You are a mainstream social media addict. Why do you even have a social media presence? People dont need to talk to you online to be your friend in meatspace. Not to mention employers like to look at your social media accounts…


Anon, I don’t use Instagram or Facebook. I have an anonymous Twitter I use mainly to lurk, what employer is going to find me? Are you stupid?


whatever, i thought you were using twitter to stay in contact with people or organize. same here though. i made a twitter account to pretend i was a trump-supporting black woman in 2016 for shilling purposes and then only came back to twitter for blacked or femboy porn until the former got wiped by mr musk and the latter started getting shared in bigger quantities elsewhere. anyway good riddance of xitter since it's just a website that was designed to take leftists from interacting with any uncomfy people, force them into hugboxes and spend all their time writing worthless 500 character max twitterposts about things they shouldve been talking about with people in party meetings or writing about on imageboards. it was a sleazy website with COINTELPRO origins.


If you mean nu- as a sneer term, reactionary but sure, this is an accurate assessment of your twitters, reddits, search engines, tiktoks and such. You're incorrect to attribute this to newness though, corpo centralized platforms are the ruins of old internet. You won't find this sorta thing happening on fedi or anything actually new.


>>526416 (me)
accurate* aside from your assumption that IBs and forums are obsolete. They're rising in popularity actually, and the software is new too. You just don't find them fun anymore. You will like them again when the corpo stuff isn't available to keep you ipad babbied with "discourse" or whatever it is you still use twitter for these days, since all the artists left.


>corpo centralized platforms are the ruins of old internet
Corporation centralized platforms are a new phenomenon and didn’t exist on the old internet.


Who's the hot guy your pic?


Idk, I just use nitter to lurk accounts of cool queers.


@fazooli88 and @como_dan on xitter


me too but its barely usable thanks to muskrat restricting the api


its an inevitability of capitalism lol


The Internet was always a medium of recycled content. Its no different from TV.

This whole pop culture war nonsense is just bored idle manchildren with main character syndrome.


i used to do this and it made me want to kill myself since they were all clearly living better lives than me
then most nitter instances broke so i stopped.


It's old, not ancient, but still old.
It's an information highway, not everything exists to entertain you..


tell that to your nostalgic manchildren. They always harp on about "muh most media"


I'd suck his cock and swallow his cum everyday


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https://nitter.poast.org this instance works

Anyway, what accounts did you follow? My go to are viperwave, twinkmoder, newposter, lots of cool posts from other accounts on their feed.


>now we have nothing
You know this isn't true.


You shouldn't have told me that or I'd be more helpful. Honestly the only people I regularly check are Erallover, Pataramesh, and a guy posting funny videos I steal


Why, whats the issue with him(?)?


That's literally just archival. You need to develop a worldview that isn't solely comprised of soyjak memes.


>Yurichin Bitch Club off-canon


>They're rising in popularity actually


How could there be statistics on that without analytics? I've simply seen more forums popping up and people sharing stuff from them.

Unique IPs: 14

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