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>Its not what you know its who you know


I remember seething the first time someone told me that, but it's basically true, both for capitalism and against capitalism. We have to educate, agitate, and organize into committed revolutionary organizations. Who we know matters. And yet, if we wanted to be bootlicking careerists instead, we would also benefit from nepotism. Humans are social animals.


Its true, but it shouldn't be. The people who say it like the notion for the wrong reasons.


Sorry bro if you wanna be a communist you gotta be likeable.


spongebob what's wrong


this is more what they say for college credits


this expression basically explains why the world is an autistic genocide


autistic people are more numerous than ever. I think by 2200 everyone will be autistic, or a robot


I'm getting paid 6 digits and most of the time I don't even pretend to work.
Who you know can do wonders. To think that intelligence or skills are the major factor in employability is liberal idealism.


the same people saying "autists are le immune to propaganda" also whine that capitalism isnt a "meritocracy" (it is, just not the one they like)


>it shouldn't be
ok lib


Or you know people are just hateful to autists in the same way one could be hateful to gay people or indian people



never mind I misread your post I am rum drunk


>autistic people are more numerous than ever
Source: self-reported statistics


this is true.
Capitalism does haveto rely on merit although not necessarily good ones.
And the ones whom whine the most about it dont have any practical merits for any system, capitalist or socialist.


> I am rum drunk
the best kind of drunk

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