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According to this meme man, having sex with a woman makes you gay


The joke is too obvious here


wish I was gay


Now that's rapeable!


Sweet little bumblebee
More than just a fantasy
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da




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"fellas is it gay to be straight" is some zizekian level bullshitting


I remember some PUAs saying back in the day vagginas looked gross like an open flesh wound, while it was masculine to admire smooth erect pennises.


there's nothing more manly and straight than a man having sex with other men


i’m gonna be very straight when I meet shay


the guy has devolved into a shitposter, I wouldn't take anything he says seriously


Shay is a myth


Shay is ideology


What if a man has sex with a trans woman? Checkmate, Tate! Better: CheckTate!


tate is pro-trans though. or more correctly, he doesn't care as long as the woman is hot


>if you have sex with a woman, you're gay
>it doesn't matter if the woman is cis or trans, we're still talking about a woman, thus if you have sex with her, you're gay
>he would still bang a woman, whether cis or trans
>he would therefore be gay by his own definition
>he basically wants to tell us he's gay or somewhat he wants to be considered gay
He's the gift that keeps on giving. Also, he has some very famous modern art gallery named after him, IIRC.

Has Shay ever posted some spicy verification-style pics?


Btw, what's his current status? Is he still in jail in Romania? Still in trouble with the law for human trafficking and pimping? Or is he in Dubai? Is he still a muslim? Does he still have the Bugatti with the W-16 engine?


He's in house arrest in Romania. Wanted his lawyer to get the court extend his stay to the entire EU (so he could escape, ofc) but romanians said nope.


>he basically wants to tell us he's gay or somewhat he wants to be considered gay
makes sense. heterosexuality is the new gay


he should re-brand and become a power-gay in prison


I don't think having séx makes you gay but the feigned affection during the lead up


is it gay to have séx with women if you're also one or does this only apply to men


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is it gay to goon?



absolutely straight, if you like someone that doesn't like dick it makes you 100% straight

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