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Hey guys,
After thinking about it for a good few years, Ive decided I want to be a dad. Now someone posted a very interesting book on here a few months ago. The crux of the book iirc was that most parenting advice is bullshit that confuses our natural parenting abilities that came free with evolution. I don't remember what it's called but Id like to check it out.

Pic unrelated but it's the album I'm listening to and the book I'm reading rn


will you adopt or will you mating press someone


I haven't really thought that far anon but I'll let you know


>After thinking about it for a good few years, Ive decided I want to be a dad
If you are yt please reconsider your decision.


consider becoming a foster parent. there are a lot of kids who need parents.


How about u suck my ass


Yeah maybe I could do that, I would be doing a good thing (and, well, all the diapers and crying would already be out of the way).
I have to confess though, I'm worried I wouldn't be a good parent because I wouldnt have that instinctual connection people talk about with their born children. Is that just a myth? I remember seeing a bunch of research articles on 4chan once about how adoptive parents don't love their kids as much.


I'll be your child. Give me pocket money please


>that instinctual connection people talk about with their born children
a lot of bio parents don't have that
>Is that just a myth?
not entirely, but it's massively overstated in importance and having adoptive parents even not great ones is better than no parents


The Dolphin Way is an excellent book about parenting. The title however is terrible, makes you think the author is a posadist


please OP for the love of God dont.

Too many adults think starying a family is a redemption/maturity license.

Too many adults lack basic home training or mechanical skills to pass off to the next generatiom

>having adoptive parents even not great ones is better than no parents

>even bad parents are better than no parents

Parental infallibility is a serious cognitive crisis in society


>>even bad parents are better than no parents
you'd have to be pretty bad as a parent to not be better than being stuck waiting for a foster parent


theres no extensive screening for foster parents


We're talking about OP specifically thoughbeit.


I'm one of the few people here who is actually a father. Good luck! It's a very challenging and rewarding experience.
Not going to lie, though, it is a bit odd that you decided to become a father before being in a stable relationship. I was in a stable relationship with my wife for over a decade (age 18-30) and lived with her for most of that (19-30) before we decided we were ready to have up to 2 children.
This. I keep trying to convince my wife we should adopt our second child. I use this same argument. I'm also scared she'll die if she has another kid. There were complications with our daughter that resulted in her needing a C-section despite really really wanting to not have that happen. I'll never forget when they gave her a shot in her spine. One of the scariest moments of her life, and mine. So there's a lot of good reasons to adopt.
>the diapers and crying would already be out of the way
In my experience the diapers and crying isn't nearly as bad as when they start getting out of their beds on their own and running around and banging their head on shit. The crawling/crying/shitting phase is easier than most people make it out to be. Granted, it's hard as hell. Also once they're about a year old you want to put them in daycare, and that's another chunk of your paycheck gone. You want to put them in daycare not just for your sanity, but also so they can start to become acclimated to socializing with other kids.

Also don't expect your kids to turn out to have the same values as you, no matter how much you teach them.


>theres no extensive screening for foster parents
Depends on nation/municipality. I've talked to foster parents who said it was a pain in the ass.


Well, always beware of evo-psych ideology
According to "evolution" strictly there should be more teen pregnancies


>I'll never forget when they gave her a shot in her spine.
FWIW that's fairly standard for them so it's not especially dangerous. They do it for a lot of women who are giving birth vaginally, to avoid feeling pain. Hopefully they didn't make it scarier than it needed to be for both of you.

>In my experience the diapers and crying isn't nearly as bad as when they start getting out of their beds on their own and running around and banging their head on shit.

People also drastically underestimate the power of parental instincts people have that makes them want to take care of a baby. It literally changes the way baby shit smells to you.


Thats good but not good enough.
I think biological parents should be put into the same pressure before procreating.

OP is probably another one these mediocre postboomer adults.


thats because that was when people gave birth back then. but tbh people shouldnt be procreating.

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