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What's something so autistic you wish you could wear in public?
For me, it's 1000 year old middle eastern warmasks


I like masks, I wish I could wear 'em. Capes too. And platform boots and long earrings for men.


I'd like to bring back robes


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>>527723 (me)
Nah, only joking, for some reason, i always had a fascination for capitalist clothing style, specially the hat


Are you fat enough to do fatconductermaxxing?


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based and wizardpilled


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I would be unstoppable. An absolute mognuke.


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Trying to sell some lamp oils, ropes and bombs to get some rubies to get that ubermensch body. the fatter, the greater!




Bro thinks he's literally Baldwin IV


I love Lenin but I always thought it was strange that an educated, lawyer, writer, and middle peasant felt the strange need to wear a navy blue mariner's cap with a black business suit. On a very superficial level it reminds me of Trump with the red baseball cap. "Look how folksy and down to earth I am!" Was he not confident enough in his own ideas?


Bro norwooded at 20, cut him some slack.


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but in many of the gigachad statues and posters of him he is shown without the hat, in all his bald glory, so did that hat really do much for him?


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I want to bring back epaulets and make them communist


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the dprk got you covered



I wanna dress up in all sorts of fashions inhuman


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don't judge, don't kinkshame


At least make it cohesive, this is random shit thrown together.

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