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I've seen more and more people talking about going to protests and joining orgs but all the orgs in the world right now that gain any traction are radlib. Why would you join a radlib org?


long live the reader bordiga who in spite of himself


guys I have an idea


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It's that very reasoning that causes the parties to turn lib. Be the theory read voice the party lacks, and the radlib (lib pretending to be left by appropriating vocabulary) will be powerless.


Wrong. They're radlib orgs because they're run by radlibs. Example: DSA has ties to the democratic party


its called adapting to the material conditions sweety we need to build up the productive forces first then after 500 years u dirty disgusting fucking proles can have social democracy and free healthcare maybe if the party wants


Those orgs are beholden to NGOs, not their small-time donors and cliques.


Well find / found an org that isn't. Just get organizing in some manner so you don't get rusty at it.


Join the orgs even if they kind of suck and try to push them to be better. If you can't try to get the radicals to get together and form an internal faction or split off into another group.


>It's that very reasoning that causes the parties to turn lib
You're dumb. Parties don't "turn lib", they have shitty programs from the beginning.
The problem with communist organizing is almost always content, not form.


>The problem with communist organizing is almost always content, not form.
I noticed this quote being used at least 3 times. From where it is, and what does it mean in details?

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