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Why are rightwingers so susceptible to being ragebaited? For a decade now the most surefire way of getting the internet to talk about your IP is to introduce a gay person or do a race swap and have the rightwingers do free aggressive marketing that would costs millions of dollars otherwise.

The fact that rightwingers find this kind of practice abhorrent doesn't matter in the slightest because they're not the target audience, the fans of that particular IP are. And it is successful from at least the marketing perspective because otherwise I wouldn't hear about this garbage every time it happens, which means that the marketing companies will keep on doing it.


Bigotry makes you stupid


Why can't the left be enraged? There are so many injustices in the world and people just don't care.


because theyre bored petit bourgeois without the imagination to figure out better things to do
however i dont think having like actors who are black is a cynical ploy, either, lol


Why dont you though, Disney certainly does it with queers.


No, Disney is just trying to expand their market for their billion dollar films, reactionaries giving free advertising is just a bonus


Oh yeah, I didnt mean that they are trying specifically to stir up conservative outrage, but that its cynical marketing in general.


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They were deliberately programmed to be like this for years by the media. Would be surprised if there weren't glowie hands involved doing this as some extension of COINTELPRO/MKULTRA.


Used up all the rage on real stuff, and early life sucked especially bad enough it probably fried the rage lobe a bit. Some movie I can't afford to go to / bother to subscribe to one of the thousands of Netflix clones for that I literally know I'll dislike is so far removed from my life as a proletarian. I'll spin up the occasional video essayist in my RSS reader that should probably just become a podast at this point in the background while playing minecraft if it seems like they have anything to say about it beyond "movie bad," but in such case I'm looking to understand something, not just be entertained through rage algorithms.

Being angry is bourgois. Especially anger as a form of entertainment. Proles, lumpens and petbourgs all don't have time for that.


Pwople are addicted to indignation.
Most people are too imsecure/immature for cutesy lobey dovey things.
They always have to add snark to it.


Stupidity + algos


>Everyone that dislikes garbage media is a right-winger
>the target audience for fairy-tales can't include right-wing people
Also this is retarded
<the most surefire way of getting the internet to talk about your IP is to introduce a gay person or do a race swap and have the rightwingers do free aggressive marketing
Sure, except that the companies make many public statements in response and even then these movies flop at the box office. The only ones that don't are those that belong to franchises "too big to fail" like the Star Wars Sequels, but even then, income has gone down and for Marvel, the films are barely returning expenditure, if not outright bombing.


difference is we get enraged over shit that actually fucking matters and don't fucking sob and cry cuz some childrens media property has black character in it. This is yet more evidence to my "just bully them" theory of how to deal with rightists in a social setting


>Imagine caring about, and siding with an idpol slap-fight
Tokenistic liberalism sucks, and infantile consumers whining also suck because media in Late Stage Capitalism is 90% garbage. That's it. The Little Mermaid movie was garbage for reasons relevant and irrelevant to politics; It had liberal political self-insertion, which was made noticeable because it was also a shoddy film with garbage acting, terrible singing, utter lack of originality, excessive abuse of CGI etc. The exact same applies to every Disney Live Action film. The Lion King movie has no racial or other identity politics in it, yet it was just as hated.


You can blame Wil Wheaton for that, or at least it getting so bad in that regard in the past few decades. Though at the same time it does mean that one can actively avoid being like that through actively avoiding whetonisms.

Sometimes someone does something awful enough that it makes future writers better by showing what not to do.


that's because marvel movies are boring slop repackaged and sold a million times over and people aren't going to cinemas as a trend due to widely available movie streaming services. which i hope are going to die soon (also a trend on the horizon) and become replaced by piracy


>marvel movies are boring slop repackaged and sold a million times over
The first movies were popular for a reason - they were actually cinematic and well made entertainment. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and Avengers had compelling stories even if you may dislike capeshit.
The Black Widow movie was garbage and nobody really watched it or liked it, and as the movies stopped being as well written, interest began to drop and so did income.
>people aren't going to cinemas as a trend due to widely available movie streaming services.
People are going to cinemas… so long as it's worth going, and with crap like Madame Web, nobody is interested, so it doesn't get an audience.


Wesley Crusher?

What did he do that was so bad to cause this cultural pathology?


this. people whom whine the most about "woke/redpill" media are often those who dont make any art.

Also, people are too morally obsessed with childhood.


If enough people adopt piracy they will hunt the pirated sites again
Let normalnegroes have their streaming slop and chads have pirating


Joss Wheadon is the "Well that just happened" guy

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