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Is the Assad critical support because of anti-imperialism

I don't know much about the region, but I assume it's because US has a habit of lying to start wars

Anyone care to tell me on the viewpoints people have about Damascus and what is the situation, I see the memes online


Nah assad was cringe. Very bad, like beria and pol pot. I refuse to elaborate further, lets see if the fish will Bite…


For me it's not even about anti-imperialism (Assad was a willing partner during the Bush years) as much as it is about the rebels intending to cleanse all the Druze, Christians, and Alawites from Syria and turn it into a Sunni supremacist state like in the Gulf


They were not rebels, they were invadors

I am Syrian and is a lie there was a civil war


Assad is ass
The only reason why people outside the region even give critical support to Assad is because the alternative (American imperialism) is even more retarded and genocidal. Same with Hamas, China, Russia, etc. Americans always whine about their elections being a form of lesser evilism, but isn't all geopolitics literally just lesser evilism? We hope that this very flawed, brutal and sometimes ridiculously corrupt right wing dictators would be less genocidal than the American Empire and their holy mission to perform human sacrifice in the altar of Capital


Fair enough


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moderate rebels


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I support Assad because his wife is hot


Syrian women are very beautiful but Iraqi women just about top them


Hold political beliefs for better reasons


He's not gonna let you fuck her.



go to 2:30 and you'll see how this man has enough rizz


this secular baathism is simply preferable to a bunch of dipshit salafis and there handlers

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