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experiencing love is reddit



It's cute but I doubt it's true.



you're making me reddit


It's ok the middle of cringe and alright.
You should experience the game fully, but it is up to you to how you approach and appreciate media.

It romantizes the abuse of denying your individuality, and the exception of "improving" the other is either shallow or it's a lie to pretend you can care for another person.

If I ever go on a date, I'm gonna have to spend a month before studying women, or just invest in femboys, or get into an "abusive" relationship where we can just wail on each other.


What pseudo-intellectual babble.


Even if there's a counter argument, you're never going to air it.

I'll just experience it in 10 years or whatever, and pretend that I'm wrong with a creepy wide shit eating smile; blend into society.
Maybe we'll run into each other during that time, maybe I'll be the guy who bumps into you and make you spill your coffee, or you'll be the guy who cuts me in line at walmart, or whatever.


i want this
and why are our names election now


There's no counter-argument to make because your posts are schizophrenic nonsense.




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Concession accepted


It's impressive how disengaged you are.
I can only grasp the amount of women left out to dry with your dirty talk.


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okay anon hear me out: what if love is actually fascist bourgeois individualism


Romantic love is oversold as a maturity license.
People go for it because its the easiest way to feel complete.

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