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>if we build communism ourselves, the bourgeoisie will see how great it is and voluntarily give up their property
He was right. materialistbros BTFO


But that didn't happen, hence the materialist critique.


>jim jones flag
he was just building the productive forces ok?


I could see it inspiring workers to take up arms for communism. As seeing an working example would destroy the communism doesn't work argument. Just as the United States acted as catalyst that help spread liberal revolutions through out the world.


So he was Dengpilled?


America got power through a revolution that saw deaths and destruction, so that kinda debunks the argument OP is making.


Why if they haven't now then they never will. Capitalism is just crisis after crisis, virtually everything has been exhausted.


wow congrats on making one of the most retarded threads in a while


Retards in this thread thinking this is about a DotP


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