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"No chin, no right to speak."
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Is this the end of anti-woke? Or at least a deep wound in it?


These people really do look like the poljack meme.


chinlets mocking anyone for being a consoomer shill while being ready to shill a derivative game because the bland main character has a semblance of ass and that game in turn being "censored" is a gem of a bit


>Hurr look at these retards!
Says the retard that took the time to cherrypick all these obscure ass videos to indulge in E-Drama. Also I find it kinda funny that while people have been complaining about the game, while people defending the change have done shit like putting bounties on the heads of people expressing an opinion online.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but don't pretend to be better when you're indulging in the culture-war garbage yourself.


We hit peak woke in 2018. We hit peak anti-woke a little after, since the latter trails behind the former. Not watching your video because I don't care about ragebait slop.


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these really are the dregs of society i can't even fault them for wanting to see booba in ther playstations. look at them. they look like fucking mutants


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he should be a paying customer but for hair implants


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