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/siberia/ - Off-topic

"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1714490004715.png (442.89 KB, 490x612, ClipboardImage.png)


you commie fucker your philosophy is utopic.

your views? myopic.
your penis? microscopic.
your topics? no logic.
your internet use? chronic.

get a life and shower before yall socioeconomic(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Bow to your new master burger. CPC least defender stronger around, watch out for the homies near the China town. Arrest and protest increases, while you cope and seethes, you have a giat debt, we know you will never pay
The world is tired of your bullshit tô, gonna get the homies and kick you out of the door.


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your bars are like the gulag
money is really what you lack

getting bands everyday call me mr kulak
doing hard labour farming with my two sacks

being affluent at Saks 5th
spend all my money so you don't tax with.

yall lazy, all want handouts
your work ethics don't stand out.
yall crazy yall want to eat rich
but yall indecisive what philosophy to side with.
cannibals don't deserve anything
I got gout I have everything.


>commie diss track MKUltra
KEK, pure /siberia/ content, but damn funny m8.


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why are mods banning prople for making mock diss tracks on siberia?


Mr.Porky Mr. Porky get outta here
We all know it's us you gotta fear
Ya talk alotta smack
but you got nothing but jack
Your money's a scam
You've got human-kind in a jam
We ain't takin' no more
We're coming for you, ya whore!


They're rightists who want to kill this website.


It's an obvious shitpost, or is the OP image not obviously demonstrative of that? It's a lot more fun to play around with rap battles than mull over the repetitive and boring online culture-war drama that brings NOTHING to the table.

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