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File: 1714498721179.jpg (81.48 KB, 1064x816, morefemcels.jpg)


There are more femcels out there than not nowadays


You mean more femcels than incels, since the median percentage of femcels is slightly under 25% rather than over 50%. Learn to read graphs.


File: 1714498993676.jpg (127.45 KB, 1200x871, maogao.JPG)



> no sex in last year
That's all it takes to be a "femcel".


Femcel=I can't get Chadlite or better


>>528521 (me)
Note also how it's about sex within the last year rather than ever, which means it's technically not about incels/femcels.
Which is also just makes people projecting themselves on large swathes of society and thinking it's gonna collapse in some becky/melvin uprising even funnier.


you guys really are obsessed about youth sexuality to thepoint of reading pop sci graphs?
Jesus Christ even conservatives arent this obsessed.

Postboomer politics is even worse than than their boomer counterparts.


The SÉX recession ended last year OP

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