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are fascists just stupid for no reason or


fascists are stupid because the left acts like meanies to them all the time and they want to make sure we know how much we stink >:(


/leftypol/ tier thread. If you want to post on /siberia/ you gotta do better than this.


*big schniff* but what if the opposite is true.


Either a brown and red astroturf disguised as anti-zionist and marxist-leninist, mao would have the person who made this shot.
Or this is a anti-idpol poster and anti anarchist poster.
What i am against of identity politics is liberal identity politics, for me chauvinist neocons whould be rolled with a gay steamroller


no they are emotional. they act on emotion and a religious fervor for preservation of their things (which are, tied to emotion), its y they hypafixate on muuzies or negroids raping white girls, it invokes a desire to protect property and act. commies don't hve this problem b/c their parents pay for all their things kek

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