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>2.5 million years of no economic growth
>Communism achieved by doing nothing

Growthists on suicide watch. 2.5 million years of communism in the truest marxist sense. Primitive communism is the ONLY societal system, which is officially approved by Marx himself! Marx was right. Ted was right. Grug was right.
How is it possible, there are no marxist-primitivists? You can be a marxist AND be a primitivist at the same time, there is no contradiction with marxist theory.


quechua people in south america are primitive socialists who want to retvrn to the incan way of life but idk about anybody else


Sage & Report


You can be a communist primitivist but not a Marxist one due to dialectical tension, if you reset the material conditions back to primitive times the modes of production will just recreate themselves until we get into the mess we're in now again.


>Historical determinism
Why do you faggots keep coming here and calling yourselves Marxists?


After reading Marx, Nick Land and Ted Kashinski, now I fully understand this song.



File: 1714512515946.png (193.22 KB, 397x547, sakurako tea.png)

>How is it possible, there are no marxist-primitivists?
Because as >>528674 said, primitivism is anti-Marxism. Marxism does not seek to destroy the machine as pure negation is anti-dialectical; rather Marxism seeks to put the machine to work for all mankind. Also, I prefer the conveniences of modernity such as not dying at the ripe old age of 40.


The machine was created to enslave mankind, feed it rocks and watch it die


> into the mess we're in now again.


What would a marxist-primitivist program look like? There is only one true way: Global nuclear armageddon. Yes. This will destroy technology, knowledge and 99.9% of the world population. Push the reset button. We had 2.5 million years of actual communism. Then came technological "progress" and economic growth, which wasn't a progressive force, but actually a reactionary force, because it literally dismanteled (Primitive-)Communism! Growthism is actually reactionary and anti-communist. The revolution was betrayed 4000 years ago, when humanity left the stoneage!


Obligatory reminder that primitive communism is only called that based on the technicality that there's no surplus in the first place that can be hoarded by any certain subgroup.


Who is Grug



Technology isn't the problem. It is the consciousness of those who rely on it.


Why is this shitpost okay but when I make one regarding flooding of /pol/ by zionists I get banned? I wish siberia was not as dead as it is

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