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File: 1714568764255.mp4 (14.39 MB, 1280x720, soulless_6.mp4)


this is totally me playing on leftyflip mode and deeeefinitely not a bot with lightspeed reaction time


nah but fr this is my attempt at leftyflip mode in another kaizo song:

I think I'm the only one here that can into leftyflip


>>528839 (me)
I didn't change my name to that wtf lol


On a cold winter morning


File: 1714574016746.mp4 (11.22 MB, 1280x720, fire_and_flames_fail.mp4)

that's too hard lol, instant fail


tbf it's actually like the 2nd time I ever played through fire and flames on expert


is this clone hero?


still can't play through the fire and flames, removing the leftyflip might actually confuse me into hitting the opposite notes I think


Do you have a controller or do you play on the keyboard?


File: 1714609529141.mp4 (40.67 MB, 1280x720, negapoji_continues.mp4)

dualshock 2 w/ USB adapter
using the keyboard, I have 2 guitars but no pc adapters, shipping takes like forever so I'm suuper lazy about ordering pc adapters


what's the appeal to getting good at these games instead of learning a real instrument?


because it's fun? lol


Real instruments are harder and games provide more immediate/short term gratification.


but it literally has nothing to do with learning music(i.e., using sheet music/instruments/composing/covering/singing/etc) whatsoever lol

I don't see the connection here


other examples could even be using software like famitracker, famistudio, openutau, FL studio, SynthV and etc for music production as well


aw yiss this brings me back. wish I still had my controllers
thanks for bringing this to my attention


File: 1714662590176.mp4 (68.44 MB, 1280x720, enact_the_ending.mp4)

nice, very calm music


Because video-game brain rot good


The game is free. The real instrument isn't.


imagine getting this mad at video games


File: 1714665048582.png (447.93 KB, 620x639, ClipboardImage.png)

Nobody is mad, manbaby.


suuuure, big mature guy, you're definitely such an adult like picrel for not liking video games, that's very big and mature anon, keep it up in being against games it's clearly making you an adult LOL


irony is, adults pathologise video games yet binge on TV and spectator sports.


I think it's probably boomers who got frustrated when they tried games and just end up failing or not understanding how to play or something idk


Its not even boomers anymore.
Its now Gen X and Millennials looking tk gain their "maturity license".
Boomers have gotten somewhat softer towards video games.


but it's so rare seeing millenials being against games, gen x isn't as rare but it's still weird
>Boomers have gotten somewhat softer towards video games
their social circles do not have people who even mention games so they started to not care as a result


>Its now Gen X and Millennials looking tk gain their "maturity license".
so true


I guess so.
I think stigmas only come around when someone mentions something in a negative light.
Otherwise if said thing is fogotten about, the stigma disappears.

It has been so for the past twenty years.
First Gen X and now Millennials.


OP how are you so good


ffmpeg destroyed the video quality
I practice with both leftyflip and rightyflip and also try to practice with the right hand instead of the left hand to get the same level of motor coordination in both hands, but to get good it's all about learning note patterns


A+ post


note to self: don't play djent on clone hero


holy fucking shit I managed to pass through the fire and flames with almost no health bar left during the end

accuracy was kinda bad but still enough to not fail the song


File: 1714836863070.png (710.16 KB, 1332x976, teto thumbs up.png)

Good job!


yeah~ <( ̄︶ ̄)>


Woah x6
vidrel is (You) @ me


i like playing gay ass metalcore songs on clone hero


very based

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