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On today's episode of how would gabamonismus fix this?


No I won't.


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Have older women initiate young boys into sex so they don't go around choking their elementary school gfs


>Porn causing brain rot
Many such cases


>Typical adult ignorance about youth sexuality thinking its some parasitic thing.


the only real answer is sex education


Any parental artixle discussing youth sexuality should be taken with a mountain of salt.

Especially the porn part.

Also they dont define "violent" porn.


>taking at face value what somebody says to justify hurting someone else
just one less freedom bro
just one less freedom and the kids will be protected, i swear this time it will work


We need to make children even more retarded. Adolescence needs to last until 30, at the very least.


We need to make children even more retarded. Adolescence needs to last until 30, at the very least.


Shut the fuck up addict, you're part of the problem


woah, there. nice strawman bro.


The more kids are sheltered from worldly elements the more shallow and retarded they turn out to be as adults.

This already happens. In fact, thirty is still too soon for the end of adolescnce these days.


>shitty phone screencap of a tabloid website


these are the trusted sources anti-porn fags refer to when they make their claims



Hardcore porn is just disturbing after you start having sex. Just decriminalize prostitution and shit like this is fixed overnight


i exclusively uncritically consume problematic media and then do everything depicted in said media IRL


>Hardcore porn is just disturbing after you start having sex.


Mandatory hentai studies, especially furry hentai, so the kids develop less psycotic sexual preferences by the time they're out on the field.
Also mandatory gaming literacy and crafts* courses so that the kids aren't so bored they're trying to date at the age of twelve.

*Idk what this Is called because burger school with no money. The class(es?) where you 3D print stuff and make robots and carve wood.


Naw, bro. I just fuck em

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