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yes, you read that right. ALL OF YOU. even you so-called "allies" of minorities. we all know you do it just to brag about being progressive to your friends while sip your fucking starbucks. white people are a disease that destroys everything it touches. you think you are the craddle of civilization but you destroy civilization. then you push your degenerate ideas onto us (transgenderism, homosexuality, promiscuity, etc) i only used to see white boys in skirts now i see it all over minority communities. this was never part of our culture and until you whites fucked everything up. you changed our culture by telling us our own history, as if we didnt even know it. you told us "two-Spirited" was thing and all medicine men were "two-spirited" transhumanists. BULLSHIT! that was never a fucking thing. some dumb progressive white bitch coined that term in winnipeg back in the 90's. this is what pisses me right the fuck off, YOU ARE FORCING YOUR GAY SHIT ONTO US AND TRYING TO REWRITE OUR FUCKING HISTORY!

why do you think you know whats best for us? why do you think you are Gods gift to minorities? why do you think the only way we can prosper is by you (a fucking white cumskim) leading us my the hand? you fucking racist pricks. you think you are actually helping us but you are only perpetuating white supremacy.

none of you are my ally, i see right thru you
one day my people are gonna take back whats rightfully ours and the blood of whites (left or right) will flow in the streets(funny shitpost)


News addict / thinktank idpol thread


Im somewhat sympathetic because some of the things you are mentioning are what americans have done
But heres the thing
I aint white, Im asian.


erm nonbinary nock in your mouth thovghever


Go back to /pol/.


i didn't do anything, i'd gladly help you out if i even knew a way too, i'm in the shit already just trying to help out people i know man


We need a American Indian version of Hamas to Oct 7 these white devils and send them back to the hell they crawled out of

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