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This is what you'll look like if you mew for two weeks.


what if I mew for voice training?


Remind me never to mew if it makes me go bald and shrinks my skull.


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It'll make your ears grow too.


Honestlt I don't know what mewing means and I'm a bit afrais to ask.


i can't believe there's people who don't know what mewing means in 2024


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It's just proper tongue placement and not mouth breathing. Proper nutrition(see Weston Price) is more important.


afaik the current science is more that it's about the texture of the food, not the nutrient content. i.e. the tougher the food is and the more force you need to use to bite pieces off and chew, the more it widens and expands your mouth. That's also why so many people need their wisdom teeth pulled, because the mouth didn't get STRETCHED enough to make space for them. Tongue pressure from internally might help with that but it sounds like a poor substitute. Maybe instead you should chew boot leather lol. I bet you could get these looksmaxxing people to believe it.


Yea but that extra pressure can wear out your jaw.


mewing is only ever useful for getting a higher vocal range since it raises your larynx, doing the opposite works if you want a deeper voice range, like focusing on your chest when you speak to sound much deeper instead of focusing higher up to sound higher


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The resonance of your voice is separate from the fundamental pitch. Raising and lowering your larynx is how you change the pitch, but you can adjust where you get resonance kind of independent of that.


>Raising and lowering your larynx is how you change the pitch
>but you can adjust where you get resonance kind of independent of that.
I have no idea how resonance works but it seems to be better than pitch(according to picrel it looks far easier to hit all octaves with just resonance instead of pitch), very interesting


Mewing is a meme




does that even work after your body already has fully developed

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