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You ever notice how it's always zoomers and the youngest millennials insisting that "vibes are real?"

It's almost like that's the sort of thing you think when you haven't lived long enough to see yourself or others truly fuck up. It's just naive overconfidence in your own ingrained biases.


How are you defining "vibes" here?


Boomers started that hippie bullshit and Gen X followed


Vibes are superstructural. The superstructure is real enough to effect the base and your actions, and always will be.

Vibes are a wad of biases and aethetics. Being able to recognize them as vibes–rather than dellude oneself to believe one is rid of them, thus unkowingly following them believing them to be rational–is the first step to secular thought.


By the way, the whole concept of class and class struggle is part of the superstructure.


Bruh its boomers who talk about vines and its been approriated.

Stop blaming zoomers for things you dont like.


Its always the most superficial shallow people whom loke to blame their juniors for cultural flaws that have been happening for deacdes.
Its almost as if they lived long enough to be deeply ingrained in their lack of self awareness.


am zoomer have seen variations of this in every generation unfortunately, tbh my patience for this woowoo nonsense grows thinner everyday and generally speaking the more purchase someone puts into magic and spiritual mumbo jumbo the more childish and self absorbed they are


Religion and astrology are political theologies


wym? is "political theology" just some jargon I've never heard before? can there even be such a thing as a "non-political" theology?


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Valid crit. I accept this struggle session


political theology is the modernisation of religion.
Be honest: when you think religion and look at Christianity, does it really feel like a religion in the fundamental sense?

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