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Sex revolution is leftie value✊✊✊
Should we talk about sex in public school?


>Should we talk about sex in public school?
Yes sex education is a good thing next question please


i think we should have sex in public school together


there should be mandatory CBT in all public schools


no. we as communists, who follow the example of chairman Mao Zedong, are opposed to sex, and promote the birth strike, to break the power of the capitalists.
no to sex
yes to revolution


>Should we talk about sex in public school?
All evidence shows that if you don't you end up with more teen pregnancy, STI spread, and sexual abuse.
So yeah no shit obviously you need to teach this stuff.


There should be no schools.


>Should we talk about sex in public school?
I think being taught about sex in school gave me the unrealistic expectation that I would have sex at some point during my adolescence. However when this didn't happen it caused me a lot of mental turmoil and confusion, which probably still effects me to this day.

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