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Were they Gracefag monarcho-socialists or actually-existing Hobbesianism?


i am so broken by christianity i thought the guy in the back was holding a cross, not a halberd


I'm in the camp of hobbesianism. First because the Baudin book (the socialist empire of the incas) was an attack on scientific socialism, second the lack of both a industrial society and a search for a classless society -they had heckin slaverinos-.
This is a great compilation of a debate from 40 years ago, and obviously isn't translated.
Maybe later I can give it a go.


Hobbism probably looks different.
1st, it is very Enlightenment tier and empiricist.
2nd, while it does endorse monarchical sovereignty, it is also the corporation of one person "the people" in the state.
Engels covered that certain states were military democracies with military leaders that looked like monarchs, but were actually appointed military leaders.


Imo North Korea is the closest thing to a monarcho-socialism vibe.
I have seem a few monarcho-socialists lingering around the subreddit r/monarchosocialism and they never do it quite right.


File: 1714699374871-1.png (109.23 KB, 1080x1154, DPRK bingo.png)

>North Korea is the closest thing to a monarcho-socialism vibe.
because you don't know anything about the DPRK

the burger reich is closer to be monarchist than DPRK is.


When considering North Korea, you also have to consider the Party doctrine and not only State constitution to get the full picture + that picture is a bit outdated since KJU did become head of state.


The Leaders have been descendants of Kim Il Sung since then.
DPRK is pretty much a one-party state.
Sure, there's other parties, but the WPK is really the only one that matters.
We can scratch that off.
Leader doctrine basically comes to this effect except modernized, their family is the most pre-eminent family in North Korea + they stay as Leader for life. There is probably a mechanism in the WPK itself that enables this.


>one-party state
i'm not going to claim it has all the freedumbs but that's not the thing i would point to when discussing freedom of political action and thought


The US head of the legislature is actually the Speaker of the House and this is recognized by them being third in the line of succession if the POTUS and VP die.

The POTUS veto can be overridden with a 2/3rds majority in Congress

While the POTUS is technically the head of foreign policy the Secretary of State does like 90% of diplomatic interactions. Actions like bombing Libya to overthrow Gaddafi were done on the initiative of the Secretary of State (Hillary).

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