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>average Mormon looking for a job on his way to choose between working for the CIA or the FBI or at the Pentagon


utah is aes chvd



what's the longest you lads have gooned for?


One time I beat my dick for like 7 hours straight when I took loads of acid. Gooning is best on acid


Gooning hypnosis I mean,


I swear fapping was the relevant word up to like last year. Why gooning suddenly?


that's very impressive. I could only go for an hour at my peak.




mormons are just about the only people square enough to pass the stringent drug tests lol


Apparently the secret is to lie about everything that isn't documented.


not a single religious person follows their own morality


They actually test you, and a lot of the drugs out there will leave traces that stay in your hair for a while. Mormons not doing drugs isn't because of their morality, but because no respectable user/dealer will fuck with them because they will squeal to the cops if you look at them wrong.


i could only stare at the empty chvd suburban walled garden landscape behind both of them


did i miss something? are mormons the new jews to americans?


does it count as gooning if you're sticking it in someone and your dick is too tired to cum but too inflamed not to stay up


shut your bitch ass up glowboy
don't soil the magic undies


Speak for yourself.


I know from first and secondhand experience. Just lie for anything that isn't written down. Obviously you'll need to let drugs in your system pass, afterwards, just lie.


>I know from first and secondhand experience.
You know from first and secondhand experience about how the burger intelligence agencies do drug testing?


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