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I need to be ball busted like this IRL, but women shouldn't need my consent and should tie me up and leave me to my fate when they're done. Seriously, tie me up naked, ballbust me until I'm barely conscious, lock me in an abandoned house and throw away the key! What's a simp more or less? >///<



>that haircut


At least hot women have uses for us. Even if that use is kicking us in the balls for our money…


materialist explanation


>materialist explanation
Is it OK if I allow communist gals to exploit me to support themselves or fund the revolution? >///<


based zoomers weeding out their own shitty genes


Weeding out our shitty genes with the haircuts? Damn! What is me paying women to ballbust me by comparison?


Also, I found several women who are willing to ballbust me, tie me up, and leave me to my fate (i.e. if I can't escape then it's my problem - which is guaranteed as they say they want to completely mummify me with duct tape). I'm seriously thinking of going for it… I know people will think I'm just shitposting but this is 100% true.


hot but move to siberia


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