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I'm running out of images to post on imageboards, please help.


File: 1714754766355-0.png (162.68 KB, 1500x2340, obey poljak.png)

File: 1714754766355-1.jfif (455 KB, 1152x2048, welcome to hell.jfif)

File: 1714754766355-2.gif (90.26 KB, 320x240, 2cf.gif)

File: 1714754766355-3.gif (3.2 MB, 500x380, 1994 book.gif)


I get my unrelated anime pictures from https://gelbooru.com/


File: 1714755064971-0.jpg (37.16 KB, 583x583, 1684122637396.jpg)

File: 1714755064971-3.png (89.35 KB, 759x477, logic easy failure.png)


File: 1714755098087-1.gif (1.72 MB, 372x262, crying cat.gif)

File: 1714755098087-2.png (271.43 KB, 640x640, unnamed.png)

File: 1714755098087-4.gif (238.41 KB, 498x373, mutley snigger.gif)



File: 1714755381859-0.jpg (135.6 KB, 1414x1060, angry teto.jpg)

File: 1714755381859-1.png (679.31 KB, 1400x919, teto bite.png)

File: 1714755381859-2.png (165.63 KB, 771x708, teto mocking laugh.png)


File: 1714755885502.png (104.8 KB, 356x238, 1714339960.png)

my ~/Pictures folder is such a mess that I can't even find what I want


File: 1714755937988-0.gif (277.91 KB, 220x220, trump-edit.gif)

File: 1714755937988-1.png (1.61 MB, 918x1280, 1681890984739.png)

File: 1714755937988-2.gif (4.2 MB, 329x498, 1681845486712.gif)

File: 1714755937988-3.jpg (60.15 KB, 457x617, 1681834524767.jpg)

File: 1714755937988-4.png (484.49 KB, 506x900, Fsh6v36X0AEJNpJ.png)


File: 1714756103661-0.png (83.94 KB, 529x386, friends-now.png)

File: 1714756103661-2.jpeg (54.53 KB, 491x411, letsbefriends.jpeg)

File: 1714756103661-3.png (87.01 KB, 500x280, pleasebemyfriend.png)

File: 1714756103661-4.png (201.71 KB, 1354x946, want friend.png)



File: 1714756362207-0.jpg (45.18 KB, 716x650, bird-brained.jpg)

File: 1714756362207-1.png (406.72 KB, 724x503, cats.png)

File: 1714756362207-2.jpg (197.16 KB, 720x1124, der-skibidi.jpg)

File: 1714756362207-3.png (312.21 KB, 600x649, fdc.png)


File: 1714756486970-0.jpg (108.1 KB, 1500x1121, 350109418.jpg)

File: 1714756486971-1.png (373.35 KB, 500x959, imagine no religion.png)

File: 1714756486971-2.mp4 (4.03 MB, 1280x720, mr beast burger.mp4)

File: 1714756486971-4.jpg (104.01 KB, 1024x1024, yakub.jpg)


tbh I think "1984" is an overused indignatory remark used by people when they get rebuttals for edgy shit hey said.


are you saying the 1984 meme is bad or the counter-1984 meme is bad?



the meme I posted is making fun of people saying '1984' to things.


Yea I know.
Thats why Im adding my opinion.


File: 1714939807140-0.png (312.22 KB, 525x592, Bordigga.png)

File: 1714939807140-1.jpg (66.79 KB, 1080x1098, c69.jpg)


File: 1715454720873-0.jpg (106.36 KB, 914x914, GIKi6JTaAAAU7rp(1).jpg)

File: 1715454720873-2.jpg (537.22 KB, 2048x2048, GCsMV1ZaUAAd18g.jpg)


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