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File: 1714823282668.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 9.36 MB, 1280x720, kung fu ummah legends of a….mp4)


east asian martial art be like
<after training in the art of the southern anteater jutsu under the guise of master shaolin guru guanxi tanaka, i can finnaly do the yin-yang flip kick, the komo kami kai stun whirlwind jab, and finish with the 300 sons of yama double air punch, may the ancestors in heavens look at me in pride

west asian/westoid martial arts be like
<so yeah there's not much here, when in a street fight, once you lock in on your opponent, break his face open, aim for the eyes, the back of the knees, the loins, put your knuckles on his weakest points, proceed until he's down for good


>they did the strip mall kung fu master disarm the shooter jutsu meme


Are they actually like that outside kung fu movies?


What if you armed the monks with guns and explosives instead of judo?


File: 1714949655547.png (738.13 KB, 834x529, ClipboardImage.png)


Winner of Kung Fu tournament raises the Palestinian flag on the commemoration podium. Apparently the host country and tournament are PISSED.


Yall are all retarded


anyone who posts troll face phonk memes should kiss the curb


>Imagine thinking your opinion on phonk memes matters
You kiss the curb uygha

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