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"No chin, no right to speak."
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siberia archives


>tfw no /pol/tard bf


I could be your bf instead


people who take showers are more attractive tbh


File: 1714850934973.png (19.07 KB, 500x388, Oekaki.png)



"Leftist" women


Well boys

looks like the old /leftypol/ tradition of spending at least two years on /pol/ convincing as many people as possible that Stalin did nothing wrong and responding to any reasonable posts with go back to /leftypol/ is back

Off you go

According to 2015 you're supposed to have done this for two years before you're allowed to post on /leftypol/


I fucking hate women


File: 1714857708094.png (132.05 KB, 1050x700, ClipboardImage.png)

Why assume this is a ciswoman?


We hate faggots too. Slightly less, but still.


>tfw no /pol/tard bf
Why the hell would you ever want these people? They're incredibly unbearable to listen to.


Get a s4s boyfriend. much nicer.


File: 1714864808991.jpg (104.09 KB, 720x720, thumb-1920-322931.jpg)

You're right


the femcel yearns for the partner thatll neglect them like their parents did

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