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>hello i am Is Real finn from Minnesota

>did you know finland is the happiest country on earth but is biggest suicide country on earth? hahaha we äre very quircky

>did you see that? i used the ä sound, but it's not actually spelled like an a :ddd
>In Finland we hava this thing called sauna… and it's ssooo freaking awesome! like We actually go there naked and drink finnish beer everyday! Pretty ebin, huh?
>when jungle starts speak vietnam be afraid, but when snow starts speak finnish be afraid, be very very afraid
>we had ebip winterwar and we won against sweden and gobmun rusha soooooooohard
>did you know that Finnish sniper named Simo Häwhä aka White Death killed 600 Russians in Winter War with no scoppies????, Fun fact from simple history and armchair his: he always put snow in his mouth to avoid the steam and use ski to move very fast, so the enemies can't spot him, why isn't american liberal skewls no teach about this? i learned this for the first time from youtube. we also have finn man who eat meth and go crazy kill, you only have to type finn meth man and find very ebin finn story :DD (pls do it)
>In Finland we are very big culture, we have this thing called TORILLE! (it means you're are of going to local helsinki market square with fren) we have also thing called "kalsarikännit". It's very awsome but hard to translate for the nonfinn, but basically it means that you're thinking alone in home wearing nothing but underpants and litsening to polkkkkka, very very cute
>only country next to soviet ruzzia untouched by cömmönism💪, we is very rich very smart and invent things appropriated by soviet ruzzia, like suomi drum magazine gunn and ushanka cap, we of no standed with nazis, it's soviet ruzzia that stand with nazi
>suomi never forgettä , Finland should of annex Karelia, Murmansk and all the land south of it to Lake Ladoga… that will shorten the border with soviet Russia ️🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮
>we is not swede, we is not russia, we is not mongol, we is finno-urgoric europans and proud
> Wait… You've never seen Lordi's Eurovision entry 'Hardrock Hallelujah?? why not? it's veryy ebin
>fren have you seen country human video about winter war? is make me proud of finn roots
>I'm Finn and I love you! :D We finns love when foreign people from west europe says some thing good about us. :D


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Never ask a finn about the 3000 Gonzaloist bulgarians in Pirkanmaa! Worst mistake of my life!



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