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<be me 15 yo zoomer
>live in shitty city, 90% wet all the time
>parents having mental health problems and socialization problems, dad wanna large uni music studies
>almost no socialization of parents
>best group of friends i ever had in my life
>they genuinely loved and cared to me
>it keep me motivated to trail 5 years at technical institute (that should have been 4 years but pandemic and strikes fuck everything up, plus had no interest and will)
<be me, after 4 years and 1 month
>place where i live is fully beautiful
>parents happy at new home remeeting its family
>me lost all my loved friends, cannot ever socialize because too old to school, all i can do is some random test because the institute cannot give me the credits
>lost all my social life, school, works
>stuck into the void of paradox games
>too scared to find new friends/organize before seeking to enter uni
>city known for being a place full of petit bourgs and chvdies out of university and southern parts
>the only person who i regurlaly leave and hang is my millenial brother
>lost all my friends who genuinely cared for me, because parents decided to do another moving.

What i should do??? All i just plan is to do history and human sciences uni… how i can remake friends???


(me) i am not agaisnt the trade unions and strikes, i support it.
What fucked it up is because it take alot of time resulting into a entire semester lost because the government refuses to negotiate for decades with the teaching sector




Pursue a better degree: there will be plenty humanities bachelor in political orgs, they also need people with technical skills. If anything, try becoming a lawyer if you really insist on not doing engineering


>stuck into the void of paradox games
Are you into masochism or something


It's easier to keep old friends than to make new ones but I still recommend attending university and force yourself to all the social events. Orgs are also easy place to make friends as you have similiar interest and lot to talk about.

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