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You can't be gay and an incel it's not possible. Only straight men and some lesbians can be incels.


>casual homophobia and misogyny
hmmm I wonder if this poster is an incel themselves??? I guess we'll never know!



I volunteer to fuck any gaycel and save them from their dry streak


Gay privilege alert.


thank you brother, the gaycels are in dire need


I don't understand gays, bisexuals, yes but not gays.



Also no such thing

They're either closeted gays, or incel straight*ids coping with femboys because women don't want them


dere needs to be a second aids epidemic and I hope you die from it idiot but guess what I'm not going to fall from it becomes I'm not a stupid faggot like you. I can have gay sex and remain safe because I'm bisexual. nasty ass. run you over


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Ironic or not, anytime someone complains of being an incel, they should post all the methods they've tried and what their goals are.

Gays for instance can just go on grinder and have sex no problem as long as they're fine hooking up with men 40 years
older than them and are probably a predator.
If you're gay and an incel, but haven't even looked at grindr, than we're just going to mock you.

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