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Reminder that Christianity especially Protestantism is incompatible with Communism


Incompatible in what way? Anyone doing socialist militancy is riddled with brainworms of all kinds. You can't simply escape your historically contingent moment and have a trans historical understanding of reality. That is unironically a very idealist ideology.


I've seen mfers try to synchronize religion and Marxism/Anarchism lol. I think that's what OP is trying to criticize here.


No argument identified therefore a simple 'no' will do.


True, but they're right about protestants.


What really matters is political religion, i.e. religion organized to wield political power (includes economic power ofc). It really doesn't matter if people are praying privately in their churches or mosques or temples, and starting shit with people who just want to do that is not going to make material gains. As Marx said, people turn to religion as a coping mechanism for their material conditions. If you take away the power of organized religion and then fix socioeconomic problems then people are going to tend to secularize on their own. Just teach science and critical thinking in schools and the older generations will struggle to impart religion to their descendants.


Irrelevant issue. Our movements are broken and it's not due to religion being syncretized.


We will shoot you with your priests or boil you and burn you alive after we're done using you as canon fodder for "liberation theology". The same applies to muslims and followers of judaism.
That is not a threat, that is a necessity.
There is nothing to argue since it is not the job of the proletarian to re-educate the religious vermin. God does not exist, neither do any gods or anything outside of materialism. If you think otherwise you deserve to be decapitated by a dull machete or a knife.
And if you managed to indoctornate your family or children into religious nonsense they too shall be boiled alive.
With love.


why did the guy who make that picture feel the need to reject ancient egyptian paganism


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copts use the ankh as a christian cross variant, various neopagan sects use it, and afrocentrists and goths use it



militant materialism has been a key part of the workers' movement since its earliest days, and while there is liberation theology, etc. that is a local praxis variation based on superstructural religious dominance in LatAm countries, etc. These will eventually need to be overcome, rather than permanently kowtowed to


it is remarkable how much theory there already is with respect to this that people deliberately ignore


i'd let her use me if you catch my drift


Lastly I want to point out that the New Testament instructs Christians in the following way:

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ."

This scripture is incompatible with Marxism, Anarchism, and liberation theology. I find it telling that we are told constantly to believe scripture in some respects, but in other respects we are told to disregard it and to go with "Liberation theology" or "oral tradition" or to "participate in the community of Christ".

This chameleon-like tendency to change the source of Christian authority whimsically in order to shift the goalposts of an argument, or the context of a conversation, and to manifest a new source of Christian authority based on how you are dealing with an interlocutor, while flexible, is remarkably transparent in its deceptiveness. You may say "the source of Christian authority is Christ" but for those who lack your inherent religious convictions, the only way we can know this "Christ" is through preachers, scripture, etc. and you tell us to regard it one second, and disregard it the next.


>neither do any gods or anything outside of materialism
hahahahahahahah what the fuck does this mean you fucking ignorant brute?


If you believe (x) you cant do (y)

What you believe changes the real world

The plants will not grow, the machines will not move, all because you didnt believe the right ideas.
T. A materialist


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>Good or Bad
Morality is not real, it is a theistic bourgeoisie concept. KILL KILL KILL.


lol. I'm not religious, I'm an atheist. I really hope your understanding of Marxism is actually not that retarded and you were just joking.


>Morality is not real,

Not quite. It is part of the superstructure. Is not real like something material, but still exists in human relations


Yet you people support a Islamic fundamentalists for a secular state.


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Youthful humanism is when you align with Pacifist Frisk
Adulthood is when you see that Flowey and Chara were right, sometimes dialectics may resolve in the chorus of cannons.


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>They don't get the leninhat bloodlust speech reference


Can someone post it here so I can download it?



>This being something that gets spammed on /siberia/ rather than simply posting reading materials on /edu/ on the matter, where it would be permenant.
I really need to get into witchcraft of some sort. I remember youtube reactionaries had their roots in reddit atheism, having watched gamergate form in real time as a kid, and while I don't quite know where to pin why, it feels useful to thinktanks.


post physique


File: 1715021925744.webm (11.97 MB, 360x360, leninhat_speech.webm)


Doesn't matter when you have a gun.


fatty detected

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