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"No chin, no right to speak."
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For some reason a bunch of femcels said they'd rather be alone in the woods with a bear than a man and a bunch of incels got mad about it.

It's the stupidest garbage I've ever seen and it only seems to be growing. Why is it that every now and then the two dumbest gaggles of chucklefucks get into a fight and there has to be some social media discourse about it?


Zero costs and near zero consequences for spouting stupid shit online.


Bears are cool I'd love to see one. You can see men anywhere, why would you go to the forest to see one?


It's not going into the woods to see a bear. It's being alone in the woods with a bear vs being alone in the woods with a man. Femcels were saying they'd prefer the bear. Incels got mad about it. Social media decided they needed to have a discourse about this.


Lmao it's fucking nothing, on cr*stal c*fe they routinely say much worse things.
I can't blame femcels because scrotes are terrible to women and also clueless. Like, you have teenagers being impressed by Andrew Tate and thinking millimeters of chin would save their sorry asses, while what women want are cute sensitive boys, K-Pop is popular for a reason.
That said, if they unironically believe this, they should watch Grizzly Man.


>>530561 (me)
Forgot to add that even tho femcels complain about men a lot, they are still fantasizing about their husbando Leon Kennedy from RE4 and boybutts, it's more performative than hard feelings.


>while what women want are cute sensitive boys, K-Pop is popular for a reason.
And K-pop is know for its down-to-earth achievable beauty standards.


My gf complained about this the other day. I told her it strongly depends on species of bear. Obviously a black bear poses almost no threat. Can't say the same about a grizzly. She then got mad at me for not 'understanding' the question and refused to talk for 2 hours.
Dating white women should count as labor.


Speak your truth brother


> thinking millimeters of chin would save their sorry asses
Yeah it's a very feminine thing to want to change your appearance. Cosmetic surgeries are for women.


Because you are taking it literally. Obviously its fucking retarded to frame it as a bear or a hiker, thats pure truecrime podcast brainrot, random backpacker walking through the hills chowing on homemade sandwiches is no danger to anyone. But think about it more in a sense of walking through sketchy neigbourhood at night and seeing a couple of rowdy black guys.


It’s a distraction. Mossad probably has been pushing these memes to distract people from their genocide. Also, this meme became popular on May 1st and it’s also a distraction towards class discourse


It's clearly ragebait nonsense and the worst part about it is that it reinforces and popularizes irrational fears that make women less safe from predators. It's overwhelmingly not some stranger (which is what's implied by the whole "in the woods" thing) who is going to hurt you. It's overwhelmingly someone you know and trust. This general fear of men is a maladaptive trauma response that comes from either being an actual victim and not healing properly, having the paranoia taught to you by someone like that (e.g. your mother), or from absorbing the attitude through cultural osmosis. And sure whatever you can say that it's bad for men because of implicit bias or something, but this culture of fearing the other actively distracts women from the much more significant risk factors they face while also functioning as an easy psychological hook for fascistic ideologies demonizing the "other," which is almost always coded as male. TERFs are a great example of this.


>Obviously a black bear poses almost no threat.
You should have asked her what if it's a black man and seen how she reacted. Very very often the stuff about fearing men comes with an unstated (sometimes actively suppressed) assumption about race. A whole lot of the language used in these discourses come directly from white supremacist narratives about men of other races, but have since been altered to simply exclude the race part of it.


>what women want are cute sensitive boys, K-Pop is popular for a reason

w*men will say porn needs to be banned because of unrealistic standards then they drool over boys that have been raised from birth to be marketable products


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On one hand: it's edgy rage bait, that as a man who loves edgy black/blue humor, would be entirely hypocritical to get angry at.

On the other hand: while completly understanding that men are the majority of rapists, it basically just tells men that there is no point in ever being friends, or even understanding women; and also that it's okay for women to rape.

And the women counter the critism with a have-their-cake-and-eat-it-too approach.
It's not enough to argue that what they're saying is edgy and their replicating the same alienating stuff men do like when men do rape jokes, they must also be seen as morally correct and above critiism.
It's not enough to be say, "Well, men were also historically bad in dealing with their self imposed misandry (by defending rape", they must also have, "Femenism is for everyone, ACTWUALLY!!!".
(Even though it's clearly outdated and objectively false. I don't care what you say, a black woman needs more than femenism, they also need black power; femenism as a movement can't work solely to liberate women, it must merge with a greater movement, or else you get situations like terfs).


>According to another student at the school, the attacker is a boy who identifies as a girl. He was allegedly retaliating for perceived insults.
kids get bullied, nobody panics
bullying victim fights back, everyone loses their minds


a transgirl at school was literally beaten and murdered by other girls in the bathroom a few months ago


Why doesnt every business and public facility have optional gender neutral bathrooms for gender nonconforming individuals?


Thanks for illustrating my point >>530595 about the connection between this ideology and TERFs.


She's gender conforming.


Who cares? Gender neutral bathrooms should ALWAYS be an option.


This shit is why I dislike the posts of:
>'If men are gone, who would protect you?'
>'Protect us from who?'
I see, yes, a trans person beat up a woman, but what stops from women beating up women again?
Are women some how unable to fucking feel anger? Some how have no desire to attack others?
>Ummmmm women as of now represent a lower percentage of violent crimes and uhh…..
Irrelevant, material conditions push those crimes, a world without men will still have a world filled with people pushed to do violent crime, because of capitalism, and by extention private property.
This point is DOUBLE as noted with the state's monopoly of violence (aka "law"), and will attack it's citizens, even if the state is ran by women.

It's these posts that fuel anti-trans crap like: >>530607 that feminists sling out.
Pointed out intelligently by >>530613


Despite being only 50% of the population, males have been convicted for 96% of all violent crime.


Yes that's correct.
That's a product of material conditions and by extention society – other than the obvious stuff you already know of (hungry man robs a store to deal with hunger and whatever), it's also a consequence of the patriachal in the past, and the gender role for men being:
>"Got to be the bread winner and fix everything myself"
>"I'm entitled to women and private property, just like father and his father and so on"
What I reject is not that men commit more crime, I reject crime being tied to genetics.
It's this understanding that I highlight since it's why feminists can still be racist and think that black people are inherently prone to doing crime.

Hence the "limitations of femenism", (called outleast today with noting the problems of white femenism).


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>falling for the designated outrage bait of the week


i like the religious idea that death is preferable to rape


I'd rather see a bear in the woods because the bear wouldn't condescendingly explain this hypothetical to me


Why did this thread get autosaged?


Sometimes I start to feel like I hate this place, and then when I find it's the only place on the internet not filled with people on the verge of having a panic attack at the thought of meeting a man in the woods, it makes me think I have judged you all too harshly


people here will have a panic attack at the thought of speaking with women.


i beg to differ. Beauty is not exclusively a female assignment.

This. Its just indignation making the profit.

Most Tate supporters are older than you think.

This this and this

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