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I'm taking a trip to Sweden soon. What cool leftist things should I see and do while I'm there?


not leftist but maybe you can go to PewDiePie's childhood home?


free healthcare
public transportation


Meatballs, that is all.


listen to Euskefeurat and Höstorkestern
visit the Joe Hill museum in Gävle
visit book shops
how long are you staying? what part(s) of Sweden?


holy middle class


If I was going I would check out local metal scene.


Swedish society is as leftist as a capitalist society can be.


metal people are a bit of a mixed bag. punk people are a safe bet


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>what part(s) of Sweden?
i heard about the capital but everybody goes there, i want to visit sweden a bit more north


good choice. Norrland is by far more socialist than the south is, especially compared to St*ckholm aka Fjollträsk. Norrland is basically treated as a colony ("I Norrland hafva vi ett Indien")


>capital: neo-libral
>any other city outside the capital: concervatard
>remote and rural areas outside both: either socialist or where rightoids run away to.
why is every europoid country like this?


>any other city outside the capital: concervatard
this isn't true for cities in Norrland, especially Umeå which is pretty much the gommie center of Sweden. oh and Norrland also has the most guns per capita - roughly the same as the US last time I looked. the gun culture is also highly social and collective since it mostly revolves around moose hunting in large teams


good choice. Norrland is by far more socialist than the south is, especially compared to St*ckholm aka Fjollträsk. Norrland is basically treated as a colony ("I Norrland hafva vi ett Indien")

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