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Is it okay for romantic couples to be racist to each other?


nope. they made this illegal in south Africa and belize last december and July,there's been like 16 deaths from police having gun fights with the race fetishist. its mad F*ck


Holy shit I just googled it and that's actually a real country lmao 😭




Why are glownonymous so stupid


nah, but not bc im a snowflake, bu only bc this shit only happens in privlleged white neighborhoods. jus look at that girl on the right. not sure how many are fellow burgoids, but thats one of the whitest lookin black girls i eva seen, she's been bleached bra. im sure she's scared to even say uygha. when we allow this shit in our communities, it jus enables it and perpetuates the oppression, u wouldnt see this shit in black and brown neighborhoods, this sum white-picket-fence-south-carolina bullshit.


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>Is it okay for romantic couples to be




Man this is so cringe


I lived with an interracial couple for two years and the white guy was pretty obviously racist but I don't think his wife knew it. It was a weird thing to watch, he had kids with her and loved miscegenation jokes.


white racist male + minority group female relationships are always the wholesome tbh


The biological imperative to inseminate was greater than the spooks in his head


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only if the girl dommes


As with anything like this, racists and abusers will use it as a trojan horse to get away with fucked up things they want to do. At the same time, roleplay in the context of mutual consent and good communication can be therapeutic, and a good chunk of this kind of stuff is driven by people who identify with the "underdog" side of the roleplay and want to work on overcoming trauma or other complex emotions. I'd say you really should let people do what they want. The hard part is that there are power dynamics in relationships, especially when there's something like race in the mix.
>Is it okay for romantic couples to be racist to each other?
No, but it can be hard from the outside to tell what's being racist vs sharing a sense of edgy humor.

Made what illegal? Race fetishism? How does that even work?

This is a good point.

A lot of white people grow up fully immersed in racism and struggle to make sense of it. Being with a non-white person can be like an attempt at "compensating" for their culture or their own personal issues with it. A lot of white people do it explicitly to make their parents mad and find out that they actually are ok with it but still harbor a bunch of racist ideas that now sharply contradict the reality they're living.


Are you white or a poc?


Most people in interracial relationships are fucked up in the head and are racist funny enough.


all sexual fetishes are bourgeois decadence and funs who enjoy it will be shot on sight on the day of the wall


>muh d e g e n e r a c y
Go back to /pol/.


Why is this autosaged?


Based anon


>16 deaths from police having gun fights with the race fetishist


Racism implies by definition a feeling of superiority over another race, meaning that a racist believes their race is superior to others.
Many people in relations may feel superior to their partners based off of many factors, these people are assholes and not racists.
Racists would not intermarry for fear of rejection from their social group and in addition would probably never consider ostracization by way of "mixing" by choosing a partner out of their societal norm.
It seems like there is an inherited misunderstanding of the term racism throughout society.
If you want someone to be hurt and take pleasure at the sight of another's pain you are a sadist, if it is solely because that persons "race" is different from yours, you are a racist.

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