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>Deleted twitter account
>Ignoring online discourse
>Limiting engagement with online communities filled with antisocial misanthropes masquerading as normal


>antisocial misanthropes
Hi there


>what activities do you do instead?
>during those activities how often do you think about twitter, the online discourse and online communities filled with antisocial misanthropes masquerading as normal?


I still post on here and 4chan but I do the same. I stopped using twitter and other social media regularly and talk with my irl friend group instead and while my life is still far from perfect its a load off my mind.


Moving from twitter to fedi probably halved my blood pressure and doubled my attention span fr


Grow something.


real, grow mushrooms and sell them on archtyp


I managed to get two indoor tomato plants to grow over the winter. One thriving, one a twig but still alive kinda. Only difference was time it took to get them to a bigger pot.


sometimes i think of artists and uyghas i used to like seeing posts from and think of making another account then i remember how the most mundane tweet can get you bombarded by bored people and everything with how elon's running the site


Skill issue

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