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siberia archives

File: 1715019269393.png (196.08 KB, 1800x3389, 1714936053303.png)


Fill it out


Trump lost doe


File: 1715187723355.jpg (251.08 KB, 800x450, diesfromcringe.jpg)

<pondtriot frogposters get awarded a FREE trumpy bear (tm)


File: 1715214343094.jpeg (212.26 KB, 1125x1871, Shadowprez.jpeg)

Fake news. Trump is in his Shadowprez term, that began when "Biden" "won" the rigged 2020 election so that he can fight the Satanic Deep State.


>Staunch Zionist
>Hitler tier anti-immigration policies
>Old blabbering geezer clown
Biden has been more Trumpian than Trump himself but both Qtards and libtards would never admit to this.


you have no idea how deep the sorrow that filled my heart was when I realized this was about memes and not picking our favorite real frogs




File: 1715260239535.png (681.31 KB, 1896x921, 1715200898373.png)


please tell me this is ironic


holy cringe


File: 1715467110738-0.png (109.05 KB, 778x521, bipartisan32.png)

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File: 1715467110738-4.mp4 (14.77 MB, 720x720, BigClub.mp4)

Because these policies aren't merely "Trumpian" but nationalist/bourgeois in their character.


I hate frogposters.


for boys' club characters it only really comes down to Andy and Landwolf


Who's the one with the panel dedicated to him jacking off in the shower again?


The fuck am I looking at


File: 1715522428187.png (6.7 KB, 225x293, smug suwako froag.png)



What the fuck is this

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