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Legendary glow up. Some men just age like wine.


Lighting and filters.


also different angle


chvddie to sigma in 5 easy steps??


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>balding at like 21
>Complete bookworm
>Disgraced former aristocrat
>Really high pitched voice
>165cm/5'5'' tall
How tf did Lenin even hook up with a qt like Nadezhda???


Do communist women really date that far downwards? I need to join an org right away!!!


Now this is shitposting


He was.


He was part Kalmyk (Mongol [Asia]), Jew (Levantine [Asia]), Swedish (Nordic [Europe]), Russian (Slav [Europe]), and Chuvash (Turkic [Asia])


Whatever his makeup it was god tier. Using reddit speak was funny af



they were both incredibly autistic and political and possibly asexuals who got married because of late 19th century Russian social expectations


Holy shit I'm high, I was wondering why I can't understand their russian despite having a grasp of the language, then I realised Lenin's speaking english


Nonsense, krupskaya was just barren. Lenin and Krupskaya had lots of s*xo and even considered adopting but it wasn't meant to be.


>Lenin and Krupskaya had lots of s*xo


I was there and saw it all


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Lenin was alive for 19,620 days but wrote over 27,000 pages and 45 volumes of collected works that we know of, almost all of which were written during the latter half of his life, during which he was the most politically active and incredibly busy with work/revolution/war/administration/planning/debating/etc.

I can't imagine vladimir lenin liking sex or having time for it. honestly. the dude had too much discipline for earthly enjoyments. He spoke 4 languages fluently and could read/write in 11 languages.


>he doesn't know about patrick stewart playing lenin


young lenin looked like shit.


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He did the Hunter Eyes Exercise.


he mewed and did hunter eyes simultaneously. this caused all mensheviks to spontaneously combust


>i'm st-studying le hunter eyes b-baka!
weird excuse to look into mens' eyes


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get ready for cringe takes


From Service's biography:

"[Nadezhda] wrote back to her mother-in-law, barely eight months after the marriage, stating: ‘As regards my health, I’m completely healthy, but as regards the arrival of a little bird, there unfortunately things are bad; there is no sign of a little bird planning to come.’[59] The ‘little bird’ was the hoped-for pregnancy."


samefag sorry. i NEED an autist gf


i wish i remember that reddit copypasta about an autistic guy discovering that dating autistic girls is like 10x easier than dating neurotypical girls (trvthnvke btw)


So was Lenin some kind of celebrity in the commie scene because of his brother's execution? Did Nadezhda get together with him for clout?


Lenin's brother was part of a Narodnik (i.e. "populist" agrarian, neither socialist or anarchist) plot to blow up the tsar's carriage. The plot was foiled and many of the conspirators were jailed, or executed. The tsar pardoned some of them, but not Lenin's older brother. He was hung. Lenin was a boy at the time. His family was ostracized by the local community for what his brother did, and it gave him a bit of a chip on his shoulder, and also radicalized him in a different direction from his brother. Liberal historians tend to focus on this part of Lenin's life a lot because it makes for an interesting great man story. This guy got so mad about his brother's execution that he sought revenge for decades became le 1st dictator of le totalitarian regime, etc. etc. I once saw a history channel documentary literally describe lenin this way without mentioning his theories.


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This one? Reddit user "Warm Pissu" has an autistic gf and you don't, what's your excuse?


OK but you did not answer the question.


Sorry I was indirect. I meant to say no, lenin was not popular because of his brother, but in spite of his brother. his brother was a narodnik martyr, not a bolshevik martyr.


also Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov went under the Lenin pseudonym precisely so people would not know he was that guy.


>eddit user "Warm Pissu" has an autistic gf and you don't, what's your excuse?
i have a wife, not a gf


>Some men just age like wine.
not after 3 strokes


Squintmaxxed capitalcel running intellectualtheory. Interesting combo, there's hope for us, bros.


>He did the Hunter Eyes Exercise.
For 27 years?


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I'm jelly af rn


I dated a girl who blamed her lying and mind game playing on her medically diagnosed autism.

That's a bunch of bullshit lol.


I think she had BPD not autism bro


>capable of mind games
lollll im with >>531202


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He always looked good


they made lenin have that deep MLK baritone when all the recordings of him sound rather normal pitched


This isn't proof. Lenin's mom probably wanted a grandchild, but Lenin/Krupskaya were probably too busy/autistic/asexual for all that work, and lied to the wannabe grandparents that they were barren, like all busy/autistic/asexual couples do when hounded to produce children.


You're no fun.


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>Holy shit I'm high, I was wondering why I can't understand their russian despite having a grasp of the language, then I realised Lenin's speaking english



I NEED an autist gf, I NEED autist sex.


Krupskaya has gay face. Lenin was the beard.


they were both each others' beards


I want to go back in time and big spoon lenin while he naps between writing furious polemics and entertaining political exiles


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young lenin be like


I don't think lenin was sexually active, sleeping around can easily be used by political rivals as blackmail.


anyone got the vid where it's just this pic and the audio is someone moaning "vlad"? Saw it on here a while back


is that luke smith? no wonder he went bald he's ugly as shit


>Really high pitched voice
not true


how the fuck is >>532314 ugly?
Hes hella cute


You're insane he looks like shit. The fuck is that Mr. Beaver ass beard


>Holy shit I'm high, I was wondering why I can't understand their russian despite having a grasp of the language, then I realised Lenin's speaking english


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>he doesn't know about Fall of Eagles Lenin Episodes

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