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"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1715025928549.png (1.2 MB, 1907x2048, 1715025510995.png)


me on the under


me in Blackalunya's hand


holy… -and i cannot stress this enough-… BASED


File: 1715030358861.webm (2.88 MB, 256x384, alunyatheme.webm)

>blacc alunya


File: 1715034962234.png (1.29 MB, 1907x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

'twas missing a certain je ne sais quois


File: 1715035187343.jpg (191.83 KB, 1907x2048, GM3I1WRXgAA1T0i.jpg)

Can you edit the chinletjak face in that picture for this one?
(that chinlet looks better)


File: 1715035623588.png (1.32 MB, 1907x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

here you go fam



Tomi Sankitty


Scott ritter got me thinking earlier today. Volunteering to fight for other nations than our own is the behavior of someone who only wants to kill, because their allegiances require them to serve another country than our own and because they explicitly know from the start that they're going to fight for people they've probably never met before. He says mercenaries are included in this group as well. But what about people who want to fight for the liberation of slaves or poor people or oppressed ethnic groups? Adventurism is a real problem, so i think volunteers for other countries from dixie should work exclusively for a mercenary cooperative that our country owns and operates but profits off of negotiating defense contracts with other countries we have ideological sympathies for, so that our country benefits financially from the liberation of the global proletariat.


Will you cosplay as Alunya for us?


> and because they explicitly know from the start that they're going to fight for people they've probably never met before.

That is how any war works. You go there, work for people you never met, fight against people you never knew, and kill people who did nothing to you. That is not even a "liberal view" of war, is just a straight fact.


Maybe in a few years if i can end up looking like her.


You don't have to look just like a character to cosplay as them.


perhaps not, but i dont even know how to do my own makeup so cosplay is out of the question


Nice, Post it in >>>/draw/ too


what country is brown alunya from




File: 1715064366515.mp4 (38.32 MB, 400x266, willich.mp4)

> But what about people who want to fight for the liberation of slaves or poor people or oppressed ethnic groups?
August Willich pilled


Blacc Alunya's booba shinier, I prefer blacc Alunya.


File: 1715068421465.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.04 MB, 255x260, 1694360657461.gif)


File: 1715071471159.mp4 (3.77 MB, 1280x696, 1702834692110-3.mp4)


File: 1715151484345.png (1.31 MB, 1907x2048, 1715127316643.png)


File: 1715168497653.png (679.06 KB, 1024x1024, P9KdzN3nRbCTLXKeeEWiqQ.png)



not bad for AI. Though her deciding to sandwich her left hand between the two legs is funny


the last one is just frank from always sunny with one of his whoores.


first one would be so based if she was also choking him to death with her tail


what model is this


not the anon but I'm guessing Dall-E3



is there a single one of these worth a damn that doesn't require a glowgle account or an dicksword account?


We back at basic short skirt saucy objectification? dgaf, just checking.


Stable diffusion run on your own PC with proper models can give you quality pictures but its takes effort.


Motherfucker looks like Stephen Colbert lol


File: 1715318950263.png (167.44 KB, 268x447, ClipboardImage.png)

he finally got the fabled two scoops


This is starting to have Ugly Bastard hentai vibes.

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