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"No chin, no right to speak."
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Still need to figure out how I got so bland as a human being over the past years. Did leaving all online platforms except for this sole imageboard make me this way? Am I just on too many meds and need to go off of them? Did trying to "go normal" and socialize IRL where my personality got lost? Is this just a consequence of becoming an aging shut-in? I need to figure this out because I am dying.


It's because you're always posting the same gachimuchi reaction images. Get some new material.


It's my first time posting Gachimuchi.


Are you figuratively or literally dying?

Because if you're literally dying, I don't know having a bland personality would be at the top of my concerns.


File: 1715053791700.png (90.6 KB, 1024x1008, ClipboardImage.png)

We're all literally dying.


are you me lol

>get told to rejoin social media to make e-friends again

<try out twitter
>dont know what to talk about
<try out d*scord
>dont know what servers to join or what to say
<try out tumblr
>dont know what to post

ive become incredibly shallow and empty in many senses. no hobbies or skills. and i really dont want to become another annoying marxist theory-head online


It's because you are masking. You have to unmask.


I hate that you're probably right, in a way, lmao. I think I might be deeply scared of rejection and shame.


lmfao I love you comrade but you're being retarded

>Did leaving all online platforms except for this sole imageboard make me this way

that is probably part of it, this place has so little dynamism and novelty now, so it's not going to be as stimulating or growing to you
>Did trying to "go normal" and socialize IRL
Also yes probably, because it means you just don't have many opportunities to express lots of things that you previously enjoyed (internet and politics stuff)
>Is this just a consequence of becoming an aging shut-in?
absolutely lmao, go out and find real activities that you feel are meaningful and enjoyable, and people who will do them with you and can talk about the things you enjoy. Thats the only way to not be stagnant and feel boring. Life is a game and you're on the sidelines commenting on it more than living it

Girl you should KNOW by now that the exact thing you're afraid of is the thing you need to confront. Be an annoying marxist theory-head. Maybe not online… but go be that annoying told-ya-so-ing, philosophizing, moralizing, shit-stirring, current events knowing, opinion having lefty that triggers people so much



Wonderful news

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